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I have been so bad...  I haven't been doing any workout or watching what I eat or anything!  I figured I will get a start after the new year.  I will have 10 months to tone and drop about 30#.  I am sure that I can do it.  I have been watching you guys progress and it is motivation.  I know with the inspiration that I can do it. 
Just keep in mind the time flies by!!!! I remember thinking Oh I have a year to go... I'll get to it and now I have 5 months left and am struggling to lose the weight... I mean I still have 5months so I am sure I will be fine but just it goes by so much faster then you think lol!
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I agree! time flies! I am  just under 2 months to go til my wedding and im at the same weight i was last year when i said id lose 20. lol. Im ok where my weight is. Actually cant afford to lose anymore because my dress will be too big, but I am toninning and maintaing which is all that matters . if i lose what i want by then ill be happy. If i dont. I wont cry. But at least Im being healthy and fit at the same time!s


20 more mins then im off work and home to finish my work out for week 2 :)

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I agree! time flies! I am  just under 2 months to go til my wedding and im at the same weight i was last year when i said id lose 20. lol. Im ok where my weight is. Actually cant afford to lose anymore because my dress will be too big, but I am toninning and maintaing which is all that matters . if i lose what i want by then ill be happy. If i dont. I wont cry. But at least Im being healthy and fit at the same time!s 20 more mins then im off work and home to finish my work out for week 2 :)
Great job! And yeah unless you are willing to have alterations to your dress better not lose anymore! Last night we had a huge wind/rain storm and our power went out when I got home from my volleyball game and so I had to do my exercise by flashlight... but I still did it lol! Thankgoodness my workouts are on my laptop and it still had power on it lol!
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Originally Posted by csho View Post

Great job! And yeah unless you are willing to have alterations to your dress better not lose anymore!

Last night we had a huge wind/rain storm and our power went out when I got home from my volleyball game and so I had to do my exercise by flashlight... but I still did it lol! Thankgoodness my workouts are on my laptop and it still had power on it lol!

Oh wow! thats dedication! lol I probably wouldnt have done it. lol I actually didnt get to do mine because there was a huge snow storm last night, and i didnt get home til late, had to shovel the driveway( i guess that can be the workout) and make supper and pack for the weekend. I am gonna make it up with all the waking we will do this weekend. and then back on the grind sunday :) have a good weekend ladies!

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Oh wow! thats dedication! lol I probably wouldnt have done it. lol I actually didnt get to do mine because there was a huge snow storm last night, and i didnt get home til late, had to shovel the driveway( i guess that can be the workout) and make supper and pack for the weekend. I am gonna make it up with all the waking we will do this weekend. and then back on the grind sunday :) have a good weekend ladies!
Yeah I think our storm is was what everyone else is getting but our luckily was just rain and no snow! Best part of living on the ocean! not as much snow lol! Have a great weekend!
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Well its the start of week three! I gfot some good black friday deals! I picked up a Polar fit heart./calorie monitor at scheels this weekend. They marked it wrong as 59.99 and it is supose to be 159.99 . And they honored the pirce on the box! 100$ off ! what a steal! so now I can monmiotor how many calories I am burning during my workouts!  Yesterday I went for a job with my dog and it says I burned 158 calories in 20 mins.  Ill wear it tonight when I am doing my T25 and my strength training.   Still no real movement on the scale other then going back and forth a few l;bs. But this week its all about clean eating and training dirty!  Have a good week :)

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Well its the start of week three! I gfot some good black friday deals! I picked up a Polar fit heart./calorie monitor at scheels this weekend. They marked it wrong as 59.99 and it is supose to be 159.99 . And they honored the pirce on the box! 100$ off ! what a steal! so now I can monmiotor how many calories I am burning during my workouts!  Yesterday I went for a job with my dog and it says I burned 158 calories in 20 mins.  Ill wear it tonight when I am doing my T25 and my strength training.   Still no real movement on the scale other then going back and forth a few l;bs. But this week its all about clean eating and training dirty!  Have a good week :)
I told my FI that I'd like a heart rate monitor for Christmas, but I am not sure that he got one for me... I'd really love it so I could figure out exactly how many calories I am burning. I'll be interested to hear how much you burn during T25! I finished week 6 and am onto week 7! Can't believe I have been following it for this long! It feels so great and my body is definitely showing a difference! I fit into an old red dress that was too small at the beginning of November and I was able to zip my wedding dress up this weekend YAY!! I had some "back" fat that did not look good... but I am just soo happy it actually zipped! now to get rid of the back roll lol! I stepped on the scale this morning and it said I gained 4 lbs over the weekend, but theres no way! I am hoping after eating healthy and exercising today it'll be back down to my normal weight tomorrow!
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Well I shall let you know tomorrow morning what the calorie burn was! Ill do it for just the T25 and then ill let you know how much I burned during my weight training too.

As much as I care about the weight on the scale. At the same time I dont. It fluctuates so much that im just like WHATEVER! logn as my clothes fit and i look good in them and i dont have to buy a bigger size then Im good lol. Besides whenever I get pregnant ill be fat again anways! :P My goal right now is to continue exercising and keeping up with it, and eating healthy (within my weight watchers points as well) This week I am really trying to stick to my daily points and drink water (with crystal light) and no pop! .. HOpe i can do it!

Congrats on the dresses fitting! thats awesome! I go wed for I think my final fitting with my dress lady. I get to try it on with my shoes! I was hoping my veil would be in but its not yet :(

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Well I shall let you know tomorrow morning what the calorie burn was! Ill do it for just the T25 and then ill let you know how much I burned during my weight training too. As much as I care about the weight on the scale. At the same time I dont. It fluctuates so much that im just like WHATEVER! logn as my clothes fit and i look good in them and i dont have to buy a bigger size then Im good lol. Besides whenever I get pregnant ill be fat again anways! :P My goal right now is to continue exercising and keeping up with it, and eating healthy (within my weight watchers points as well) This week I am really trying to stick to my daily points and drink water (with crystal light) and no pop! .. HOpe i can do it! Congrats on the dresses fitting! thats awesome! I go wed for I think my final fitting with my dress lady. I get to try it on with my shoes! I was hoping my veil would be in but its not yet :(
Oh that's so exciting! Your wedding is coming up sooooo soon now! You must be getting so excited!
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I AM! but also a little stressed. I think thats why my back and shoudlers are hurting so much right now! Ever since my bachlorette party last month shes just been a bit off.  ( she kinda drove me crazy on our trip and whined and complained about everything) I feel like ever since her wedding its "who cares about Danielles and lets sabatoge it" lol. Im sure thats not how it is, but she hasnt even gone to get her dress fitted, and she is leaving this week to texas until 2 weeks before the wedding! HELLOOOO when are you doing your dress?? at this point i dont care, if she looks stupid thats her own fault lol. And we havent even got her shoes yet AND shes missing my bridal shower that my mom and SIL are throwing for me.  OH WELL I need to go home and sweat some of this stress out! lol


But yes! the big day is coming up, I cant believe how fast time has went. This time last year I wasnt even engaged! i was getting ready to go to Florida for xmas at my FI aunts house ! so crazy! . I am very excited tho.

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