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Posts posted by KittenHeart

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
    oooh, care to share any suggestions? I'd love to branch out. We're really into Chilean wines these days (Malbecs mostly).

    Thanks for the info on this ladies. One question about swim ups... since most of the pools close at like 6pm (I think that's the case anyways) are you able to use the outside jacuzzi &/or little pool section outside your room AFTER those regular hours?

    Am I totally wrong that the pools close like that? If so please set me straight.
    OOo winos?! YAY, meeee tooo.... ok I love Malbec, I also LOVE Spanish wine, specifically Tempranillo, mmm so delish!

    smile72.gif pools close? Well... not in my book they didn't close and nor did we follow that rule. Immediately after my wedding, my wedding party & husband all jumped in the pool with their clothes on and then we all immediately changed into our swimsuits and jumped into the adult swim-up bar area bringing all the alcohol and Tecate we had in our rooms since it was obviously closed. A guest hoped over the counter into the bar and served us all pretzels in a margarita glass. It was pretty funny and we noticed security watching us but they didn't say anything :) Another night we swam up when the bar portion of the adult swim up bar was open, Wave Lounge I think and we asked if they would still serve us even though the pool was closed and they said yes.... they are SUPER lax on their rules.

    You can use the jacuzzi or pools outside your rooms whenever you want really. I'm sure if you were really loud they may say something

    Originally Posted by amcferron View Post
    Question about rooms:

    My requirements for rooms when i travel to the beach generally are to be as close to the beach as possible and to not be on the ground floor. From what i can tell, the only truly oceanfront rooms are the honeymoon suites.....Also, it seems the "premium" rooms are back behind the pool. I had ruled out the swim ups b/c i normally like to be up to see the sea good.

    Currently we are just booked in the luxury jacuzzi oceanview (b/c it is off gorund floor and as close to beach as possible). my TA (which i have used for years) says she thinks this room suites me best b/c of my previous travel choices, but you all have me wondering if i should just do a swim-uphuh.gif thoughtshuh.gifhuh.gif
    I am the same way typically, never on the ground floor and always oceanfront. In this case, I knew the swimups were on the ground floor so it didn't matter to me because the swimup trumped any room in that entire hotel. To each their own, it just depends on what you plan on doing while you're there.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
    1. Thanks for that video! i just watched it and that doesn't look too hard. I think your right that if you practice enough you can do it! I am going to attempt it! Thank you so much for the video Link!

    2. I tell her all the time that she is my longest standing relationship! 8 years!

    Man I wish I would have thought of that. Fingers cross I get that ceremony location but i am getting married on Sunday and as of last week i was the only bride that day so here's to hoping
    Youâ€re welcome! Thatâ€s a great video isnâ€t it? She makes it very simple and gives you cheaper options too which I loved and what a gorgeous girl, she really doesnâ€t even need makeup!

    HAHA! I love it, I wouldnâ€t change my hairdresser relationship for the world, she came to both of my weddings, Mexico & Vegas 

    Youâ€ll get your location, I have no doubt!

    Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
    This. Sounds. Awesome.

    "Thanks, I don't need a towel. I'm just going to swim home!" hmmmm, makes me wish I was there right now... and DEFINITELY makes me lean more towards the upgrading.

    Were you in the premium swim up? Do you recommend?
    OH yes, it was the best decision we made. When the swine flu hit last May the prices plummeted and the Swim-up Suites prices (not premium) were cheaper than regular rooms so we booked a group contract of all swim-up suites and my guests RAVED about them. I was sad to move into the Honeymoon Suite on my wedding day to lose the swim up suite (although moving was a great idea because that suite and balcony are just HUGE with great views).

    The only difference with the premium is the Jacuzzi outside in addition to the inside one. The pool water is warm at night and we hardly even had to use the jacuzziâ€s while we were there, I donâ€t think the extra money is worth going premium.

    Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
    Okay, thanks for that info! I wanted to add some local flavor to our guests OOT bags, but if it will be complicated to get around to purchase some, I will just move along to plan B or C. :-)
    Oh and I know you have probably answered this a gazillion times, but can you tell me which location you held your reception in? What your describing sounds similar to the feel we are seeking.
    Youâ€re welcome! I agree, I really wanted to do that too but once we got to the resort, we just didnâ€t want to leave and run errands 

    My reception was at Zocallo al Fresco, the entire patio of the Zocallo restaurant. Iâ€ll send you pix if you want!

    Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
    Gingerlover, aside from that link I PM'ed you, these are for you. I've been scouring inspiration boards for the past week or so just browsing for things I like. Hope these help some......

    Click the image to open in full size.
    Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
    Click the image to open in full size.
    LOVE THESE! Did you use, big and something.com ? I made inspiration boards for everything, love your whole color scheme and feel!

    Originally Posted by murmel View Post
    Strange, FI and I were there in April, in a premium swim up suite and never had towel cards. Maybe that's changed?? We would get pool towels in our room, and then you just exchanged them at the beach butler hut, if you needed a fresh one.
    I was there May 2010 for 2 weeks and the towel cards were in effect. Maybe premium sections have better towel privileges? wink.gif
  3. Rachel - HAHA! Thanks girl, I was blessed with 2 coffee's today, one from husband and one from boss!


    Christie - Anytime girl!! Sometime's, esp wedding/AHR planning we get into a slump and need to vent, I've been there too, we all have so I'm happy that I can cheer you up at least one iota!


    Rachel is right though, people suck, I never knew how much they sucked until planning my wedding, that's for sure.


    You'll see, when you come back on here raving on how amazing it was and how much fun you had, you'll forget what you were upset about in the first place! :) HUGS! XOXO

  4. Aww Christie!! Well, don't get me started on your sister... a lot of us know how she is so we're gonna move right over her because there's sometimes no understanding her actions.


    Also, people are strange, everyone feels entitled to a piece of your wedding and slighted when they don't get the specific piece they want then bitter at some point. I've had one of the most turbulent years regarding my wedding celebrations it's insane.


    All you have to realize and know is that those 50 something replies that are attending are people that LOVE you and are happy for you. Screw everyone else, focus on them and know these are truly people that support you.


    Just try and shake it off and know that you are going to have the BEST time at your AHR, it's so much more carefree and fun, I guarantee you won't miss anyone who's not there. It's going to be amazing hun!!! XOXO

  5. Love it Karen! Same here... so much crying at my ceremony, I'm glad other people cry. Most peoples pictures, everyone is perfect and smiley and I just don't understand how they are able to keep it together, both me and DH totally lost it. My entire wedding was crying after our ceremony it was crazy!

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
    No I hate it!! I get this ALL.THE.TIME.
    This is so funny because itâ€s my biggest complaint too. I get carded 99.999999% of the time… Iâ€m talking about cigarettes, rated R movies etc. I always get a laugh or a scoff too if Iâ€m tryin†to buy alcohol if Iâ€m not done up to the freakin†9â€s. Itâ€s really annoying when people tell me I look 19… I donâ€t WANT to look 19!

    Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
    You must looove saying "my husband"
    What youtube videos did you watch... I watched a few last week but didn't find any really wedding specific one
    I do love saying it! It feels weird whenever I heard it out loud too.

    Hmmm I need to find that video… I was searching for smokey eye tutorials because thatâ€s what I wanted on my wedding day. So the video may not be pertinent to what youâ€re looking for… AH I found it!
    YouTube - Perfect Wedding - Bridal Make-Up

    Originally Posted by chong View Post
    silly question... does the resort provide beach towels for everyone? if so, how is it provided?
    They do, like Nicole said they give you a towel card and you can get 2 towels a day I think but you have to return them. They charge you like $30 a towel if you donâ€t return them one of my guests found out. I never used the towel card, I had a swim up suite and just never left the pool, it was too hot to care about a towel and especially when I could just swim back to my room :)

    Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
    Before I start responding, I have a couple questions for you previous brides:
    1) How far away from AS are the local markets/vendors in order to purchase Mexican trinkets and such for the OOT bags? Are they within walking distance or is AS smack dab in the middle of the jungle as I read elsewhere?

    2) When and how did you ladies chose your reception site, especially since they say there are two weddings per day? Did you get to select the site or was it chosen for you based upon your party size? Also, how do they decide which wedding party gets first dibs on the reception site?

    I am at the stage of trying to figure out where our reception will be held. How did you decide or arrive at your selection? Also, have you already had your reception location confirmed by your WC?
    Well, I had plans to get some local snacks and whatnot when I got to Mexico. Upon arrival youâ€ll notice that you are literally in the smallest town ever and really in the middle of nowhere. They turn off the main road and drive into the forest and thereâ€s the resort, literally is in the middle of forest. I couldnâ€t even tell you where the closest vendor or market is. If you wanted to head to Cancun, itâ€s close to a 25-30 minute drive you could hire a van to take you into town which you could do there easily. I would say nothing is walking distance from the hotel, so donâ€t plan on hiking it anywhere, LOL :)

    I told them where I wanted my reception and requested to reserve it very early in my planning stages. First come first serve Iâ€m pretty sure.

    I decided on my reception location because I knew I definitely didnâ€t want it on the beach and I definitely didnâ€t want it in an open space. I wanted it more private, more secluded and somewhere I could hang my lanterns and lights etc. After getting confirmed on my wedding day, ceremony spot and reception location was the very first thing I did.

    Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
    I go to Upper Hand Royal Oaks. Pricey but my hair dresser and I have been together longer than my FI and I :)
    HAHA! Iâ€m the same way, Iâ€ve been with my hair dresser for 9 years now, 3 years longer than DH.

    Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
    I ordered them from Invitation Consultants. I am not very DYI :)

    Come to Mexico - Wedding Invitations by Invitation Consultants. (Item # CC-BBAT688-45-ME )
    These are super cute! Great choice :)
  7. OMG, these have me cracking up!! The hands are SUPER creepy and they do look really heavy.


    I've never had the pleasure of receiving a terrible sweatshirt or anything like this. I'm not good at hiding how I really feel so it wouldn't go over well. How do you girls keep a straight face when you receive gifts like this?!

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by angelov321 View Post
    Isnt it the worst feeling? Ugh how do you get out of this rut?
    Confession: I know how to do it and just haven't gotten back into it since after my wedding! LOL :)
  9. Great slideshow Karen!!! Your pictures are gorgeous, you must be in heaven!


    The look you're giving your new husband after you both are walking down the aisle is the same exact look I gave my husband after we walked down the aisle, I have a picture I want to put side by side, it's pretty amazing :)


    The one where it's a shot over one of your bridesmaid's shoulders and she's reading her speech and the look on your face gives me chills, love it!


    I also love the shots of you two in the ocean, so happy and carefree.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post
    Your make up looked flawless!! I'll definitely be asking you for tips as the day gets closer!
    Thank you! I was pretty happy with it and SHOCKINGLY really didnâ€t get too nervous or freak out while doing it.

    Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
    hahaha you're FI is too cute! Your makeup was beautiful! My future sis in law did this same thing. She practiced for months! Everyday she would practice her wedding makeup (I'm sure they thought she was beautiful at work everyday!) haha. It turned out perfectly! I want to do this but I can see this happening: Me starting to do it...then washing my face and starting over...then getting a little further along, and washing my face and starting over again...then start freaking out...then have one of my friends do it and not be satisfied! I really don't know what to do. Has anyone heard anything about the mac in cancun?
    HAHA, heâ€s my husband now, no more FI! :) Thanks girl, I was concerned too about having to do it over and over again but it worked out great. My practicing all the time really helped. I took my time to make it perfect and got used to it. I also wrote it all down in the order I was to apply it in AND I watched wedding makeup video tutorials on YouTube.

    Yes, Lady Di here on BDW used Mac down there I believe and her makeup is stunning! Sheâ€s also a very naturally pretty girl but you should ask her.

    Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
    ... that's my sister's bday. Yay for us July babies!! thewave.gif
    Woo hoo!!

    Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
    AmyKH your makeup looked fantastic!! I think I might try and follow your lead. Something to add to this non-existent "to do" list of mine (figure out wedding makeup). :-)
    Thank you very much! Itâ€s nice to have control and know exactly how you want to look on your wedding
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
    For any of you brides who did their own makeup how did you get it to stay all day/evening in the hot weather? Did you use a makeup fixative spray or whatever those things are called? I go back and forth on whether to try and do my own or get it done at the spa like some of you other ladies are talking about.
    I used Bobbi Brown's foundation, it's wonderful. I told the chick I was going to be in hot humid weather and she gave me the foundation stick and powder they use on set for runway models and photo shoots etc.

    Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
    Thank you ladies for the birthday wishes. I'll try and prepare myself for the looks of disbelief. A girl on a patio at lunch today told me I looked 23 (she was far away and I had LAAAARGE sunglasses on, which hid 80% of my face. hahahaha)

    As for your son's birthday - Congrats to you!! Happy birthday to him. What a great day to be born. He must be VERY fabulous. rockon.gif

    YEAH BABY!! Sorry it was a Monday - that's lame. But kick ass birthday. I knew I liked you. haha
    Happy birthday to you too! I can't keep up, I can't believe how many Cancer's we have in this forum... I'm one too, July 4th!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
    I am tempted to do that but I don't think I can do makeup well enough to pull it off.

    I am considering getting the LOMAS person to come in but its like $500 on their website. Is that stupid of me to do? thoughts?

    PS my FI told me today that he hated the color combo I have been doing. Thanks love for this tidbit that would have been helpful when i showed you the color board 2 months ago! I luckily haven't done much but did have everything envisioned a specific way and got samples of invites and stuff like that.
    Well all I have to say is that for me it was a positive experience since I wanted to learn how to do my make up better and more professionally anyways and buy some good quality makeup. Killed like 3 birds with one stone wink.gif

    I'm pretty specific, I knew that if I hired someone to do my makeup (which I hadn't read good reviews for when I made my decision) and they did a crappy job I'd be pissed and have to do it for myself anyways. Do you have girlfriends that are good at makeup? You could ask them or bring pictures of what you want.

    I did my trial in January and literally every time I put on makeup, which is really only for the weekends, I practiced doing my wedding look and perfecting it and practicing put on eyelashes. Now I'm actually really good at doing my makeup and got a lot of compliments on my wedding makeup from other brides asking me who I used. D just 2 days ago mentioned something about how gorgeous my makeup was and asked who I used! I said, hello I did it myself, you didn't know? He said, "wow! It was really good, you should be a makeup designer!" I don't know what a makeup designer is but I'll take it as a compliment. wink.gif

    LOL, omg I would smack him! You should start faking him out and showing him pictures of things you "decide" on that are really ugly, not your actual decisions but just to freak him out... omg I'm mean aren't I? pinkie.gif
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
    I was wondering if any you previous brides used the spa at the resort for getting your hair and makeup done? Or for those B2B..are you planning on it? Or bringing in or going somewhere else? Or doing it yourself?
    Thanx :)
    A friend of mine attending the wedding happened to be my hairstylist and she did my trial and hair style for free.

    I did my own makeup, got a lesson and bought stuff from Bobbi Brown and loved it. I cried like a baby and nothing moved, all night long, everything stayed in place.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by chong View Post
    Question... did you guys wear spanx under your wedding dress? My designer is telling me I MUST wear one in order to look flawless under the dress... but I am not sure where to buy one. He knows someone who sells nice spanx and costs around $200. Do you think it's too much? I don't want to buy a cheap kind and end up regretting when I see the pictures. Any recommendations?
    Nope, white thong and clear stick on bra & a garter is all I had on under my dress and that was nearly too much... I don't know what kind of dress you have or how the weather will be when you get married but if I had spanx on they would have had to cut me out of my dress & spanx to revive me... I was so hot and sweating to death on my wedding day so unless you're going to be in a cool area most of the time, I'm not sure I'd consider wearing spanx unless they breathe really well.

    Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
    I was wondering if anyone that did the Sky Deck can tell me the info for tuning in to the live stream on our wedding day? I wanted to include this in our invites but STILL haven't gotten a response from a WC.
    The WC onsite give you the web address when you meet them onsite. Just know that the chances of it actually working is about 10%. My mom was the only one out of everyone I gave it to that actually got through to the webcam and you can't hear anything on it, it's not the greatest quality.

    Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
    Sky Deck - When I booked you had to book the Silver package or above and add on the Sky Deck. I have since downgraded to the Pearl Package and am still doing Sky Deck. I am trying to downgrade to free package since it is well, free, and it actually gives me more than the Pearl package does. I've sent several emails about this with no response, I am going to take Amy's advice and tomorrow I will just say that's what I want. I am done with asking. It's not like my WC or my TA ever feels the need to respond to me anyway.

    That brings me to my next point, I have almost 70 guests coming! You think that they would want to take care of me. But no, I have to ask my TA over and over again to call my guests back. charge them in a timely manner, book them over the phone if that's what they prefer and the list goes on and on. Amy is willing to work more for people who are nice. That makes so much sense. But also being in the service industry, I know that I wouldnt be were I am or have the clients I have if I didn't respond in a timely manner and answer the questions asked. I've told my TA that. She doesn't seem to care. Ahhh...can you sense my frustration?

    Chong, you are already on OOT bags? Man, I feel really behind. I have SOOO much left to do. I did. however, schedule my first dress fitting for Wednesday. How long do they usually take? Due to my very hectic schedule, I was planning on taking a slightly extended lunch and going. The dress fitter is a 5 minute drive from work. You think that will work?

    In terms of looking for updated packages...I really use this site as my measure. One of you girls mentions a sweet deal, I try my luck and ask for it. Sp far almost 3k saved. Hoping they will let me downgrade to free wedding package which (after adding on flowers) should be at least another $500-600 saved. I know I'll spend it elsewhere, but better than throwing it away on "extras" I will not use.

    In terms of negotiating, Amy you seem to be the master. I asked for a better price on the chivalri chairs but Tiffany my old WC told me that wouldn't happen. They are a must use for me so I guess I will ask,I mean tell, my new WC that I need a better price. Fingers crossed that it works.

    Oh there must be so much more but time to hit the hay. My weekend of flights to and from the east coast in addition to 3 parties in 3 days has got me beat. I need to wake up soon to decorate cupcakes and hopefully work out. Ah, why am I so overwhelmed all the sudden? Is this normal for brides 2 1/2 months out. AHHH! I can't believe it's that close.

    Deep breath.

    Ok ladies....good night!:)
    Just tell them you'd like the free package and to please update your spreadsheet and send it to you. I had Kiara email me my updated spreadsheet so I could check it over, a few times a week.

    If it makes you feel any better, Tiffany got a lot of complaints from the girls that had her for being out of communication and unwilling to work with people like help them out. You're new coordinator is a fresh start and hopefully will work more with you.

    If it makes you feel any better, Kiara told me the same thing, she told me the chair pricing is pretty ridiculous and they never bend on it. I asked her if she'd try for me and she said she would. Once again like Meredith mentioned, kill 'em with kindness and know that the WC's are not the ones who make decisions, they don't price us, they are just our via to Lomas (the real enemy) LOL!

    As for the TA, that's about the point I requested a new TA. Had I not done that, I think I would have actually melted down completely!

    Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post
    Hello Ladies! Well, I just wanted to say hello and say that I am waiting for our date confirmation at Azul Sensatori, then it will finally be official and I'm so excited! I am so happy to be able to talk to other brides from A.S. My date would be April 25, 2011. I thought things would seem easier once I picked a resort lol, now we seem to have many more things to do, wedding packages, getting guests to pay on time to get the right rate etc. I feel like I might start driving my friends/co-workers and family crazy with wedding talk so i am happy to have this forum, you all know what I am going through!
    Mahalo & Welcome!! wink.gif

    These girls are the best... try and read through the thread, or at least the last half of it which may seem daunting but it will answer SO many questions right off the bat.
  15. Just saw this and thought of you ladies, healthier lasagna with the nutrition facts and everything!


    Rehab Lasagna




    9 whole wheat lasagna noodles

    1 tablespoon olive oil

    1 medium onion, chopped

    3 cloves garlic, minced

    1 pound button mushrooms, sliced

    3 medium zucchini, sliced

    1 medium eggplant, sliced

    2 (28 oz.) cans crushed tomatoes

    1 (6 oz.) can tomato paste

    1 teaspoon dried basil

    1 teaspoon dried parsley

    1 teaspoon dried oregano

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1/2 teaspoon black pepper

    16 ounces part-skim ricotta cheese

    1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

    1 cup grated mozzarella cheese




    1. Prepare the lasagna noodles according to directions. When cooked through, set aside on paper towels to dry.

    2. Sauté the onions and garlic in the olive oil over medium heat. Add the sliced mushrooms, zucchini and eggplant, and cook until tender. Mix in the crushed tomatoes and tomato paste. Season with spices. Simmer for five to 10 minutes.

    3. In a small bowl mix together the ricotta and Parmesan cheeses.

    4. Evenly coat the bottom of a 9-inch by 13-inch baking dish with about a half cup of the sauce. Remove another half-cup of the sauce and set aside.

    5. To assemble the lasagna: Top the sauce in the baking dish with an even layer of noodles, cutting to fit the pan if necessary. Spread half of the cheese mixture over the lasagna noodles. Then layer with half of the remaining sauce mixture. Repeat.

    6. Top the final layer of noodles with the reserved half-cup of sauce. Sprinkle with grated mozzarella cheese.

    7. Cover with tin foil and bake in a 350°F oven for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake for an additional 20 minutes until the cheese has browned.


    Serves: 9


    Nutrition Content (per serving):

    329 calories, 11 g fat, 5 g saturated fat, 45 g carbohydrates, 10 g fiber, 21 g protein, 619 mg sodium, 400 mg calcium

  16. OMG Franklin is killin me! I was LOLing last night as his overdramatics with Tara running away, her crying over them feeding her flowers, the texting, I love it!


    AND Jason, hello, if all cops looked like that I think I'd be speeding more often wink.gif


    I'm kinda confused at the love interest thing with Lafayette, it seems a little out of left field unless something dramatic is going to come of it or it ties in somehow.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by chong View Post
    How did you guys pack all your OOT bags and gifts? Did you take boxes or old suitcases with you to Mexico? My FI is worried about how we are going to take all our stuff with us. Any suggestions? I was told not to mail some of the stuff to AS in advance.
    Yes, donâ€t mail anything down to Mexico. AS wonâ€t accept packages anyways, itâ€s much safer to bring it all or buy stuff while down there.

    I spent the month before my wedding laying everything out, packing and repacking and making a list of what was in which suitcase and who was bringing it down. I spread a few suitcases between some of my bridesmaids. I actually bought super cheap 3-piece hardshell luggage on clearance. Your bags get seriously tossed around so pack well, pack with cushioning etc. Nothing broke in my suitcases, then on the way back I just put the suitcases inside each other and came back with much less.

    Originally Posted by chong View Post
    By the way... I had a very long and exciting day. I had few of my girlfriends over at my place and we packed OOT bag, put ribbons on stuff, cut tags and made some props! I am so thankful that they were willing to help doing some of the tedious work for only food and drinks! and.. of course for a good time. I feel like I am getting so close to the wedding. I cannot wait till I am done planning!

    One of the things we made was the fake mustache and lips as props for our guest picture book. It was so much fun!!!

    FYI - I have reached the junior status!!! Horay!!!!
    Great crafting and congrats on your new status!

    Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
    Not gonna give up either. My philosophy is kill them with kindness. All of my jobs prior were in sales so I know how I want to be treated as a salesperson. I too would never go above and beyond for those that acted like they were "entitled" or rude so I know what you mean. Too bad I don't have a WC at the present monent to kill with kindness. Hopefully Fabio can sort it all out soon.

    Bet ya would've never even paid attention to the change of seasoning if AmyB didn't post that pic, huh?! Lol.
    Good plan! Iâ€m sure youâ€ll do great 

    Itâ€s totally true! Iâ€m going to pick some up next time I go to the grocery store :)

    Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
    In case you are interested...my pre-travel mailers...
    Love them!!!

    Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
    Gorgeous! Like Wendy mentioned, I too looked for a calligrapher my invites but didnâ€t even find anyone that did it on Etsy that I liked… yours are perfect!
  18. Here's my confession for the day... I hate the fact that I'm changing my last name so much, I never wanted to. I seriously considered just not doing it legally just because it's such a PITA until I got a free membership emailed to me on Thursday from MisstoMrs.com that helps you easily legally change your name on all the vital forms you need to, I guess it was my sign :)

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