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Posts posted by marip123

  1. Hi Sassybride! When is your wedding?


    As far as noise, they told me 10:00, so I asked for 10:30, and now I see they will let you go until 11? hmmm..... I was so excited when she told me we could extend to 10:30.


    Maura, you should ask and see if you can take your party inside. Because you have a rooming contract, you should be able to without a location fee, or all the other charges they like to give me. I did inquire about bringing our party inside, but the prices were way too outrageous, but like I said, since you have a rooming contract, they should be more willing to accomodate!

  2. I use a sunscreen everyday on my face, and I use oil free. I also started using the Aveda tourmaline exfoliation scrub every morning. It has little scrubbing beads, but it's a creamy cleanser, and I love the way my skin feels. I also just purchased one of those Neutrogena at home dermabrasion scrubbers, and after using it just once, I love it.

  3. When I was growing up in New Mexico, all the weddings I went to were at some rental hall like the Elks club or something like that and using paper products, and a cash bar, but that never stopped anyone from having loads of fun. The weddings I went to were always full of music, cheesy and all, and dancing and everyone having a great time.


    I like to watch platinum wedding, and FI doesn't quite get why. I think it's fun to see how people can spend so lavishly, but i'm not jealous or wishing. I'm quite happy with what we have been able to put together for a moderate amount of money.

    This wedding we're having is so fancy for me, but it's nice to have a smaller crowd and be able to have two dinners, two open bars at a beautiful hotel. I"m really looking forward to it. I think we're spending around 18,000 to 20,000, but that' s for everything. Accommodations for us and our wedding party, welcome dinner, ceremony, favors, two week stay, etc. The way it was going, I thought it was going to end up being a lot more, so I'm pretty happy with the money situation, although our original budget was 15,000!worried2.gif

    After this is over, time to save up for a honeymoon with the 2 of us!

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by amy&andy08 View Post
    When it's all over I'm going to
    1. Chop off my long hair cheer2.gif
    2. Eat.....lord knows I havn't done enough of that in the past few months! smile78.gif
    3. Make some babies in Italy smile02.gif

    So funny! I'm with you on the eating. I can't wait to just indulge during the week we're there. I plan on eating large pieces of cake every morning!
  5. All great and funny answers. Maybe I'll work more when I'm at work too! LOL! I am a planner in a big way. I always feel like I have to be planning something but yes, we do have our condo that we'll be focusing on this summer, so that should keep me focused.. and pictures! Fun! And helping other people plan their wedding.

  6. I was talking to FI this morning saying next month at this time we're going to be back at home, and what am I going to do with myself? I won't have anymore planning to do, and it kind of makes me sad. Did anyone else feel the blues after it was over? It has been so consuming over the past year, and then it's just over. cool.gif

  7. There isn't really a difference between symbolic or legal. Basically, symbolic is how you want it to be. You can still do your vows, promise, exchange of rings. We are having a symbolic, and it will be extra special because our friend is performing the ceremony, and we are using a lot of her wedding ceremony with our own vows and a sand ceremony we came up with, which make it even better. I feel like the symbolic gives you the freedom to create what you want, but remember, it's not legal in Mexico, so you'll have to do the legal thing at some other point in time.

  8. Thanks everyone!


    The pashminas were ordered in bulk, and it seems like they were more expensive than some other girls ordered them for. The "real" ones were 15.00 and the acrylic were 4.40. It seems like if you do a bulk order, you can get them at a decent price. I'm so excited to give them out.


    Pouring candles is super easy. It's kind of like making candy. You just have to watch the temp. to make sure it's at the pouring temperature of 180. I bought a 20lbs. of wax, color, scent, and wicks from yaley candles. I don't have the link here where I got the holders, but I can get that at home. The hardest part is getting the right color. I've been making other coral colored candles, and getting that color has been a bit tricky. Now I want to make a candle out of every pretty container I see! smile159.gif


    I don't like my dress because right now I don't like the way it fits, and I don't think it's gong to photograph well. I'm afraid it's going to photograph plain and boring, but I need to go saturday with an open mind and positive thinking!

  9. Well, good news about Maira. She must've had a talking to! Bad news about the DJ, but it seems like you could tell them how totally lame he seems and you want other choices. They're their to make sure you completely happy. It just doesn't seem right to have to go through them for a lame DJ. Music is really important!

  10. I finally motivated myself to take some pics of some of our favors, etc. We haven't done a lot of projects, but enough to keep me busy! Mainly, I"ve been pouring a lot of candles. Anyway, here are some pics - we leave 2 weeks from Friday!!Click the image to open in full size.


    My E ring _ FI know my obsession with blue, and he got me the most beautiful sapphire.



    Click the image to open in full size.


    My band - I did have it made to sit nicely with my ring, and I just love it.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Our invite - it was very simple, but they came out really nice. We were both really happy with them.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Fans for the ceremony


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Candles - we found these with the cute little seashells hanging down the side. I poured a light blue vanilla verry scented wax into them. I really love them.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Menus - I found the paper at Michael's. The colors go perfectly, and put a little bit of sparkle on them.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    The pashminas - thank you Danielle. I wasn't going to get these, and one night I saw her post, and I'm so happy I did. OUr colors are royal blue, coral, and light blue. I ordered the acrylic for all the ladies, but the black are the real pashminas for our mothers and my MOH.


    Click the image to open in full size.

    My shoes - from Payless


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Our sandframe we ordered from a vendor who posted here. He did a really beautiful job with it. The picture is of us at Burning Man - 2003. We had only known each other for about 1 month, and we ventured their together. It was a great time! We don't really have any pics of us. We didn't do engagement pics, and the only "nice" pictures of us are from Ben's Christmas parties, but this one is very sentimental, and smallish, and brings back fun memories.


    That's it right now. I still don't have one picture of my dress, but right now, I really don't like it. I go back for another fitting saturday.


    Thank you to the forum for all the inspiration and help. I feel like our wedding would have been completely different if I hadn't found this forum! So, so awesome!

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