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Posts posted by Bride010101

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maura View Post
    Becky, just a thought - but you already know I am dealing with families/guests being from two different countries, in which there aren't similar stores for registries.

    We decided against registering in Mexico, as we felt that that might encourage people to go to a store and pick up a gift... then when would they give it to us if the only time they're going to see us is the wedding? That's right, they'd probably bring it with them to Cabo. And we don't want/can't handle additional luggage from any gifts people bring to Cabo. We have enough luggage going down there as is, and are already having some family members and friends bring things down for us, so we really don't want to have to send stuff back with people because they won't be able to fit it either! The other alternative we saw was that they'd drop the gifts off at my FIL's house - again, how would they get it to us? The next time we will see them is not until Christmas at the very earliest, so the gifts would be taking up space in their house for 4+ months and then it would be a huge effing pain to get any and all gifts home on our own - we'd have to get extra luggage and probably pay for baggage overage fees out the wazoo.

    So, we only registered at stores in the US. You can use a credit card to pay online to send a gift, and that's much easier both for the guest (because they never have to leave their house to get the gift & then don't have to tote anything extra with them on the trip) and for us (everything arrives mostly in advance, so we can send out thank you notes right away, and then we have no worries about carting gifts back from Cabo that we can't handle). Several of our guests from Mexico have already sent gifts from our US registries. With the Canadian dollar being slightly stronger than the US dollar right now, that should probably make up for any credit card fee your friends to the North might incur because of the exchange rate, and the shipping will be about the same. Then it's a win-win --- you don't have to register for things you've never seen and can probably never return, and your guests can still send you a gift, hassle-free.

    Hmm... good thinking! Since the two guests who have started questioning us aren't able to come to the wedding - I hadn't even thought of the implications of guests bringing the gifts to the wedding and us having to lug them back. I'll have to talk with FMIL and see what she thinks will be the best route to go. Thanks : )
  2. After much anticipation ... my dress is in!!!!


    Like most brides I was starting to second guess my decision... and was worried I would become a multi-dress bride. I had not tried the dress on in my size, so I had no clue how it would fit. I also ordered it in a petite - but had not tried on a MS petite, so wasn't sure what the length would be like.


    But its absolutely perfect!!!! The corset back makes it fit like a glove and the petite falls just perfectly so it won't need to be hemmed at all. I will just need to add a bustle.


    While trying it on at the salon, I also found the perfect veil. It is sheer and one layer with crystals all over the back. No picture of it yet... but it should be in in 2 months.


    Here are the pics from the day we picked it up. As always, please ignore my yucky hair... the wrinkles... and the tags.


    The front:



    The back (the illusion train helped sell me on the dress... will be perfect for the beach):



    Close up of the front (I think the drop waist makes me look taller... heheh)



    Close up of the back (I love the corset! and will be taking out the privacy panel):




    I originally found the dress at a local store. But after calling it around found it for $200 cheaper at Mestads in Rochester, MN. (their price was even cheaper than online retailers like bestbridalprices.com). They were super quick at emailing me back thoughout the whole process. I had wonderful service the day I went in to be measured and order the dress.


    The day we went and picked up the dress, the service was only so-so. They gave me the dress and put me in a room and then completely dissapeared for like a half hour. My mom had to come tie it up. Then we (mom, grandma and I) went and found the big mirror and sat admiring it for a while. No one was around. I wanted to try on some veils while I had the dress on, so my mom and grandma went and started grabbing them. After like the 3rd trip up to the front, a lady finally noticed and came and checked in on us. Then she wouldn't leave and was pretty pushy with veils and jewelry. We found a veil I loved and my grandma stated she wanted to buy it in full like 12 times and the lady completley ignored her. She also wasn't too happy when I announced I was taking the dress home with me and having alterations done elsewhere. Oh well though. ICan't beat the price... and I LOVE my dress. : )

  3. Thanks for the ideas everyone! Great to hear about Linen'n'things... will have to check that out.


    Originally Posted by Tracy View Post
    My family is in Canada but I live in the US - so i am struggling with this too. I recently had a friend get married in this situation, and she registered for Canada places (like the Bay) and had those gifts shipped to a Canada address (her own) and then registered at US places (Target, Bed Bath and Beyond) and had those shipped to a US address (parents). I thought this was fairly crafty!


    How about postage? When you are in the US and inviting Canadian guests - where are you getting the Canadian postage to go on your rsvp cards? IN other words, if you put a US stamp on - it will not initiate from Canada, it needs Canadian postage (and vice-versa). Would love to hear how you guys got around this.


    I'll be in Ottawa and Toronto next week, so I was thinking of getting some stamps and then putting those on the rsvp cards that will come from my Canadian guests...but if i wasn't going to be in Canada, i'm not sure how i would have handled that.

    My future mother-in-law keeps suggesting we register at The Bay. For me, it seems more difficult and would have issues registering for items without seeing them. But glad to hear it worked... we may need to look into it.


    Originally we were going to send a box of all the Canadian invites to my future-in-laws and have them put canadian stamps on the RSVP cards and then mail them out. In the long run... we decided to have the guests RSVP via our website, phone or email and skip the mailing to avoid the issue. Plus it saved postage... and this way we ended up having more direct contact with each guest.

  4. Welcome and Happy Planning!!! Good luck in your decision... there is tons of info on Jamaica and other beautfiul locations.

  5. i hate being the center of attention and didn't really want a shower. my aunt insists i have one and says we can make it a 'couples shower' with just family and close friends. so it will be kind of low key. but i know traditionally it is usually just for the ladies. as for the gifts i think many of us had the feeling that the presence at our wedding was gift enough - but a lot of family doesn't understand this and WANT to host a shower. its also nice for friends and family that can't make it to the dw.

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