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Posts posted by marip123

  1. Thanks Tammy and Maura, yes, I'll be patient. That's what got me was that Transcabo had such a great reputation. I just really hope I receive my money back. It was quite the drama and shock last Saturday, but it seems like it's out of everyone's hands. I just happened to book them the weekend everything was shut down. Huge bummer, but now, as I said, I hope I get my money back.


    And for anyone else who might have booked them for the near future. Double check, because they probably aren't going to be picking you up.

  2. I wanted to warn everyone about what is going on with Transcabo.


    I had booked their services for aiport transportation for our guests as well as transportation to and from our welcome dinner.


    Well, everyone got their shuttles in on Friday fine from the aiport, but I called last Saturday the 7th to confirm our dinner shuttle, and they informed me they would not be picking us up. I asked why they hadn't tried to contact me and what was up with this, and they said there is an issue going on between the unions and Transcabo. So, they did not pick us up. We had to pay for taxis to take all of us there, and noone had shuttles to the aiport for departure.


    To top it all off, I was told I was being refunded all my money last Saturday. That the credit was being put through right away. Well, it hasn't. I have not received any credit from them, and I am out over $600.00. Just be warned!foshizzle.bmp

  3. Hi Girls!


    I'm back! I can't believe we've been gone 2 weeks. It seems more like 2 days.


    Everything was beautiful! I'll write more later. I need to decompress, but regarding the pool. It was one of the first things we noticed, so Barrie, we had our reception at the terrace, and it was really nice. There is a firepit there and the set-up really turned out nice. I really, really liked having the firepit there.


    The closed pool didn't seem to cause any issues at all. I think most people hang out at the pool bar at the Westin anyway. There are also pools located in the Club Regina, where we stayed. The Club was absolutely perfect.


    We had a few issues with the cake and Transcabo! If anyone has booked them. they are going to screw you! There is something going on with taxi unions and Transcabo. I had booked them for our welcome dinner Saturday night. I called to confirm, and they told me they weren't coming! It was madness! I think I have lost over $600 from them. They have royally screwed me. Will write more about this later too.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maura View Post
    Steph, how exciting! I didnt realize that you were leaving Friday of this week!!!! Youll have to post a photo of your dress with the final alterations. I've been waiting to see it for what feels like forever haha.

    Well, I put my dress on yesterday and couldn't zip it up myself! I need a friend to zip it up for me. maybe i'll take it tonight to our run through, so I can get a pic.

    Are you putting all your emails with Lorena in a binder?
    Yes, I do have my emails with Lorena all put away ready to be shown at a moments notice. foshizzle.bmp

    Good luck with your ceremony run thru today, let us know how it goes. Where'd you get your ceremony wording?

    Our ceremony wording we mainly got from our friend who is marrying us. We are using her ceremony, with some of our changes like the sand ceremony and vows. We are also having both our mothers do a reading, and we have written "secret" vows which are being kept private until the day.
    If you want, I can send you a copy of our ceremony. I think it's a pretty nice one!

    I must have caught your disease of waking up early (that, or Jose was practically pushing me out of the bed in his sleep this morning haha) because I dont have to be up for another 90 mins and I cannot go back to sleep.
    smile120.gif LOL!

    It turns out my boss' tumor is malignant.. so, it's kind of weird. How can I be so happy when she is in a hospital, and she's supposed to be in Cabo with us? Geez, I really just can't believe it,, and I don't know how to react. I just need to go through some sadness right now.
  5. OH MY! I'm sitting in here at work thinking of all the things I could be doing. I am only working half days this week, and I think I've decided to take all of thursday off. We are actually leaving friday morning. We'll be up for a full week before anyone gets there. It will be really nice to have time to scope things out and chill out.


    we started packing this weekend. I'm pretty much packed. I pick up my dress today and Ben's gift today. All the favors and candles are made. Now, we're just crossing our fingers nothing breaks. I can't believe it's here. We need to finish our playlists, and we're supposed to have a run through of our ceremony tomorrow. bunny_4.gif I was printing out all our vouchers, confirmations, and emails last night.


    I was up at 6am this morning, stressing, thinking, pondering. Also, we're waiting for my boss' results of her biopsy this weekend, so I was sending out positive thoughts to the universe that it's benign. She's must be at our wedding next week!

  6. I have, what I would consider, the best boss ever. I work for a non--profit for research and development in education. Anyway, I received a phone call from her today telling me she is in the hospital and has had a biopsy on a lump found on her back. For the past probably 3 or so weeks, she has been having very bad back pain. She started going to physical therapy, acupuncture, and it just hadn't gotten any better. They physical therapist had told her she was surprised she was still working with the "knot" she was feeling. Anyway, she took Friday off, and I'm not sure how it happened, but she is now in the hospital waiting the results of a biopsy.


    She is a generous and amazingly good person. Her and her mother are supposed to be coming to our wedding in 2 weeks. She was really looking forward to her break to cabo, and looking forward to coming to our wedding. I've been so excited. We leave this Friday, and right now, I'm excited, but so sad at the same time. The results won't be in until Tuesday. So, please everyone, positive thoughts that it will be benign, and she will recover from this and be at my wedding and a respite for her in 2 weeks! She totally deserves it!


    sorry, so long, but thanks for listening, reading.

  7. I'm 5 years older! I never dated younger guys. They were always older. I never even dated anyone my age, so never, never thought I would end up marrying someone 5 years younger, but the funny thing is, his gran was 5 years older than his gramps. My mom is 1 year older than my dad.

  8. This is what I got in response to using a room after quiet time.


    Do most wedding parties move into a room or go out into the town?


    When brides decide to move a room

    The minimum consumption on Bar is $600.00 usd per hour and it is necessary at less one Bar man and 3 waitress. Due to this is an after hour party the staff fee is

    Barman $100.00 usd, Waitress $80.00 usd each one. The set up and ballroom rent fee would be on complimentary in appreciation that you are having your wedding with us.

  9. I'm in kind of the same boat where my fiance is from Mexico city (I'm from Los Angeles) and he couldn't imagine having a party that didn't go until 5 the next morning... but there's that silly rule about turning off the music at 10pm if your reception is outdoors. I've been in contact with the Westin and they did say that if we wanted to they would set up a ballroom with a "lounge" or "cocktail" atmosphere with lighting and music and that we could stay there until the wee hours of the morning without a fee for the location... do any of you have any experience with this?


    I did inquire about this, and they said they would give me the room for this, but there was a minimum consumption per hour per person, plus bartender and wait staff fees. If you would like me to send you the email I recieved about this, let me knowl. I'm happy to share the information with you. Needless to say, we said no way because it was way too much.

    Also another side note... I thought I read somewhere that someone was able to arrange a corkage fee with the westin. I tried asking about it, but didn't get much info in return.


    yes, there is a corking fee if you bring your own, but it seems they will negotiate this with you! Good luck with your decision and your planning!


    ARe you going to do a rooming contract?


    Who are working with at this WEstin?


    Anyway thanks in advance for the info and thanks for the info that's already out there :)

  10. Hi Lauren! Welcome. There is a Westin thread under the Cabo forum. It's a beautiful property, but we have all had issues with the staff there. Just an FYI. I will be getting married there in 3 weeks from today, so i will definitely let you know how it goes!

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sassybride View Post
    omg, they keep changing prices on us lol like if we say it's too expensive all of a sudden the price goes down! I'm keeping everythign for proof!
    Right, so they quoted me $5.00/slice for our cake. I got our final food & beverage resume, and she was charging me $8.00/slice! So, I send her the email with her original quote, and she doesn't even say anything about it, she just quietly went and changed it to $5.00. It was like an overcharge of $100.00! foshizzle.bmp
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