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Posts posted by marip123

  1. I don't know what we'll do if they don't make it. I guess if they don't make it, I can inquire to the Westin if we could rent them, or maybe we can find some at a store. We'll be there a week prior to take care of any issues/challenges. We also are having a weight issue (we're prepared to pay extra, but I don't know if there's a maximum weight?) We have favors (candles, fans, etc.), and I'm making candles for favors. But, I'm thinking we'll pack a box and give to best man for him to check in on his flight to even out the weight a bit.

  2. I was in contact with Kelli from Mexsun, but she just stopped contacting me. I've sent multiple emails asking to put a deposit and nothing. I also tried Suzanne Morel, and didn't haven't heard from her either. I'm wondering if it's because our wedding is on a sunday, We only want our hair done, and there are only 2 of us, so it's just not worth it for them? I don't know, but i'm pretty bummed right now. I'm thinking I might have to use the westin's salon, and I'm a little scared about that.

  3. It's weird, but I filled out the dress much better last month. I think that's what it was. It just didn't feel right today, and I really felt frumpy. I did take my camera, but the store was completely chaotic, and I didn't take pictures. Yes, it kind of sounds ridiculous, but it's just how I felt today. And, yes, I saw this other bride in a flowy dress, like what I initially thought I was going to get, and I thought to myself, exactly "oh, maybe I should have gotten a dress like that." I guess because I've never been 100% about this dress in the first place. I was at Macy's tonight thinking I could just by a nice flowy dress off the rack! I just need to get over it! But, thanks for understanding and thanks for the positive feedback! Another great reason why this forum is so valuable and awesome!

  4. I just have to vent a bit about my dress. I've had an up and down affair with my dress. I chose it because it was champagne, and it was a sample, and after I purchased it I kept having anxiety over whether I liked it or not. I went for my first fitting, and I liked it again. Well, I've finally lost about 7 pounds, and I went in to try it on, and I felt frumpy and ugly in it.smile27.gif Anyway, there's not really anything I can do now. I've spent way too much money on it now because of alterations, veil, etc. I'm hoping to lose abuot 5 more pounds, so I go back in 2 weeks for a final look, and hopefully if she brings it in a bit more, I'll like it again. Anyway, that's that. Hoping by the end of May, I will have fallen in love with my dress again!

  5. In the May 2008 Fitness magazine there are some awesome exercises targeting your mid section. I couldn't even do 20 of them, and I was so sore the next day.


    The T:

    Stand with fee shoulder-width apart. Lift arms straight overhead, palms facing each other. Engage abs and bend upper body from waist to right while lifting leg until side of body is almost parallel to the floor. Straighten up; switch sides and repeat. Do 20 reps, alternating sides.


    The L:

    Stand with feet just wider than shoulder-widt apart and hips facing forward. Lift arms straight overhead, palms facing each other. Engage abs and bend upper body from waist to right, keeping shoulders down and hips still. Lift back up through center, then bend left. Do 20 reps, alternating sides.


    There are 3 other exercises, but these 2 really target the obliques.


    cheer2.gif Good luck!

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