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Everything posted by steph_held03

  1. Great list! I'm in a panic because I know i've got to be forgetting something!
  2. Hi All- I'm looking for some help. I am putting together a program for my wedding and was wondering what I should include as far as the ceremony as it is a civil ceremony. Does anyone know the order of the ceremony? Did anyone else do a civil ceremony program that they could email to me or post? Thanks for all your help!
  3. I am looking to buy 2 starfish flower picks. If anyone has any they are willing to sell please let me know!
  4. I am also interested in any info anyone could provide. I'm getting married at the RIU Negril in November. Thanks!
  5. I'm a RIU Negril bride, getting married on November 7! I don't have a lot of anwers but feel free to ask questions!
  6. For my tables, I want to do something cute with the names of each table. Does anyone have any ideas? I want to keep it with the starfish theme if possible. Thanks!
  7. If you go on oriental trading they have them for very cheap. I got mine from there and they are pretty good quality!
  8. If anyone has any starfish picks that they are willing to sell please let me know!
  9. Wow I love this thread! I'm so excited I found it. I too am doing the starfish theme. If your looking to buy starfish in bulk check oriental trading. I got mine from there and they are really good quality!
  10. Thanks so much! I was looking for a to do list and yours is awesome!
  11. I'm am having a civil ceremony at the RIU Negril and I was wondering what I should put in the programs and in what order. I don't have any idea of where to even start. Has anyone else done a civil ceremony or do you think it would be best if I contact the WC on site?
  12. I was actually just on the RUI website and it says that the free package isn't available for the Clubhotel Negril and the Classic package is only available for 10 rooms or less so it looks like I'm stuck with either the Royal or Caprice package.
  13. I would also love to see some pictures of what the Caprise package offers. We recently upgraded from the Royal to the caprise because we have so many people going now, 60+ and counting. But looking into it further I still have to pay extra for the flowers I want since they are not included in the package and I will still have to pay extra for the cake and champagne. I don't understand why they only have that little of cake and cahmpagne offered with such a big package that has chairs for 80 people.
  14. Thank you for your help! I am having between 60-70 guests as of right now and we haven't even sent out invitations yet. We wanted something small (between 15-20 people) and that's why we decided on a dw. We never thought all of our family and friends would go but they did! I want it to be nice but I also want it to be affordable.... I also don't want to have to lug all of the stuff with me. So the resort does have things we can upgrade to? Flowers, chair ties, etc? We are doing the Caprice wedding package because of all the extra guests and I would love to do a private dinner but with that many people it would be way out of our price range. Does anyone know if the resort offers gift baskets so I wouldn't have to bring stuff for the gift bags?
  15. Okay so I'm new to the board and have been reading the posts the last couple of days and now I'm even more confused. Don't get me wrong you guys have everything covered here and it's a lot of great info. I guess I didn't realize the extent some people go to for their destination weddings. I thought a lot of this was covered by the wedding coordinator. But does everyone get table runners, chair covers, numbers for the tables, bring their own flowers to decorate the arches? I didn't plan on any of this.... Please help and let me know what I should be expected to bring along with me! My wedding is in November at the RIU Negril and I've been trying to contact the coordinator there with no success. If anyone has any info that would be helpful about the Negril RIU please let me know too! I would also love to see some pictures. Thank you!
  16. steph_held03


    Good morning to everyone! I am new to the forum but have been reading around for a couple of days now. It seems like everyone has some really great ideas. I am getting married on November 7,2008 at the RIU Negril. If anyone has any suggestions or can help me at all in the planning it would be greatly appreciated. I'm not getting much help out of the wedding coordinator from down there.
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