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Posts posted by Bride010101

  1. I agree... it's completley up to you. Flowers aren't that important to me... so we decided to go minimally. My BMs and I will have bouquets and my FI will have a bout. But thats it. Our groomsman are just wearing short sleeved linen shirts - so I didn't feel they were necessary. My dad was happy he didn't have to deal with one... and my mom didn't care either. So I think its up to you and your wedding.

  2. I'm sorry your going through the added stress! I had a similar issue... as we are also getting married here ahead of time. Although we haven't really kept it a secret from anyone, we wanted to downplay the legal bit and avoid turning it into this whole big thing. Our wedidng in jamaica will always be our wedding to us.


    So we planned on doing the small legal thing here and grabbing whoever to come be our witnesses. Since his parents are in Canada and we are in Minnesota and since we were planning on doing it a week or two before the Jamaica trip... we assumed his parents wouldn't even want to come. Well once they caught wind of our plans... they announced they didn't care when it was... but they would be flying down for it. I thought (well still think) it is pretty stupid for them to pay to fly down here for a quick 10 minute thing... when we will see them so soon for Jamaica. But they weren't really budging.


    So I ended up having a talk with FMIL and in doing so realized how important it was to them. Even though Jamaica will be our wedding day to us, it will be in the courthouse that legally we become married. Sean is her baby and she couldn't imagine missing such an important occasion. In the end I didn't feel it was worth adding extra stress and fuss over. So ultimately, I gave in.... and we will be legally married in the presence of both sets of parents and then going out to dinner to celebrate.


    To be honest though, I am now actually excited about the plan and sharing the day with our parents. Plus it will give our families another chance to get together (which doesn't happen that often since we live in separate countries).

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ErinB View Post
    What! How did I not know about the BDW grouphuh.gif

    I have a minor facebook problem. I blaming it on the fact that I am planning our 10 year class reunion so I have to check once or twice a day. And I love Scrabulous.
    I can't believe I missed it either and like you I also have a minor facebook problem. : )
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heidi View Post
    IMHO, that table was FULL!!! No space for any type of centerpiece. We had 27 people. I'm glad I scrapped the centerpiece idea; just would've been in the way.

    Here's a not-so-great picture!

    Click the image to open in full size.
    So glad to hear!!! I really am trying to figure out where i can cut things out ... to save not only the budget, but the packing process.

    I keep looking at the pictures... and with everything going on... I'm begining to think the guests won't notice whether I have anything or not. hmm... now I just need to decide on assigned seating or a free for all.
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