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Posts posted by KittenHeart

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
    Oh... so helpful! Thanks. And I might just pass some replies your way to get your advice so beware what you offer a girl. wacko.gif

    About the vase comment you just made. I'm totally thinking of DIY centerpieces but my idea also involves floating candles/flowers/vase etc. My big concern was trying to bring DOWN a bunch of vases. You can rent the vases just by themselves? Would you mind me asking how much they charged you or if you wouldn't mind sharing any info they gave you on vases? Renting would be sooo much easier! My email is [email protected] if that's easier. TIA.

    Thanks! That's VERY helpful info. That's how I feel, that I might not get the whole package but maybe some part of it. Did you have your TA dealing with the WC from Karisma? So far my TA basically says that I'm supposed to deal with the WC by myself and that she doesn't usually get involved in that part of it. She just strictly does the travel planning part. This wouldn't bother me so much (because really I like to do things myself and trust myself more than I trust her) if I didn't feel like her pressure and input might have more influence than mine because she's part of the whole industry?!?!

    Any advice? I will definitely take AmyKH's words to heart and assume that Carolina has my back and will do her best to get me a great deal. I'm just worried that my TA might need to be involved too. Thus far, she hasn't been much (other than me cc'ing her on emails).
    I'll PM you regarding the vases :)

    Yeah your TA & WC don't work together until the very end when they coordinate the rooming list to your details spreadsheet.

    Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
    Thanks for the advice. I've been trying to go the route of telling and not asking and it seems to work but the negotiating? Not so much.

    I may take you up on this (toss of replies) if you don't mind. I'm going to reach out to my TA 1st and see what she can do if anything.

    I actually have the Pearl Package and the Sky Deck.
    Don't give up girl! Everything can be negotiated, don't be mean (not that you would) but it's instinct to get pushy or rude and that doesn't work. I'm in sales and I'll work my butt off for someone that's not an ahole to me but treats me like a human being instead of someone who works for them. If someone's an ahole, my commission on the sales just seems like it doesn't even matter anymore and I don't care if they get the product... people get me on their team to help them, golden, I'll take perfect care of them forever. This is how Kiara and I worked out, the two of us were a team. I'd ask how her weekend was, send her pictures of me on Halloween and she'd do the same back, we became friends, she really is a great girl but she get's freaked out and yelled at by brides every day, so if you don't stand out, you're just another bride to tiptoe around.

    Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
    I just wanted to point out how much I learn on here....

    I was watching Top Chef Wednesday and saw the seasoning that AmyB is using for her AHR! Never heard of or saw it before this. I think it's because I'm from NO and we have our own local seasoning. Who knows?

    And, I watched Big Brother Wednesday (or maybe it was Tuesday) and one of the houseguests was trying to spell journeyman to win a challenge. I was like "I know what that is now!!" It's sad how the silly things make me happy these days.
    This is hysterical!! I love it! I too on Thursday came over my BF's house to make shrimp & veggie kabobs and she pulled out Old Bay and said "use this" and I immediately think of Amy of course and I was like, "what, you've NEVER used this before" she's like, "I know I just bought it!" Seriously we've been cooking with each other once a week for 12 years and this is the first time she's ever used it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
    I'm pretty sure they changed that...because I think I was told that I was able to change my wedding package up until final payment was due.

    Were you able to do build your own AND still do the Sky Deck?
    Oh thatâ€s good!

    Yes I was, I had the free sweet wedding package and the Sky Deck, it was ideal! Do they still require you to get the Silver Package for the SkyDeck?

    Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
    Thanks for this advice. I didn't want to become pushy, but I will become politely pushy to save money and contribute those funds to other wedding related expenses. I have been quite timid throughout this process thus far because I didn't know what to expect and this truly feels like unchartered waters. I'm taking copious notes to get these plans all right. I just wish everything was more fluid and consistant and their answers were solid. But I digress, it will all work out!

    Thanks for sharing this! I will be using this sentence as I downgrade my way into the free sweet wedding package. :-)
    Just try not to get frustrated and treat your WC like sheâ€s on your side and youâ€re both together battling Lomaâ€s (thatâ€s how it ended up with Kiara & I) she helped me out SO much I invited her to my wedding, LOL  If you can get the two of you teamed up against them, they donâ€t stand a chance, so to speak. Be very polite, clear and determined with your wishes to your WC, just know that that is the person that speaks to your vendors on your behalf. Lots of photos help and follow up with stuff, ask for dimensions and photos etc. I asked for months to get the dimensions of the vases I was renting, only to get them a few months before my wedding to find out that they were FAR too small. Iâ€m glad I persisted heavily on this or else I would have been very disappointed that my orchids stems would be shooting out of the vase, not submerged and no floating candle because the opening was too small.

    Toss any replies up here or PM them to me and Iâ€ll give you examples of what I would say back if you want :)

    Also, you wonâ€t have any trouble with hurricanes at the end of May, I promise, youâ€re in the clear!

    Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
    Thanks. This is a great reminder.

    oh gosh - don't get me started on my TA... she is NOT going to get my recommendations after this I don't think. She is not going above and beyond by ANY stretch. (grr. Sorry ladies; I'm trying really hard not to have a crusty day... not much luck tho)
    Youâ€re welcome :)

    If you donâ€t like your TA now, it only gets worse. My biggest regrets was not switching TAâ€s when I originally wanted to and gave him “another chance†like my DH suggested. So if youâ€re unhappy, switch now!
  3. Oh oh oh and didn't someone mention that you can't switch packages? I don't know how I managed this but when I booked, I originally booked the Silver Package (as a pre-requisite to getting the Sky Deck) and then switched to the free package with no problem at all, I just told them I'd rather build my own wedding and boom, done. That all may have changed by now, anything's possible I'm tellin' ya!

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
    This is exactly why you need to become a wedding planner in Mexico! Can you imagine? You and hubby could live on the beach and you could spend all day planning fantastic weddings for all us DW brides. I need you on my team!!!

    HAHA! I hope I didnâ€t come off too pushy, these freakin†people sometimes are just so rote about the rules and nothing seems contiguous so I figured, eff it, Iâ€m spending a lot, Iâ€m bringing them a ton of business, Iâ€m gonna get what I want. The key was being vague and overly nice. Iâ€d love to plan your weddings, I want to get into it, just donâ€t know where to start! I think you need someone to fight for you and work out the logistics, how fabulous would it be if all you brides could just sit at home crafting and creating your beautiful day instead of having to argue with the rules and whatnot.

    Thanks Amy! I used to love those shows too and they too used to have me sucked in. :-) I can't watch too many of them though because I become overly cynical and make all these pessimistic comments during the show. LOL I sit there and dissect every little thing and I make comments like, "That's so fake or That is not real!" It drives FI nuts to listen to my commentary when he's trying to watch TV! LOL For instance, I can't watch any CSI's AT ALL! When they take a fingerprint and pull up a person's location and personal history on a large screen pc in 10 seconds, I always laugh! But I do dig Locked Up and I am a First 48 groupie!!! LOL

    Oh and thanks for the info on the hurricane season, how naive of me to not research this. :-( All will be wonderful though!

    Youâ€re welcome! Haha, man Iâ€d do the same thing if I were you! CSI is totally unrealistic but back in the day, good stuff! I love the First 48 too, I get so frustrated when they donâ€t catch them =/

    Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
    Okay help me understand the process here please.....I thought we had to finalize all of our details and payments with the Miami WC's prior to arriving? Is Kiara at AS or in Miami? I thought AS WC's had no say about prices and that was all solidified prior to our arrival. Help me understand here please, because I'm ready to start negotiating! ;-)
    Kiara is a WC in Miami, offsite, you do have to finalize everything with your offsite coordinator, basically filling out the spreadsheet which you can ask them to send you at any time. I saw like 50 different version of my spreadsheet. Kiara in Miami negotiated with Lomas for all the stuff I mentioned before. The onsite wedding coordinator canâ€t change prices but know youâ€ll be working with people from Lomas as your onsite coordinator. So work it all out with your offsite coordinator BEFORE you get there.

    Be vague and know that they are working for you. Tell them what you want. I told them I wanted the free wedding package and they gave it to me no questions asked. Donâ€t ask their opinion too much, theyâ€re opinion isnâ€t the cheapest route. Iâ€d trust Kiara because she was amazing and really gave it to me straight and worked hard for me. I didnâ€t tell her details and she didnâ€t ask. Iâ€m also pretty sure that anyone could just walk onto the property and no one would stop them and ask for a day pass. For restaurants they just ask for a room number and your name, no wristband or anything, pretty laid back there. For integrity purposes I donâ€t recommend cheating them persay, I was honest and paid my vendor fees but they donâ€t need to know any more than that. I was quoted $250 for my Manzanita branch, I could have bought a Manzanita TREE for that price. I told Kiara, “no way, write them back and tell them I just bought one in downtown LA for $10â€

    Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
    I think it has to do with the different tour operators that book the trips from the 2 different countries. But seriously, why would they be almost identical packages but only the USA one was available at AS?!
    Thatâ€s SOOO stupid… ugh.

    Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
    Great advice! Question I just checked to see if you did a Review post cut couldn't find it. Can you tell me how DJ Mannia was? I have been emailing them.
    Iâ€m behind, I need to do my review! DJ Mannia was good, he played a few songs I asked not to but it really wasnâ€t a big deal. They brought lights and set everything up and even brought a separate MC for announcements. I even found an expired promo for them and asked them if theyâ€d extend it to me, which they didnâ€t but they discounted me a little just for asking, never hurts to ask :)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
    Ok, so I'm gonna talk about the photography thing, because it doesn't seem fair to me, and since I'm no longer staying at Azul Beach, I want to make sure the other brides are informed.

    Basically, I was told that I had to use either the resort photographers (which I didn't really like) or bring someone from the states with me and pay for 3 nights minimum. I was NOT allowed to use a local photographer from Mexico. I was told this was due to the contract they had with the resort photographers.

    I put up quite a fuss, as I really didn't like the resort photogs and felt like I was being steamrolled into using them. Plus, my contract didn't say anything about a minimum stay; it did, however, say there was a $500 fee to use an "outside" vendor, but that the vendor had to be approved by the resort first. So basically, they wouldn't approve anyone but their own photographers. After pointing out this discrepancy on the contract, Tiffany allowed me to choose a photographer off of an "extended list" that they use for their El-Dorado resorts. One of them was Claudia Rodriguez (who is fantastic!) so I chose her. She's moving over the Barcelo Maya Palace instead, and her rates are lower for that resort.

    I have NO idea why they would allow certain photogs for some of their resorts but not others. I just want to make sure that any brides that are thinking of booking at AB or AS are aware of the policy before they sign their contract, so they can decide if it's worth it to them.

    I still think both resorts are fantastic, but their photog policy kinda sucks (in my opinion)
    This is the thing with this... it's not even really that true. Their policy is fluff and each WC for Karisma says a different thing. Amy Frommert (Afrommert) was told she couldn't have a DJ from Mexico, I hired DJ Mannia from Mexico and there was no issue and our weddings were months apart. I was nervous when I told the onsite coordinators about him but they accommodated him with no question and even let him onsite for a few hours the day prior to pick out his spot at my reception and he was treated wonderfully. I did pay the $500 outside vendor fee, but I'm POSITIVE after having been there now that you could hire a Mexican photographer, whoever you wanted for that matter. Do you really think that your photographer is going to show up at your resort ON your wedding day and they are going to say, “Oh youâ€re Mexican, sorry leave.†No way, thatâ€s just not going to happen.

    Know this AS/AB ladies, when you work with your coordinator whoever they are, never ASK, never! Just tell them, "I'm bringing an outside DJ & Photographer, please make note on my details sheet" they don't need details they donâ€t need names or the color of your vendorâ€s skin.

    Another example, I wanted chiavari chairs, they quoted me and I said, "no, that's too pricey" and Kiara negotiated them down twice for me to an actual reasonable price for the chairs and pads on them. I got my cake negotiated cheaper as well. We negotiated my manzanita branch down 4 times as well. Managed to get my reception area approved regardless of the fact that didn't meet the minimum requirement of guests.

    Just know that the outside WC's jobs are to control and coerce you into using their vendors since they make more money that way but once you get to the resort, they pretty much won't say no and they truly bend over backwards for you.

    My whole philosophy while planning my wedding was to not really pay too much attention to the offsite WC, I knew if I was told something couldn't be done, I'd hold my tongue and mention it onsite, I got everything I wanted and more. So chin up girls, if you want it, know that it can be done!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
    Same boat! I've been ordering stuff for the OOT bags and decorations and favors and whenever a box comes he gets excited and says "oooh what's that?" Then he says that's nice what are you going to do with it. I say WE'RE putting these in the OOT bags. He just says oh ok and when another box comes the cycle starts again. Whenever I did ask his opinion he would say "what do you think" and that starts an argument because I say if I wanted to decide I wouldn't have asked you. So I've learned to just run things by him and say this is what we're doing and he says ok. He's very visual so nothing is really real to him until he sees it.
    Haahaa!! Day and I work together so every time Iâ€d get a box at work, which literally averaged out to 1 a day for the last 2 months, heâ€s ay “what NOW!?â€

    I should mention that any crafting stuff he was totally hands on! We DIYâ€d our STDâ€s which were a prooooccess and he really put in some work. He put together all the throwie lights, cut all the menuâ€s and stuff. So just no real creative help I guess.

    Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
    Ladies I need some advice!

    I had contacted Del Sol about to be our Photographers, but just received an email that they do not accept bookings at Karisma Hotels. I'm super disappointed... Anyone have any photographer recs with a similar style? More photojournalistic I guess, rather than the more traditional approach? TIA
    Yeah something happened between Karisma & Del Sol because Del Sol heavily boycotts the Karisma resorts. My photographer did a photojournalist take on my Vegas wedding and half traditional, half photojournalistic style for my Mexican wedding if you want to check out my Vegas pictures to get an idea, let me know and Iâ€ll send them to you.

    Otherwise you can check him out Chris Schmitt Chris Schmitt Photography | Intro if you mention you know me, heâ€ll hook you up! Weâ€ve become friends since working together, heâ€s an amazing guy and hugely talented. Heâ€s shot a few of us BDW brides actually and already has been to AS twice!

    Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
    Del Sol stopped accepting Karisma b/c Karisma stopped accepting them.

    It sounds like Azul/Karisma is relaxing their Mexican Photographer policy. Or at least that's what some of the past few pages of posts have seemed to me, so I would suggest you ask your WC what the current policy is and if you can use them specifically.

    I thought AmyF's photo had a Del Sol look too. You can always tells your photog you want more of a photo-journalistic approach.
    Thanks Amy, thatâ€s a compliment!!

    As much as I complained about DH not being involved in any of the wedding plans' date=' I would have gone crazy if it were the other way and he was in my face with his opinion all the time. QUOTE']

    I agree, I canâ€t complain too much, he would have driven me INSANE if he ever argued with what I wanted to tried to push in his own creative side… yeah no.

    Liked your photographer & your photo! I hope you win!!!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
    Thanks ladies....well here it goes. Let me know what you think:
    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.
    I like the 1st one better but we'll probably use the second for chapsticks and things like that.
    Great job Amanda! I love both, I'd definitely use them for different things.

    Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
    Question for everyone.....what did FI do during the planning process? I like being involved in everything ( I like making the calls..emails...the forums...looking things up) but I am NOT Type A at all...the other day he asks what he can do...and I was kind of t a blank...I let hom start looking for clothes for him and GMs...what else are "safe" things for him to do?
    Hmmm freaking NOTHING! OMG, I couldn't even fathom what I would have done if DH had asked what he could do unsolicited or without tears coming first. I'm pretty type A so I did most everything myself and just ran things by him. I'd narrow it down to a few options and see what he thought but ultimately decide myself. He didn't agree with me on quite a few things... until we got there.

    His reaction to the wedding, ceremony, reception and everything was ALMOST as if he were a guest to it. I remember him telling me, "Wow, Amy, this is unbelieveable! You did a great job, I love it all, I didn't even realize how amazing it was." Mmmmhmmm. My husband, a guest at our own wedding.

    That's our relationship though, I'm more controlling and in charge so he kinda has to be like that. Delegate to friends you trust, they were the best!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cougs View Post
    haha NERD! i love it! i think T might divorce me if he ever caught me doing that! wink.gif

    MY BOOKS ARRIVED TODAY! woot.gif now i just have to try not to read them before vacation, since that's what i bought them for! i have 10 days at a lake house in the poconos coming, and the books look like really quick reads.
    Ahhh so jelly!!! I want mine too!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
    I'm right there with you! I'll be eligible for retirement when I turn 46 and I'm already pondering the courses I will be taking in photography and graphic design! I plan to go back and get another degree and possibly even go to law school to do pro bono work for abused women. It's really sad that I am already thinking of retirement, but it is honestly the only thing that gets me through some days. :-)

    The hours are the worst part about the job. Criminals don't commit crimes 8-5pm, so basically we work when they work more often than not. This causes me alot of internal conflict because I would much rather be with my family at night after dinner than putting on my gear to head out the door. There is a saying in Federal law enforcement, "If Uncle Sam wanted you to have a family, he would have issued you one with your gear bag." My second gripe about it is that although it is 2010, women still have to work twice as hard (if not 3x's) to prove themselves in this male dominated field. You need to be able to shoot just as good as them, be willing to go through a door with or before one of them, and basically just overall hold your own. It's sad, but if they smell weakness, they will exploit it. And my last complaint is that it just doesn't jive with my personality some times. I'm pretty bubbly and outgoing and this work place is a very quasi-military profession and there are rules and policies in place to protect you and the citizen's rights. You make one wrong move and you can throw your whole career down the tubes. There's a lot of pressure to be perfect and that is unattainable to me. I basically supress who I really am during work hours to fit the mold of being boring, by the book, and bland. If you ever watch the Cop shows on TV, none of them really have hobbies or personal lives, it's all about the job. That is one thing I can say is modeled accurately about the profession in TV shows.

    Is Memorial Day Weekend the start of hurricane season?
    Wow, that's so exciting... retirement at 46 I would have a field day with that one!

    I could totally see how that would be, primarily former military, mostly men and having to not "show your weakness" so to speak with being bubbly and trying to get them to view you as one of them instead of being a woman or having to treat you differently etc.
    If it's any consolation at all, I absolutely admire and respect you. I have always been fascinated by that field and am addicted to crime/cop shows etc. All D and I have been watching for the last two days are Locked Up, Locked up Abroad and Drugs Inc. haha so fascinating! I love seeing the process and learning the logistics of it all and procedure.
    The hours do sound terrible though, once I'm home, I'm home and no work will happen which is the perk of my job, there's no weekend work ever so I'm lucky.

    The official Atlantic hurricane season is from June 1st - November 30th

    Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
    Regarding the WC's I don't know what is up but I don't think Tiffany left. I say that because the last I heard from her was right before the July 4th weekend and she told me she was off on Friday and would not be responding. I followed up with her all week the next week and nothing. Then I learned I have someone new. If she was leaving on her own and it was planned, wouldn't she say something? That and she was nearly impossible to deal with...very unorganized, never answered all of my questions, so slow to respond...so maybe they are cleaning house a bit? But will 150 brides each, they need some new planners....Amy, I think we found a way for you to work less hours! :)

    I leave tomorrow night on a red eye to Baltimore. Heading home for a weekend full of activities including my son's 1st birthday party and my bridal shower brunch. Should be a lot of fun but I am already dreading all that travel and all the events in just 3 days. Wish me luck.
    HAHA, you think I'd work less? I'd say, more hours, but BETTER hours working doing something I enjoy. I love frantic stressful non-stop work, mediocre, averaged paced work I just can't do.

    Have fun! Sounds like a great time! :)

    Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
    Yeah. I work overnight 7 days and I'm off 7 days so it's not so bad. I like having the set schedule and I get differentials. Otherwise, I would rotate and work 6:30-3, 9-5:30 or 1-9:30 and that's too random for me. Plus I like the fact that I essentially work like 14 or so days a month but get paid full time pay. Sometimes it's hard for me to get back in the swing of sleeping when most people do and that kinda drives FI crazy but it's that or take a pay cut.
    Crazy, yeah I think you have a pretty sweet deal. 7 days off! I'd have to keep the same hours too, that would really mess up my body clock if they kept switching it up on me.

    Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
    So I guess my question now is, how and when do we find out who our new WC is? Will they respond to Cecile's email or will they notify our TA who will in turn notify us?
    They will let you know via your TA or you can contact Fabio
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post
    I REALLY want kids! And honestly, cannot imagine NOT having one! But I totally understand a couples choice not to have kids...it's a HUGE commitment & responsibility & it definitely restricts your life enormously!

    My confession: I only have 2 girlfriends in the area (long story short I moved recently) & neither one of them want children...so I'm afraid of being friendless when I have a kid because I won't really have that in common with them sad.gif
    Oh I wouldn't worry about that at all! My BF is the only of of our group of friends, LARGE group that even has kids... she got pregnant on the young side and she's made so many other random friends from daycare etc. that she hangs out with so don't even worry about now having friends with kids, you'll find soome
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
    Glad to hear soemone is hearing back from her....I sent my deposit in about 10 days ago and have emailed a couple of times to make sure it was recieved (since they haven't charged my card yet) and I can't get a response....
    Haha, well we actually became friends and it was a personal email buuuuuttt she did mention that she now has 150 brides... so don't be too hard on her, I couldn't even IMAGINE dealing with that many of us wink.gif

    Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
    I'm a Critical Care Nurse, I work nightshift and have a different schedule every week, which is why I have a hard time keeping up with this thread regularly!

    I also have an almost-one-year-old son!
    That's awesome!

    Aww wow, you're a busy girl!

    Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
    Thanks to everyone for comments on my save-the-dates, you made me blush:embarrass:

    I actually downloaded the template from The Wedding Chicks Blog for FREE!!! They have free personalized downloads and DIY stuff, and their website is so cute.

    I ordered the STDs from Vistaprint.com after signing up for their emails like the ladies on BDW recommended and only paid $5 to download the template and shipping. I got 100 post cards for free!

    We wrote a cute message on the back, and sent them out without envelopes like regular postcards.
    Super cute, love it, great turnout and totally economical!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
    Haha no worries Amy, I'm not freaked out! Actually, more rural and low-key sounds perfect to me! I want to pretty much lay by the pool, maybe do some snorkeling/scuba diving, and enjoy being married to my husband...oh, and unlimited alcohol will help wink.gif
    Oh good! Yeah if that's what you're looking for it will be PERFECT! Don't get me wrong... I loved Cozumel when I was there. There are donkey's on the street as transportation, amazing :)

    Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
    We now Have Faye as well! My TA likes her but i haven't had a dealing with her yet. I just found out today.

    OK Ladies I NEED TO VENT! Deep Breath
    Long story short - I had reserved thru Cecila May 30th for my date but not put down the $200. My TA and FMIL were going back and forth between 2 resorts AS and The Royal Cancun. Unfortunately when you accept other people's $$ towards paying for the wedding you have to play nice and my FMIL being a former TA wanted to make sure we got the best deal. (She really did get us an awesome rate). Well for one reason or another that I do not know nor care at this point. All the dates for Memorial Day Weekend and the weekend before are now booked for AS. I lost the 30th. Cecila is gone. This all went down this morning. I had a minor freakout (possibly due to the fact that I am control freak and felt like things were out of control). After calming down, talking to the FI, Talking to my mom, talking FMIL I have a new WC (Faye) New wedding date (May 15th 2011) and feel back to normal. I really wanted May 30th but oh well. This morning was basically throw money at the 15th and see if it sticks. I will know for 100% sure in 24 hours. My FMIL and TA got Fabio on a call and basically got it done. AS was really understanding of my problem but booked is booked. It's our own fault for not putting the $200 down in the first place.
    WHEW - Thanks! I just had to get it all out and type it to feel better.
    NOTE: Ladies of Memorial Day weekend 2011 - I am sad we won't get to do that shot together. Also a word of warning. According to Fabio and Faye Thursday May 26th - Mon May 30th are BOOKED Solid with brides. They also said that there were some big groups. I would make sure your TA's and guest know that resort is going to be full that weekend and it's probably a good idea for guests to book ASAP. Again I am hearing this 3rd hand from my TA but might be something to be aware of.

    Is Anyone else getting married on the weekend of May 13 - 15 2011?

    Thanks for letting me get that all out. Good news I am offically (in 24hours when they email me confirmation) A Paying AS BRIDE!!!! YEAH! I am so excited!
    Whoa! Well crisis averted! I think AmyB had a memorial day weekend wedding and AB booked up waaay in advance. Memorial Day in Mexico is a very popular time.
  13. Aww, thank you Stacey! She's super sweet, I told her I'd love to have a girls day wine tasting if I make it up towards her. I think you guys doing it was such a good idea!


    I'm glad that the books are better, I absolutely LOVE a good book series, esp about hot vamps and weres!


    Jenn - I will PM it to you, I don't want to ruin anything for others!

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
    Eek! Seriously? That kind of makes me nervous. FI and I are staying at Cozumel Palace for our HM...my TA said it was a really nice resort, and I know FI wanted to get some diving in (I'm kind of scared to scuba, but I told him I'd get certified with him because he's really excited about it)

    Of course...hopefully we won't be leaving the hotel room much anyway...hee hee.
    I just googled it and saw photos, it looks gorgeous and has great reviews, I wouldn't be worried. Sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out! It's a much more rural area than Cancun/Riveria Maya that's really all I was saying. It's PERFECT for diving, the water is some of the best in the world! I saw a GIAAANTTT Sting Ray when snorkeling, so crazy.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by **~Jenn~** View Post
    Not sure who he was referring to, but the only character that you would know from the TV series that Dies in the books, is still alive in the series. In the books, he's not important (& not in the TV show either in my opinion..lol)
    I don't think he ruined anything for you. I am excited for you to read the books though!! They are really quick reads!!!

    Ummm Alcide with NO shirt onhuh.gif How Hot is hehuh.gif?? I would have been like, "Bill who?" lol
    It's funny a co-worker texted me later that night and was like... "did D say that ____ died!?" He was all upset too, D needs to shut his mouth. Grrr, anyways I am going to buy the books still, I'm pretty sure he's right but oh well.

    Bill who indeed!!!

    Originally Posted by miss_delerium View Post
    Ha ha...when FI and I were watching that episode and Alcide's like, "you probably want some privacy right now." And Sookie goes, "That's the last thing I want." And Alcide says something like, "Well I'll at least go put a shirt on." And I said out loud, "That's the last thing I want!" LOL FI just rolled his eyes and goes, "easy over there." Lol
    LOL! I said the EXACT same thing and D just gave me a look, haha!
  16. You girls have been chatty!


    Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
    I think I just think that way of Cancun in general....What was the main difference between the 2 resorts?

    btw..just friend requested you on facebook...I swear I'm not a stalker..just figured you would have more wedding pics on there :)

    Yeah, itâ€s definitely only like that during spring break from what Iâ€ve seen. Iâ€ve been to Cancun in March & May and never experienced that “Spring Break†mode that I see on MTV 


    Ohhhh I was wondering who friend requested me! I have less wedding photos on FB than I do on my links since I havenâ€t gotten my disk of all my photos yet. Have you seen my photogs blog or any other links? There are tons of friend photos up there though.


    Originally Posted by LMMDC View Post
    FI and I are thinking about Cozumel for our "honeymoon". Has anyone been and have suggestions on places to stay?
    Iâ€ve been to Cozumel for a day snorkel trip. Itâ€s very small, the water is unbelievable but I wouldnâ€t recommend staying there from what Iâ€ve heard. My photographer stayed out there a few days to snorkel before I arrived in Mexico and he said a “5 star resort†out there is more like a 2 star. Just less bang for your buck I guess.


    Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
    Thanks Amy....lime green it is.


    I'm a Federal Agent, but normally just refer to myself as a Cop because it just sounds so condescending and formal, which is not me at all. I don't like it, but I started young and have 14 years left until retirement, so I just focus on the sliver lining. I also feel bad complaining about a job in this economy when so many are without.

    Thatâ€s awesome!!!! I actually said “whoa cool!†when I read this. May I ask why you donâ€t like it? Just seems like a really interesting job, always different and unique and fighting crime so to speak. OMG I sound like a little kid…


    Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
    I requested the same thing but was told that the sky deck was for wedding ceremonies only. I would still ask if I were you, maybe they'll tell you something different.


    With all your creativity? I'm sure you can!!


    I'm a pharmacist at a hospital out here and I think you all know I work overnight.


    Call me a dummy, but what's a journeyman?

    Yeah, I inquired too about having my cocktail hour up there immediately following my ceremony up there and they wouldnâ€t let me.


    Thanks, when it comes to getting my way, Iâ€m pretty good at it wink.gif


    I actually didnâ€t know you worked overnight! How do you like the totally opposite from the norm schedule?


    LOL, I thought the same thing, youâ€re not a dummy! Or we both are wink.gif I just Googled it: A journeyman is a trader or crafter who has completed an apprenticeship. A journeyman was a craftsman who had fully learned his trade and earned money but was not yet a master. To become a master, a journeyman had to submit a master work piece to a guild for judgment. If the work were deemed worthy, the journeyman would be admitted to the guild as a master.


    Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
    HATE HATE HATE my job! I'm desperately trying to find something else.


    I'm glad to hear you're getting overtime and being compensated for those crazy hours you're working!! I'm technically salary but get an hourly wage and my boss refuses to pay overtime. So, I refuse to work overtime :)

    Really?? What do you do? Well we were salary, doing crazy hours and then they realized it was illegal and we went down to 8 hours a day and it turns out this job isnâ€t an 8 hour a day job, itâ€s a MINIMUM of 10, 12 even better. Sad.


    Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
    Same here......started very young and since my job is covered under law enforcement retirement too I only have 15 years until I can retire and I'll only be 48!!! I guess I'll start my second career then. Sad that I'm already thinking about retirement but hey you gotta have something to look forward too!
    Wow!! Thatâ€s unbelievable, retirement @ 48? Iâ€m jealous.


    Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
    It will FLY by! I can't believe I have been engaged almost a year! Well, the trips/excursions are ALL included in my package, so I think I got the best of both worlds. Ok, to clarify...the base rate for the basic room right now is $685 per night. We researched and researched and negotiated and negotiated with my TA...and got it down to $460 per night ($230 per person). We also booked 25 rooms, so that helped I'm sure. There are only 2 types of rooms at Le Blanc...Royal Deluxe (ocean view and lagoon view) and Royal Governor's Suite. We upgraded to the Royal Governor's Suite because it has a bigger balcony and a bigger area (Ryan and his groomsmen will get ready in here). I think the look of the room is exactly the same though. EXCEPT, the balcony size...I think there is basically no balcony. That is why we upgraded...AmyF can give you all the details though. She and KatKen. I am just going off pure speculation. I am not sure if the rooms are as nice as AS or not, but I have heard the food and drinks are amazing. I think it is true gourmet food. Once again though...pure speculation! Even though trip advisor sucks, they have some great pictures of Le Blanc from guests. I think there are like 1500 or something. Another cool resort I loved was the Banyon tree Mayakoba. It is so fabulous, but I do not think it is all inclusive.
    SO freakin†excited for you it gives me chills!


    You can eat for free at ANY of the Palace resorts with your wristband, cool feature but once you go to Le Blanc, you wonâ€t want to go anywhere else.


    Itâ€s VERY anti-spring break… when you walk in it feels like youâ€re in a giant spa. The music is sooo calming and the vibe is super chill.


    Lindz, check out the giant iguanas at the giant chess board & giant Jenga, D and I played both and had a blast, especially with the fearless iguanas at our feet!


    I would say AS one upâ€s Le Blanc ONLY in the fact of the swim-up suites with large patios. You just canâ€t beat them, they are unbelievable and my favorite feature of the hotel. LeBlanc has a 6inch balcony maybe, itâ€s pretty much nothing. We got the Honeymoon Suite on the 8th floor that came with a 24 hour butler. The suite is nice, smaller than AS standard suite but nicer in the fact that the Jacuzzi is better, there is a fridge with booze and snacks and better tv channels than AS, not like that matters 


    Originally Posted by murmel View Post
    I work as an air traffic controller in Toronto. Been there for 11 years and love the job. The only downside is the shift work, which can be tiring.
    Iâ€ve always wanted to see that in action in person, what a rad job!
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