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Posts posted by beachbride08

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
    Here is our thread! I swear - I've been in LaLa Land lately! (Say that 6 times while having bananna mudslides) he he!

    So our photographer sucked and we got his assistant and didnt get any pictures because his assistant was so concerned with getting his $10 per person sunset photos with the rest of the hotel and he kind of just quit taking our pictures at sunset.

    The actual photographer who we thought we were going to see didn't show up until the day we met to get the pictures. What a CHUMP!! SO - I have very few pics of me and DH.

    What have you all been up to? smile03.gif

    What are we going to do with ourselves now that our weddings are over?

    My AHR was a flop - we had 70 guests who RSVP'd who did not show. That sucked.

    I'm glad it's all over. I want to start doing some home improvement projects (painting) and I want to buy a king size bed! (bow-chicka-wow-wow) S&M.gif
    Celina, I can't believe you had 70 no show guests! I was pissed off about the 1 we had in Mexico. I still can't believe what happened with your photographer.

    Tara/Celina - Good luck on your home improvement projects.

    We just got our pro pics on Thursday and they turned out awesome!
    I am really happy with them and so glad we paid the extra moolah to hire an outside photographer and did a TTD shoot. We had so much doing that and were able to get some nice shots and some goofy ones because Mike and I are like big kids. It took forever and a day to upload them to shutterfly so I could order our thank you and Christmas cards. I started to upload them to flickr so I could just post the link on here, but it kept timing out on me. I will try to get them up there soon since I'm not sure I'm going to renew my subscription with flickr. Does anyone have any recommendations for a free upload site aside from photobucket?

    I am almost done making photobooks for our families and my two friends that stood up for Christmas. I'm also making one for us. I don't think I ever want to make a photobook again! Ha ha!

    Aside from that, Mike and I started the process of looking for houses in AZ (online anyway). We got in contact with a mortgage lender and realtor this week. We are flying out there in January to check out some properties in person, and depending on what we find we will determine when we move. I'm a little nervous because we have never bought a house before and it is a big purchase and second I'm concerned about the security of my job. We had a meeting on Tuesday that they have put all recruitment on hold so basically I have nothing to do right now. I had one side project I needed to finish up, but other than that nothing. They are supposed to assign some other projects to us soon to keep us busy, but they haven't given us a timeline for when we will be able to start recruiting again. They already went through two lay offs in our group over the past couple months and I know if things stay slow they will need to lay off more people and they said so. We also are probably not going to get merit increases or bonuses in March and this is the first year that I was really counting on both considering we might be buying a house and moving cross country! Mike is still waiting for a position to open up in AZ so he can formally request his transfer, but nothing has happened with that yet. I can work from home in AZ with my current company and that is the only way we can secure a home loan right now since I have confirmed employment in AZ. If I get laid off I don't think we will be able to buy a house, let alone move right now. I have always wanted to move out west and so has Mike and I'm afraid if we don't do it now we never will so I have been stressing out the past couple of days. I'm just hoping the work situation is temporary, but you never know with how the economy has been. Wish me luck girls!
  2. For those of you considering Citlalli Rico or have booked her already, I highly recommend her!! We just got our pictures on Thursday, and I was blown away.

    We got a photobook filled with 4x6 prints and a package of 8x10 and 5x7 prints. We also got 4 CDs - 2 of all the prints she made and 2 of all the extra pictures she took that were just as good as the ones she printed. The colors look amazing, and she really got some great shots of us and our guests. We have over 500 pictures so it will take some time to upload them.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anna26 View Post
    Hello Girls,

    I was wondering if you know how the "guest passes" work? Can you just give the front desk the names of the people that you are expecting to come in on a certain day and pay for them ahead of time, or does it have to be paid and taken care of at the time the guests come in?

    Thank you so much !

    We had one guest coming from a different resort and just gave his name to Araceli. We left his welcome bag with the front desk and he picked it up after the ceremony. He was supposed to pay for his own guest pass, but nobody asked him for any money. I assumed it would be charged to our room along with the photographer's passes if they didn't make him pay, but we didn't get charged either. I guess we got lucky, but you will probably just take care of all the guest pass and wedding charges when you check out.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BachataBride View Post
    Ok...here goes nothing...
    Music please...


    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday Michelle
    Happy Birthday to you!!!!

    Thank you...I'm here all day!!


    Hope you have a great day Michelle!!
    Originally Posted by 2bebridejamaica View Post
    Happy Birthday Michelle!!!!

    "The weather outside is frightful.... BDW is sooo delightful... " finishing your FB theme.. LOL
    I love the songs ladies!! Thanks!

    Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 View Post
    Happy birthday Michelle, hope the new hubby gets ya something nice! wink.gif
    Me too!!

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes. It is cold and snowy, but I'm looking forward to going to dinner and a movie (Four Christmases) with my hubby tonight.
  5. We had 5 kids at our wedding. We didn't give separate bags to them, we just put kid friendly items in the OOT bag. We gave a package of sand toys and beach balls, and then gave them coloring books and crayons at their place setting at the wedding dinner. The one thing I wish I would have included was floaties or those little rings for the pool. We had small kids and they didn't sell the arm floaties at the resort, but they did have rafts.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jwalkowiak View Post
    Thanks for the info Lyssa- I was wondering if you had the DJ or someone else be your MC- the one who keeps the night moving; when to start dinner, announces the first dance, cake cutting, ect? Did Gabriela stick around the whole night?
    Our DJ didn't say anything! We had already asked my BM Sarah to announce us, and she ended up announcing the dances too on the fly. This part of the night was a little choppy as we weren't really given much direction of what to do or who was doing what.

    Originally Posted by Anna26 View Post
    cheesy.gifMichelle and Lyssa,

    Congratulations on your weddings!!!!
    Thank you so much for posting your reviews. They are very helpfull for all of us.


    P.S. Michelle, I just love your bouquet. So beautiful!cheer2.gifcheer2.gifcheer2.gif
    Thanks! I loved my bouquet too, I was really happy with how it turned out.

    Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 View Post
    Michelle - Did you happen to get your wedding dress steamed at all while you were at the Lindo? I'm thinking of getting mine steamed and was just wonderng if they have the service available and if they're good.

    I only had my dress pressed before we left and it held up fine so I didn't need to get it pressed in Mexico. Sorry!

    Originally Posted by jlj1176 View Post
    Congratulations Beach Bride! It sounds like you had a great time! You look so happy (and beautiful) in your pictures!
    Thank you!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Soon2beWed09 View Post
    Please help!!! I have a small budget I want to include these bags, but not trying to break myself....Please include websites. Oh yeah I have 50 bagslove.gif
    I bought most of our filler items at the Dollar Store and the travel size section at Target. I also got our bags for $2.50 each at the Target section. I only had 15 bags though. Overall I think I spent around $150 for everything.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
    The Strangers or The Happening

    I want to put them both on my Christmas list for Brian's shopping. I really wanted to see both of them. I LOVE LOVE LOVE horror movies, but everyone says that they both sucked sad.gif I still sort of want to see them though. I'm just wondering if it's really a total waste of money.

    I'm pretty sure I'm getting the 2008 version of Funny Games. Any other good horror movies come out on DVD this year? I never get to go to the movies anymore!
    I saw The Strangers and it scared the crap out of me. My husband is a big horror movie guy and he liked it.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
    Good thread. I have been meaning to share my advice. I don't know what material my dress was. it has a flowy top layer that looked nice in the water. two friends wore their wedding gowns for our 3 bride TTD. One was a fitted, mermaid style dress. it was really hard for her to swim or do much of anything. the other was lace & it worked great.

    long, flowy pieces look great for a TTD.

    if you are going to swim, hike the dress up first. I thought i was going to drown the first time I jumped in. i had the dress tangled around my legs & couldn't kick. mike had to help me out of the water.

    after an hour of trashing, i was swimming laps in the thing. well, one lap across the cenote. The key was to pull it up to keep my legs free.

    another tip- don't wear white swimsuit bottoms with gold stripes. you can see the stripes. plan out what will go under the dress too.
    I wore polka dot panties, but my dress was poufy so you couldn't tell once it got wet. Also, I just wanted to comment that my photographer was so happy that I wore my wedding day dress since it was poufy. She said she's done a lot of TTD sessions and the girls always wear another non-poufy dress for the TTD.

    Jean Marcus you are so right about the netting. I had some underneath my dress and when we took some pictures in these branches I didn't realize there were sticker bushes and my dress ended up getting full of them. My photog was picking them off my dress so I wouldn't get poked. Those suckers hurt!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
    Congratulations to everyone who has gone and come back! and to those getting ready to leave, best wishes!!! I have missed you guys but things still seem hectic!! Guess its the holidays, plus have had some interviews, and a few more tests for my back issues. Just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you guys!
    I hope everything works out with your interviews and back tests.

    I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by briscoecrown View Post
    Hi Michelle!!! WELCOME BACK & CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks sooooooooooo much for the detailed review. You're insight has helped me TREMENDOUSLY with my planning. Your teasers on the Iberostar thread had me so anxious! You've really set my mind at ease.... especially, about the Vitrales room set up. I had no idea they offered various set-ups (I've already asked LindoBride to send me the pics she received from the WC). Sounds like something else I need to squeeze into the budget.

    I had the same concerns about the ceremony locations. The gazebo in the shopping center looks beautiful. It has a nice rustic look and it's semi private. I'm sold!!!

    Again, thanks for sharing.
    You're welcome, I'm so glad I could help!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BBtoB View Post
    Michelle and Lyssa, thanks so much for your awesome reviews! You both gave great information and details~! Congrats to you both! And thanks for sharing your special day with us!

    I have a question about the limit of nights you can eat at the A la carte restaurants. Do they limit you to just 3? i have seen that a couple of places. Thanks!
    We were not told of any limit, but we also didn't make reservations every night. We were busy running around so we ate at the buffet once and did room service one night at the Lindo. We made 2 reservations at the Grand, but we went back to the Maya Steakhouse on our last night since it was so good on the wedding day.
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