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Posts posted by marip123

  1. After the reception (actually dinner for us), we are going to go over to one of the bars in the hotel that Lorena told me was open until 1 AM and could accomodate us.


    Lorena told us about this bar too, but I think we'll go back to our condo. We wanted to rent one of the junior suites, but too much out of the budget.


    Anyway... I had a question to you all about open bar? Are you all using the full domestic, or are you doing a specialty drink, or how are you working this? When I received the 2007 banquet menu they had this basic bar, and it was so affordable, and they took it out for 2008. I told Lorena, this is what we wanted because we really just need the basics, nothing fancy, and she told us the domestic or high end bar are our only choices. I'd be happy with just beer, wine, margaritas and soft drinks.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by michelle08 View Post
    I agree!!! I live by lists and it's the only way I stay somewhat sane....I have 5 weeks and we still haven't done our music and fi hasn't bought his suit...plus some little things...but I'm not a complete stress case. I can look at my list and know there are just a few things on it still so I feel it's attainable! :)

    Me too! I'd be lost without my lists and my checks. FI, last night, was saying he needed to do something. I told him to write it down. He's like, well it's easy. I said, no write it down. No matter how small, it's still something that needs to get done!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by acacia View Post
    seriously! what is wrong with people - i have had the same thing happen and im like - ummmmmmm when were you planning on tell us?!?!?!

    people are weird its like they are embarrassed to say they cant come or not when i dont really care - i just dont want to pay for two extra dinners and not have someone show up - when its out of the country on top of it! feeling your pain!

    This is exactly it!!! We decided that, yes they were embarassed to tell us, but it's way worse to not tell us and have us pay for dinners and drinks for them. It would be literally hundreds of dollars for them not to tell uswtf.gifThey should know because they're married.

    The good news is we've pretty much confirmed with everyone. FI has one more phone call to make tonight, and finally I get to get our numbers in!smile159.gif
  4. Yes, I just told my FI last night, I'm on the verge of freaking out! We have these few people who won't commit, and we need people commit or not, and it's really starting to annoy me. A couple who had committed, and sent in their response card, decided they couldn't afford to come, and I guess they didn't think they needed to tell us. We just happened to call them because they were always a bit questionable, and sure enough, it's a no. I'm so relieved we called them!

  5. I also really want a canopy, but we can't justify the money being spent for such a short period of time. Every time I see a picture of one, I want to get one. worried2.gif But, with that set-up, we'll also have 2 large flower arrangements. I"m not sure if we'll put them in the front or the back, but I think front.. maybe next to the table would be best.

  6. i think we are going to go with kind of a combination of 3 & 4, i love the rose petals on the aisle, and the covered chairs are cheaper because they have those at the westin. the white chairs that are uncovered, i heard are really expensive because the westin has to rent them and them of course mark them up. do you gals have rose petals yet for the aisle? what color are you wanting to use? carly found an awesome seller on ebay that sells 1000 petals for $25, anybody interested in splitting a couple bags if we want the same colors? i'll post a link to the seller in a bit.


    I think we'll be more with two. We'll have royal blue chair ties, and I don't think we'll use an aisle runner. Maura, what are your colors? Ours are royal blue, light blue, and coral, but I would also be interested in going in on rose petals, and I'm open to different colors, as long as they're not way off the color scheme.smile159.gif We really like the idea of rose petals, but of course, Westin quoted us an outrageous price, so that idea had been put to the side.


    Does this mean you decided on a beach location for your ceremony? I think with the aisle runner, it will be no problem at all.


    Also, Barrie and Maura, do you have plans for after the reception? I know quiet time is at 10pm, so we were deciding on just heading back to our condo for an after party or going into town.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maura View Post
    i asked karina whether i could have lorena or not, and lorena is planning a wedding that is on the 6th of august, which is the day i arrive. so she didnt want to give me someone who might not be able to give me 100% of her attention for 100% of the time im there and then of course juggling the planning with the other wedding, which i appreciated. i said i would give maira another chance, and maira called me this afternoon and told me she was sorry. she explained also that jose's mom did not want me to see any price lists because she didnt want me to worry about what the wedding was costing, which i think is sweet of his mom.

    what annoys me is that she told me that she was waiting for us to send her a list of what my vision was for the wedding... which im sorry thats stupid, because we asked for a list of options so we knew what the choices were. i know that flowers are limited in cabo in terms of colors and species I was going through my old emails, and we were originally with Eve Lopez? Does she still work at the Westin? She was the person who would have originally handled our wedding plans if we had used the group room block. Maybe you could she if she is still around. She was always very responsive.

    Also, they had originally given me Maira, and she was totally unresponsive with me. I had to cc Eva on a "concerned" email becaue Maira was so unresponsive. depending on the time of year, so why would i go thru all the trouble of coming up with a vision that is not even feasible... i dunno, that really irritated me. its not just the flowers, its the dj, everything...

    Yes, doesn't make any sense.

    you should email kelli castineiras right away about that. the price for them to come to the hotel plus tax and mandatory included gratuity is $128 for bridal hair only, or $225 for hair AND makeup (incl tax and tip). send me your email and ill give you the full price list for the outcall service.
    I emailed her, and they do wedding parties on Sundays!
  8. When he gave me the quote of $350, I emailed him back and said a fellow bride was recently quoted $150. He told me the prices have been the same since last year and $150 would be for 1/2 hour or so which they do not contract for. So, I guess I am sticking with my IPOD plan. We are getting a rechargable, cordless player so we don't have to deal with a plug. When I asked Lorena how much an extension chord would be, she quoted it for over $200. Can you believe it- for a flippin' extension chord!rant.gif


    Unfortunately, I can believe it. We were going to do what you are doing, but have decided to use the sound system rented through the Westin to save us a bit of a headache, and so we can have a microphone for the ceremony, and for toasts during the reception, if it's needed. We are IPODing too. We worked on playlists last night.


    They get you for everything...

  9. [


    So has anyone ever tried acupuncture? I've heard it can help heal it not necessarily puts a band aid on it.


    Acupuncture totally has taken my pain away when I've had a bad back. I've had it done a few times after screwing my back up. It really did help a lot!


    Maybe try a deep tissue massage. My girlfriend has massaged the knots out of me. The massages hurt like hell, and they're so intense, but really helped me out. Just remember to breathe!

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bshortzie View Post
    I find it funny that you were quoted $5 a person for cake. I was quoted $8! I have to find out about that one...

    Hi Barrie,

    What kind of cake are you having? We are only having a 2-tiered cake with buttercream. I'm definitely taking the email down with me with my quote just in case. I plan on taking all my emails down there with me. I totally want a cake because I have been craving cake since I started looking at cakes. I think I"m one of the few that likes buttercream frosting.smile159.gif

    Let me know what Lorena says when you talk to her.

    I still don't know what I"m going to do about my hair. I might email Mexsun and get pricing, but I'm not sure if they work on Sunday, but it's something I need to find out. If they don't work on Sunday, I might have to use the Westin salon because I'm kind of out of options.smile124.gif

    WE have a big wedding planning weekend this weekend planned. We have a lot to do, and time is running out. I'm starting to freak out a bit!
  11. I guess we didn't think 5/slice was too much because it will only be for about 35 people.




    Bridal Bouquet

    Coral roses, coral gerbera daisies, light blue delphinium and a few dyed blue roses (deep blue color), Stems wrapped with royal blue ribbon (no bow).$95.00



    1Same as bride but smaller version and the ribbon coral color.$55.00



    6Coral roses ( added 1 small boutonniere for ring bearer)$75.00



    4Wrist style corsages of coral roses and mini gerbera daisies.$100.00






    2 urn style arrangements of coordinating flowers,

    To be moved after ceremony to the reception area.$200.00


    Other RequirementsAdditional 2 gerberas for mothers and 2 gerberas for hair flowers $12.00



    Sub total$534.00


    IVA 10% 68.40



    Date: $200.00



    We're not using anything flowery for the table, but we will have a "remembrance table where we are putting the larger flower arrangements. My originally quote had a canopy in it for 450.00!!!smile105.gif We couldn't justify it for 20 minutes of use. At least with the larger flower arrangements we can enjoy them at the ceremony and the reception. Basically, the Westin will charge you double for EVERYTHING. Francine was very easy to work with.


    Hope this helps!

  12. No updates right now. We've decided to go with Cabo Flowers. I'm trying to get everyone to tell me yes or no right now, so we can give the hotel an exact count for food and finalize the menu. I did ask about a cake, light blue, seashell cake, and they actually gave me a decent price. I think it was $5 per slice? We've been out of town, and have dedicated this weekend to the wedding. It's now less than 2 months away. Yikes!


    How is your planning going? What did you decide for ceremony location?

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