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Posts posted by Bride010101

  1. Have you found any details about dinner on the beach in front of Seagrape? (cost, set-up, etc). I would love to be able to have my reception on the beach but hadn't seen any else mention it for ROR! I am just booking by wedding for Jan 2009 so I haven't contacted Chandyln yet. Any info you have would be great!

  2. Hi Christene,


    No I haven't confirmed the 5th... I heard i would have to wait until February-March as well. I'm just hoping at the moment... I decided to do my preliminary save the dates with the week that we will be going. I then included a letter explaining the details and letting them know we will hopefully be doing the wedding on either the 5th or the 6th... that way people have a general time frame so they can plan what they want to do. I am collecting email addresses of all potential guests and will probably send out an e-vite STD of somesort with the actual date when we are able to confirm it with Riu.

  3. Hi everyone,


    I tried to search quick to see if anyone had previously said anything but couldn't find it. I am wondering if the ROR ceremonies have the ability to have a guest sing a song somewhere in the ceremony? (ex. are speakers/microphones available or would guests be able to hear? is the ceremony accomodating for additional things)?


    thanks! I am currently visiting my finaces family in Toronto and we were thinking of asking his brother's fiance to sing... she has a beautiful voice and we want to include her but our wedding party itself just keeps growing, so we thought this would be a good fit... but then I wasn't sure if it is even an option.

  4. Hi my name is Becky and I am from Minnesota and am just starting to plan my January 2009 wedding in Jamaica. After reading all 43 pages of this wonderful thread... I think you have convinced me to go with ROR! I was contemplating the new Riu opening in Montego Bay but think I would be too nervous that something would go wrong.


    I just found a travel agent that specializes in destination weddings and will hopefully be sending out my preliminary STDs next week (after we finally set a guest list)! Plus I am going dress shopping this Saturday! :)


    Thank you all for your wonderful advice... I am so excited to start planning. I should have taken better notes as I read though things... but I'm just wondering what your approximate timeline for planning was? When did you first contact Chandyln... book your wedding time and reception... have all your guests book...and all that stuff? I am really worried that my friends will procrastinate deciding to go and actually booking... did you have troubles with that?

  5. I am planning my DW for Jamaica - January 2009 and am still debating on which resort to go to. I previously had decided ROR (which is still a strong contender especially with all the reviews on this forum) but am concerned with the drive from the airport. Many of my guests will only be coming for 4 days so a resort at Mo Bay may be more conveinent. I am especially interested with the new Riu that hopefully is opening Sept 2008.


    I have a wide age range of guests attending and would like their to be options for people to do. The older relatives will be content hanging out at the pools and what not, but our friends will be more into the excursions. Is anyone famaliar with the different options available? I plan on getting a tour book... but I think I will get more honest answeres here! Thanks!

  6. I absolutely love all the different boarding pass invites I have seen on this forum... there are so many good ideas!


    I am trying to keep my budget down and was planning on making my own invites. I love this idea and am trying to find the best (and cheapest) way to move forward with it.


    So for everyone who has made them...would you mind approximating how much it cost you to make your boarding pass invites (paper/ ink/ accessories/ postage) and the time it took! And if you have any tips for those of us who are just starting them?? Thanks so much!

  7. Hi everyone.... I am looking for some advice!


    I am in the process of ordering my STDs and now have to confront the issue of who to invite. We honestly don't really care who all comes... we feel the more the merrier... however we are having issues where to draw the line.


    (A little background...) My fiance and I are both Pharmacy students, in the same class of 50 students. We know everyone in the class and most of the class knows that we are thinking a DW... friends in my fraternity have already started commenting that it would make a great trip. We are obviously closer with some than others... but I am afraid that if we invite those that we are closer to, the others (who will hear the plans) will get upset... Stupid I know, but the fiance and I are stuck in what we should do.


    Anyone else with similar invite issue or any advice in general on how you handled the guest listhuh.gif Thanks!

  8. Hi! My name is Becky and I am just starting to plan my DW for January 2009.


    There are so many options out there it seems a tad overwhelming! I am currently favoring Jamaica, specifically Riu Ochos Rio. I love everything I found about the resort and have been amazed by all the brides on this forum that have picked there as well. I look forward to reading all your posts and figuring everything out!


    My only question thus far is if anyone knows when resorts will start posting their wedding plans/packages for 2009? I believe that travel wise, flights are posted ~330 days before hand. I know it seems far off... but as I am planning for the very first week (3rd-10thish) and will be in school full time for the next year, its never too early to start. Thanks everyone!

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