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Everything posted by Martha

  1. Is it 20% off entire purchase or just one item? Our Toys R Us is just now building BRU, so I am not even sure if it is open yet. We were there a few weeks ago and that area was still under construction. I should call! Thanks for the tip, Karma!
  2. I hate hurricanes. I live on the Gulf of Mexico in Texas, so we get them often. Well, often enough anyhow.... I think you guys are gonna gets lotsa rain, right? That sucks. Watch out for the flooding.....oh and the mosquitos. Yuck!
  3. WELL....I went to bed around 11:30 last night and woke up at 4:30 this morning. I just laid in bed waiting for my alarm to go off at 5:30 (Jay is working overtime today). Here it is 7am and I am wide awake....all I wanna do is sleep though. Nothing to watch on Saturday mornings!
  4. I didn't know either until I read the "Friday" thread this afternoon. I was confuzzled!
  5. I cannot even begin to imagine what you are feeling. I am so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you! My dad had valve replacement surgery back in 1997 when he was 44. The surgery went well and he is doing great now (other than being a cancer patient and having had 3 strokes that are not related to the heart surgery). I will keep the both of you in my prayers...
  6. Pictures might be awhile. We are painting the whole room then Jay is painting a mural. I guess I can just post pictures after we paint and then pictures when the mural is completed. I am super excited! I can't wait to put his clothes away in his new dresser. They have been stored in a plastic storage container for months. I am gonna wait to wash them for a month or so...maybe even longer. Providing that I don't go into labor before then!
  7. Lisa, see I think it should just be something that Jay and I share together also...but not gonna happen. I know she'll be in there. She just better kieep quiet because I will have to yell at her...and just blame it on being in labor. Mo, the Hail Mary! That is totally my mom, but she would want to pray....I think it just depends on the situation and the personality of our moms. Tell your MIL to shove it. She has never invited you to her house Get out! You guys, I am in so much pain. Can't wait for my doctor's appt. on Monday.
  8. I was wondering why everyone was "licious!" Now I see why. Our plans for this weekend are to pick up Noah's furniture today! And start painting his room tomorrow! And...that's it! I wana go to the movies, but I don't even know what's playing?
  9. I called Cigna and they do cover circumcision. Well, I have been battling with who is going to be in the room with us. We are only allowed 2 people...I REALLY only want Jay in there. My mom IS going to be in there and I feel bad saying it, but I don't want her to be. She is a nurse and I know it will help to have a spokesperson in there just in case, but she is ummm a little loud when she is excited and a little overbearing and just think she will get on my nerves. I love her, but she has a very strong personality...I told her that I can only have one person in the room, but she didn't buy it. Oh well. I am sure it will be fine and I would never want to deny her the "priviledge" of being in there.
  10. I don't have any of those things, but CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz We start at the end of October. I called about a month ago and the guy thought I was nuts because I was calling so early. He said people usually don't take them til they're in their 3rd trimester, but I wanted to get them over and done with so I'm starting them early. Let us know how they go! See, I am with you. I would have taken them earlier, but we just moved and had to wait because a 3 hour drive once a week for the classes would have been horrible. ha! My friend said she and her BF gained a lot of knowledge. I am excited. Jay's sisters think it's funny that we are going because they never went. So, now Jay thinks we don't need to go...wait until he gets there. I know he will like the classes!
  12. Is anyone taking birthing classes? We don't start ours until Oct. 2nd. They are once a week for 4 weeks...I have a feeling we wont get to go to the last one because I will have delivered by then. And not to bring up a sore subject, but a friend of mine was due on Wed. was telling me that she got some paperwork from the hospital stating that some insurances don't cover circumcision. If you are having a boy and are planning to circ, you might wanna check on this so you know if you will have any added extra cost.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by msam007562 As for sleep...ironically I have NO curtains in my room but I'm so exhausted I can manage. Have noticed though that I sleep much better in the wintertime when it's cold, during the summer I could only sleep about 4 hours because I'd wake up from the heat ~ sucks and I'm glad it's starting to cool down a bit! Thank goodness your mistake was able to be fixed! That would have been horrible. Can you imagine everyone having to retract THAT statement? I am sure you are not the first one to make a mistake anyhow....your boss may use fowl language, but it sounds like he isn't so bad afterall. What do you plan to do when you leave this job? Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Martha at the end of pregnancy the only good sleep I got was naps in the afternoon, I would sleep for a solid two hours at a time (then my bladder would wake me up). Try taking walks in the late evening to help calm you down. You can also take baths as long as they are not too hot. I never took tylenol pm, but did take tylenol when the aches were making sleep difficult. I really think what jacks me up is that I wake up to make Jay b-fast and lunch and then can't go back to sleep for a few hours then I sleep until noon. Then can't sleep at night because I slept solate in the day. I feel like I have to keep making him b-fast because he works hard all day and since I am staying home a year, it's the least I could do to show my appreciation to him. Plus, he would just pick up something from a convenience store and really, how healthy would that be? Once Noah arrives the cooking will stop, but until then I guess I have to keep doing this. My intentions last night were to go to bed and just get up at 5:30am and stay awake all day. Well, since I woke up at 2:30, I was sleepy by 6:30 and went back to bed. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG I've also noticed it's becoming more difficult for me to sleep too, but I just lay there and keep trying to sleep since I have to wake up at 5:45a for work. I did tell my guys that I will be napping every afternoon after lunch. I went into the conference room yesterday and slept for an hour. It was great!! Ha! That's funny! I couldn't imagine doing that at school. The kids would have a blast, but admn. would frown upon it! Good thing you work with a bunch of guys! If you are any way hormonal, they are probably grateful for that nap too!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Sarah What to do? Just chat with your other preggy friends that can't sleep Mine is due to my crazy work schedule- I just can't switch back to days anymore- I just stay up all night every night now. It sucks. It's just your body preparing you to never sleep once Noah gets here. My normal suggestion would be a glass of wine, but since we can't go that route right now, I ditto the Tylenol PM. It's safe. Are you working days now or just on your days off? I have been looking online at Baby Shower favors and games for the past hour. Not exactly what I would like to be doing at 4:30 am, but it's better than just sitting in the dark! Do you think benadryl would be better than Tylenol PM? I used to be hooked on Tylenol PM and after a while it stopped working, so it may not even work now....although it's been probably 8 years or so since I have taken it. Oh how I miss my Ambien! Quote: Originally Posted by lauren i went to sleep at 10 and was up at 3:30 panicking about all of the things that i have to accomplish today. so i'm here too........... That bites, Lauren. When do kids go back to school? Or wait, did they go back on Tuesday? I am confused with my days...they just all run together now! Quote: Originally Posted by msam007562 It is def. a unique job, can be exciting at times and it has certainly taught me so much in my career as a young journalist!! But good lawd, I am always freaking tired and feel like all I do is sleep and work, and of course be an addict on BDW! I challenged myself to stay at this job for at least a year ~ on October 1st I will have reached that goal and hopefully can move on into the next phase of my career. My editor, who is this old French guy, was an old war reporter in Africa and Europe, and let me tell you, his mouth is so foul but it helps keep me up in the morning, lol. On some of my more tired days I send him stories only to have him call me and say "what the F* is this? I need you to UN-f%#k this story ASAP." I never imagined I'd be getting cussed out at 3:30 in the morning, lol. A couple weeks ago I was working on an 16 hour day, and accidentally killed off the wrong person in one of my stories. It was put on the wire at 5 a.m., and by 5:15 a.m. I got a phone call from a pissed off sheriff's deputy who said I was misquoting him. Needless to say my editor called 2 minutes later and layed it on me. Luckily, the newcasts don't start until 5:30 a.m. in So Cal. It was a bad night, and let's just say I've realized I must get my rest no matter what it takes, even a 15 minute nap helps tons!! On a side note, high 5's to all my fellow BDW vampires These awful hours at work go by so much more quickly when I can sift through threads and plan my wedding OMG! You killed off the wrong guy?! That is hilarious! Well, hilarious to me since I wasn't the one that goofed. I hope you were able to find the humor in it! And, you still have your job, so that's good! Thanks for the laugh, now I have something to share with Jay when he wakes up in an hour. Are you able to sleep during they day? I hope your bedroom is pitch black. I can't sleep with the sun shining in our room. We have room darkening blinds and curtains that help alot. Which is good because these days, I need them!
  15. Well....I went to bed at 11:00 and I probably fell in to a light sleep around 11:30. I woke up at 2:30 (30 min ago) to use the restroom and well, here I am. I tried to fall back to sleep but got heartburn, so I had to sit up and I guess that was enough sleep for my body because now I am sitting in bed talking to myself on here. Joanna- I have never seen either of those movies...too bad Blockbuster is closed right now! I loooove to read and a few days ago finished reading "I Know this Much is True" by Wally Lamb. I have another book waiting for me, but in all honesty just don't want to read it. The Wally Lamb book was so good that I feel this one wont be able to compete and I'll end up putting it away. Which, of course is silly, but I am nuts like that. so, what to do, what to do?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy Hey Martha - i didn't realize you weren't in san Antonio anymore....where did you move to? Awww...I never even got to meet you in person...we should have had a BDW meet-up here in SA, Hey! We actually just moved a few weeks ago. We moved back to our hometown just south of Corpus. We decided to be closer to family (really our parents) and friends since we want Noah to be around them as much as possible. I can totally do a get together though....my sister and brother still live there. It would have to be after Noah arrives though because I am pretty uncomfortable these days!
  17. Ha! That is a funny dream, Lisa! Thanks, Lizz, me too!!! So....I think I have varicose veins on my girly bits. Not sure but that keeps coming up when i Google my pain. I am glad it's pretty common, but still embarrassing to talk about nonetheless!
  18. I am about to take a hot shower and crawl in to bed (even though I just woke up 8 hours ago!) and try to relax and turn the tv off after the news and just go to bed when Jay does. I hope it works!
  19. So cute! I *think* we registered for the same one! It's okay, I have been stalking our registries even though invitation haven't even gone out yet! har!
  20. I didn't have one. I was too busy fighting wars with my brother's GI Joe men!
  21. Sounds like he will be safe! The day care I want to take Noah to doesn't have webcams either, and I think I would be obsessed with watching him all day anyhow! The day care that we are looking in to has a few spots available now, I just don't know when we will start taking him...oh and they accept baies at 2 weeks! I can't imagine going back to work 2 weeks after I deliver, much less leaving my baby in the care of someone else while he is so young! I feel for those that have to do that.... I had a dream last night (actually this morning when I finally fell asleep) that I had a baby girl and that she came early. When she was born, she was huge. Like she looked like a 4 or 5 month old. Anyhow, when she was 2 days old she was already turning over in her sleep! ha!
  22. Ya, I'll just suffer. You know how much I worry!
  23. MarieSam- that actually sounds like a super cool job! The hours are nuts, but I guess they have to be if you want to get all the crazy stuff that happens in the middle of the night. I can't imagine working those hours and raising a 13 year-old, much less planning a DW! My hats off to you!
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