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Posts posted by beachbride08

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by misha79 View Post
    Luis and I are thinking about buying a couple bottles of tequila and filling mini ones up that have personalized labels for our favors. What do you guys think?feedback.gif
    We bought mini bottles of tequila at our resort to give as wedding favors. We brought down personalized margarita mix packets, gift bags that I attached tags to and tissue paper. Each bag (one per couple or sing guest) with one bottle of tequila, and 2 mix packets. The tags on the bag had our logo and said "Thanks for making the trip!" Everyone loved the favors so I say go for it!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BBtoB View Post
    So I went out tonight and bought a bunch of stuff for the tables for the wedding dinner. I got tall candles in my colors, chocolate brown and teal, and tealights, also shells and glass pebbles. I also found these great glass candle holders. It looks really nice. I am wondering if I should keep it all. Does anyone know if the resort does any type of decorating, or should I just bring it all with me? I went to Gordman's and found such great things! My fiance even liked it! I was surprised he didn't say, "what is all this?" :) Just thought I would share.
    I'm still working on my review which will probably answer a lot of your questions, but work is sucking up all my BDW time. YOu have to bring whatever decorations, vases, etc. you want for dinner or the private rooms that you want. The resort will provide the flowers.

    Originally Posted by dbellie1414 View Post
    Congrats on the good finds! The Iberostar doesn't do anything regarding decor so it's kinda up to ya... But they will help set up! You got to be careful on passing this stuff through customs though, I think you need receipts for all the stuff you are bringing (something like you can't have more than $300 on items). A couple people I was reading on here got stopped at customs and they asked for their reciepts! And I know from asking the WC at the Del Mar you have to check with customs on items that allowed to be shipped if you were thinking about shipping items... She said customs holds onto alot of brides/grooms shipments because they didn't check what the regulations are and than have to end up paying some huge tax just to get there boxes delievered from customs to the resort. According to the wc, Gabriela, you cannot ship seashells without them getting held up at customs and paying a tax, just an FYI for ya! And I am not sure about putting shells in your suitcase you might get stopped by customs because it is like a living organism thing so I recommend you check with mexico customs or ask other brides what they did.
    I wouldn't recommend shipping items to Mexico because as you mentioned it could get held up in customs or never make it to the resort. We carried on small seashells to use for our sand ceremony in our carry on suitcase with no issue, however, we had to check our sand ceremony vase on the way back. It really all depends on who you get at the counter and how strict they are. I brought down receipts for most of our items, but didnt' have receipts for everything. We did not get stopped in customs and no one asked for our receipts. Again, I guess it just depends on if you get the red light and who you get if you get stopped.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BBtoB View Post
    Planing is going well. Are you getting married at the Lindo? I am nervous about the Photography. I have seen some really cheesy pics from their staff and was told you have to use their photgraphers. Has anyone heard differently?


    Originally Posted by Stina168 View Post
    The WC at the Del Mar told me you only have to pay for guest passes for the photographers if they're eating-if not, you just have to pay the $300 penalty. I decided to go with Cecilia Dumas because her pics are really pretty and she's very affordable. She also responds back pretty fast, which I love! Have you guys decided if you're going to use a videographer or not? The videographer at the hotel went up to $400, but I've heard they're not good either. One girl said he filmed them having pics taken by the photographer and counted that as part of their time. I'm having a hard time finding a good, affordable videographer in the area. I'm considering just having a family member videotape it just so we have something. I don't know what to do!!
    My TA forwarded me the pics of her other Iberostar wedding client and the bride was very happy with the resort photographer. I wouldn't have been happy with the pics, but it all depends on what you like. We had to pay the Photoshop $300 for the outside photographer fee. We met with Araceli the first day we got there and she said we had to pay them directly. When we went over there the girl didn't speak much English and didn't know what we were talking about. I thought we were going to get off not having to pay, but we booked the resort videographer. He reminded us on the wedding day that we needed to pay the fee so we went the next day and paid $300 in travelers checks (they write down your passport number so be sure to bring that with you, we had to go back to our room to get ours since we didn't have them on us). We also had to pay $50 per person for the vendor day pass fee (guests is $100). We hired Citlalli Rico (through Claudia Rodriguez) as our photographer and she works with an assistant so each of them needed a pass. We included both of them and the videographer in our seating chart for dinner, but since we hired the resort videographer they are not allowed to eat with us and we didn't need to pay for a pass for them. These were the Lindo prices. We transferred to the Grand after the wedding, and had scheduled our TTD photo shoot for Monday. We had to pay $150 per person day pass fee for that hotel and they were only there for 2 hours and didn't eat or drink anything. I thought the pass fee would be $50 as it was for the wedding, but Araceli wasn't there when they came. At that point I didn't care since I just wanted to make sure they were able to get on the property. All the fees are charged to your room and you pay when you check out (except for the $300 photoshop fee). We paid $360 for the videographer, but we didn't pay until we picked up our DVD. He told us at the wedding it would be ready after 6PM on Saturday. We got there at 7:30 after dinner and he told us to come back on Sunday after 6PM. It was ready then and we got to watch it before we paid. We got the 65 min video, and that was plenty of time since the ceremony itself was only 20 minutes. It is nothing spectacular so if you want a great video hire an outside person. The video wasn't top priority for me. We could have hired the videographer through Claudia as well and I think it started around $500 something, and I'm sure you would have to pay a day pass fee as well. I'm not sure if they would charge you another $300 for the outside fee though. It got the ceremony some video of us taking pictures, people sitting down to dinner, and then the cake cutting, first dances, speeches and some other dancing. Then he made us go out into the walkway and wave which was super cheese IMO. His English was fine, and after the ceremony he asked us if we wanted some footage of pictures, dinner, etc. I told him to get a little bit, but wanted to save most of the time for the reception part. If you don't want that stuff you can tell him what you want. During the pictures they added an Enrique Iglesias song which I hate. I wish we would have been able to pick the music, but other than that it did it's purpose.

    Originally Posted by dbellie1414 View Post
    We are using Claudia Rodriguez photography... (Well, Citalli is doing our photography Claudia's associate)... We couldn't be happier with the experience so far with Claudia, she is awesome and we are supa excited about Citalli!!! check her out at Claudia Rodriguez, Photographer, Cancun & Riviera Maya
    You are going to love Citlalli! She is so nice and so easy to work with. We gave her a list of pictures we wanted before hand, and she double checked it and noticed we forgot two shots so we did them during the dinner. She had an assistant with her on the wedding day, and at out TTD. The assistant at out TTD was her sister Tamara. I can't remember the other girl's name. I can't wait to see our pictures!!

    Originally Posted by dbellie1414 View Post
    Hmmm, I have an email into the wedding coordinator at the Del Mar but maybe someone might know this... We are getting married in May having a civil legal ceremony judge 'n all (at the Del Mar) we are from Illinois what are the requirements to get legally married in Mexico? What do we have to bring/get I think its a blood test in mexico, passport, and certified birth certificate -right - I'm I forgetting something? Somewhere I read something about an apostille do we need that and what is it?

    Ohhh, and what do we have to do (if anything) to make it legal in Illinois/USA? How do we change are name too? Any info. would greatly help...

    We did the civil ceremony at the courthouse by our house. I know you have to do the blood test at the resort. There are a couple clinics onsite. I also know you have to get the paperwork translated. We didn't want to bother with all that so we did it at home. You sign a marriage certificate during the ceremony as a keepsake. Once you have your marriage license (ask fr a couple copies!) you have to apply for a new social security card first to change your name. You can download the form online and just need to send the form, marriage license and make a copy of your driver's license (the SS card is free). I got my new SS card in the mail while we were gone so I took that with my marriage license to the DMV to get my new license and ID, and then I went to change my bank info. I still need to change all my credit cards and bills, but at least the big stuff is done. I had to pay $25 for my license and ID, but my ID was expired. If it wasn't it would have cost $15.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LindoBride2009 View Post
    Today is Michelle's wedding day! Sending her vibes for a stress free day and great weather!!
    Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 View Post
    I was just about to post the same thing! :) Good luck and congrats Michelle, I'm sure it will be awesome!!
    Originally Posted by LindoBride2009 View Post
    I'm so excited for her! I can't wait till she gets back so we can hear all about it.
    Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 View Post
    Agreed! I am dying to read a review from her!!
    Thanks Ladies! I am back and the wedding was AWESOME!!! I am working on my review now, but I did just read through the thread and saw some questions I can answer here. I will say though that you will be very happy with the Iberostar hotels. The wedding coordinators (Araceli and Tony) are great to work with, all the staff is super friendly, the hotels are clean, and all our guests had a great time and are already talking about going back.
  5. 1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

    I am a recruiter, and am currently looking into a career change. I am leaning towards event planner.


    2: What is your favorite hobby?



    3: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

    Halloween because I love to dress up and see what the kids pick out as their costumes. I also love Thanksgiving since it is all about eating!


    4: What is your greatest achievement?

    So far graduating college. It took me 6 years and I pretty much worked 2-3 jobs while going to school.


    5: What is your favorite animal... and why?

    Dogs because they are just so cute and lovable!


    6: What is your dream trip?

    I would love to do a cruise and visit Italy and Greece or go to Australia. That is one place I would love to see at some point in my life.


    7: What is your fav food?



    8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life?

    My Mom


    9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why?

    Silver, that was always my favorite crayon as a kid. I like a little sparkle in my life.


    10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

    AZ and we are moving there in a couple months.


    11: How many siblings do you have?

    2, my sister is 6 and brother is 4. Yes, big age gap!


    12: What is your biggest fear?

    Bugs of any kind, snakes and other gross creatures.


    13: Whatâ€s your favorite holiday dish you make for your family?

    I am much more a baker than a cook. I usually make cookies for Christmas and cheesecake for other holidays.


    14: Do you have a nickname?



    15: What causes do you support?

    St. Jude, Alzheimer's, breast cancer


    16: What is your guilty pleasure?



    17. If you could have one special power, what would it be & why??

    To travel time. I would like to go back and visit with my mom when she was alive and tell her how things are going in the future.


    18. How old are you? I'll be 28 in a couple weeks.


    19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do?

    Pay off student and car loans and our wedding debt. Share with family, and buy a house. Travel a bit and then probably start my own business since I would still need to do something.


    20. What gadget do you not need, but still want?

    I want a new ipod since mine is full.


    21. What is your favorite T.V. show?

    One Tree Hill


    22. When did you know that FI was "the One?"

    When we were only dating about a month and I ended up in the hospital and needed to have my kidney removed. He stayed by me the whole time and took care of me. I knew I had a keeper!


    23. What is your favorite item of clothing?

    This green dress I bought this year.


    24. How many or do you want children?

    I would like to try for one kid, we'll see if I want more after that.


    25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?

    I met Jesse Carmichael from Maroon 5 over the summer.


    26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?

    I'm OK being me.


    27. What is your worst bad habit?



    28. What's your middle name? Does it have significance?

    Marie, it is my great-grandmother's name and pretty much every female has it in my family.


    29. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

    Got arrested when I was 17 for tresspassing. We were drinking in the woods, but I had just gotten there so I wasn't drinking yet so the cops couldn't bust me on that. It didn't go on my record, but I had to do community service for 3 weeks.


    30. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY?

    He leaves his crap all over the place!


    31. Whatâ€s your favorite movie?

    Grease is my all time favorite movie.


    32. Why did you choose a destination wedding?

    I didn't want a big church wedding. I was raised Catholic, did the CCD thing, but was never much of a believer. I also hate being the center of attention and didn't want a bunch of people I barely talk to or even remember at my wedding. I wanted it small and away from home. Plus, it was cheaper than having something at home and we paid for it on our own.


    33. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged?

    2.5 years


    34. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them?

    My husband's brother. He is such a selfish bastard.


    35. When and how did you and your FI meet?

    At work, August 2003


    36. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now?

    Even more so now that the wedding is over and it was awesome.


    37. Do you have any pets?

    No, but I really want to get a dog once we move.


    38. If you could hook up with a celbrity for one night, who would it be?

    Hmmm, that is a tough one. I really like Vince Vaughn so I think it may be him.


    My question: What's your sexual fantasty and have you ever played it out?

    We've played out a lot of fantasies so I'm not sure I could pick just one.


    39. What's the one thing other than FI that you would bring to a deserted tropical island?



    40. Do you have any tattoos?

    One on my ankle.

  6. Hi ladies, I am back and married! I haven't had a chance to log on to BDW since we got home so now I am going through my 11 something thousand unread posts! I am trying to upload some more pics that my cousin gave me. We have the same camera so luckily we just switched memory cards since we both had over a thousand pictures on our cards. She had all the pics of the wedding day though since I was a little busy getting married to take any pictures, ha ha! The wedding was awesome. There were a couple little snafus, but nothing major. Mike and I were really happy with how everything turned out and our guests had a great time. I did not want to come home especially since we had some snow flurried yesterday. I miss the 85 degree sunny weather and the beach.frown.gif


    To those that got married already congrats!!! I'm glad all your weddings turned out to be what you wanted them to be.


    It sounds like the rest of you are busy with all the last minute details. Have a great trip and great wedding!!


    Erice, your TTD dress and BM dresses are beautiful. Your mom is a rockstar sewer! I hope your nanny is OK.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dbellie1414 View Post
    Thanks for the Help!!! I really appreciate it! By any chance do you know what kind of makeup the spa useshuh.gif Let me know if ya like the spa!

    Your flowers sound b-e-a-utiful!msnwink.gif What kind of vase is your centerpieces going in?
    I'm not sure what kind of make-up the spa uses that is why I decided to bring my own. I have very sensitive skin so I didn't want to take a chance.

    I ordered blumebox vases for our centerpieces, and I also ordered 3 taller ones to put my bouquet and the BMs bouquets in. I was going to put ribbon on them, but decided not to since I had too many other projects to finish! They come in a lot of different colors and pack flat and are really light. We had packed all the glass candle holders in our carryon suitcase and didn't have any more room to bring down vases. I didn't want to take a chance packing glass items in checked luggage and we already had too much other luggage this worked out best for us.

    Click the image to open in full size.
  8. Celina-Congrats on your legal day!!!


    Steph & Celina-Have a great trip and fabulous weddings!


    I picked up my dress last night. It wasn't ready when I was supposed to pick it up so I got it last night at 8:30PM. I got NO sleep on Friday night so I passed out on the couch as soon as I got home. I got two more pairs of blue panties to wear under my dress for my something blue. I haven't tried them on yet so I hope at least one of them fits. I also picked up some more lingerie for the trip. I got an old hanky from my aunt from Ireland so I got my something old and borrowed so those things are done. I need to finish printing out the welcome packets today, I had to pick up more paper yesterday. I also need to finish the programs. I pawned the fans off to my FMIL to tie the ribbon on them. We are almost done packing, I'll be able to finish packing once I'm done with the laundry and the rest of my make-up and hair stuff I can pack Tuesday morning before we leave. I'm getting my nails done tomorrow, and my eyebrows waxed. I'm going to go tanning in a few minutes and will probably go again tomorrow. I'm not sure if I'll logon again before I go, but I just wanted to thank everyone again for all your help and support!

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
    I leave on Sunday so in case I do not have a chance to log in tomorrow I just wanted to thank everyone for everything. You all are so very awesome! I cant wait for us to re-group and share our stories. Take care!
    Have a great trip and wedding! I can't wait to hear all about it when I get back. I'll be thinking of you all in Mexico!!
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