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Posts posted by Bride010101

  1. I'm feeling your pain!!! I fell asleep tanning/reading on my deck on Thursday... so the back half of me is fried. The only comfortable position is on my stomach... even walking (especially on stairs) is painful because the back of my knees are so crispy.


    I have to second what everyone else says! Lots of aloe and ibuprofen. : ) Plus as always lots of water.

  2. I agree with what everyone has metioned. Book what you can now. Then try calling periodically to see if anything has opened up.


    I put in my request forever ago (and got what I wanted)... but hadn't done the confirmation step (was waiting to book). Well I got an email this month saying I had 48 hours to confirm my wedding or else they would give my spot away (to someone who was trying to get a later time slot). We of course immediately figured out the booking and confirmed our spot. But if a bride is on the edge or has decided to go elsewhere... they may not confirm and then the spot could be yours. good luck!

  3. We are still debating whether we are having our wedding on the beach or at the beach gazebo. Either way I want to keep the decorations pretty basic... as the beach is so beautiful on its own. My main color is fuschia... which is the color of the bms dresses. The gms will be in khaki suits.


    We are having a smaller group as well. Originally we were thinking somewhere between 35-50... but with prices and flaky friends who knows... but probably more 20-30. We are giong to do the free dinner at Mammee Bay and then the reception at Seagrape (I think). I really like the idea of dancing directly on the beach.


    As for the plantation... several previous BDW bridse have used it. If you search through theJamaica thread and the wedding review threads you should be able to find some... I'll take a look though. I had also thought of it because I like the privacy... but most Mammee Bay brides say they had plenty of privacy. We are also trying to keep the budget low, so I would rather put the money towards something else. Mammee Bay is also more space limited... so no need to spend extra money for decorations/table settings... which most people don't even care about. (IMHO)


    In the end it seems like you can't really go wrong no matter what you pick... everyone's seem to turn out great.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lovely*bride View Post
    Thanks girls for all of this initial info! And congrats to all of you! I can't believe the wedding is getting so close!
    Becky N, that is awesome we will be done there at the same time, and not to mention, I see you are from MN, I'm from ND. We are both northern brides, ha! Thank goodness it will be over 80 degrees when we get married instead of "-who knows how cold it is"!
    That is funny... this past January all everyone could say is, man I wish it was next year and we were in Jamaica right now. : )

    How long are you going to be there for? We will arrive on Friday the 2nd I think... with most of the guests arriving on Saturday (your wedding day). I'll have to take a peak at your wedding... do you have any of the details planned yet (wedding location, reception locatoin, etc?)
  5. I am going through ROR... and we held off on our confirmatoin for like 4 months. But earlier this week I got an email stating I needed to confirm (w/ booking reservation/credit card number) within 48 hours or I would lose my spot. I think they just do it, so that way spots aren't being held for brides who aren't serious. I don't think any previous Riu bride has had issues with giving their credit card number.

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