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New job: wedding planner


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Wow. I have become a wedding planner! This might be taking up just as much time as my daily job. We decided to get married in Cabo because we thought it would be effortless. We originally were going to get married in Aspen, but felt like it would be way too much planning and effort, so a beach would be more relaxed and less fussy. Needless to say I was wrong this might be just as much if not more than an Aspen wedding or a wedding in my own city. Don't get me wrong, its fun planning bunny_4.gif but its a bit overwhelming with all the decisions. We have a Wedding coordinator that has been helping us look for different sites and she has been so nice, helpful and accommodating...and most importantly, her response time is impeccable. We should be going for a Site Visit in April so as soon as I see everything I will share all... with details!

Wish me luck! and good luck to all of you as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Sunnydaes. I'd love to hear what you think after your site visit. I'm planning a wedding in Cabo in spring 2009. I hope to do a site visit in June. I'm also curious how much time you're spending planning? I just got engaged and haven't spent much time on it yet. Who is your wedding planner? How many different ones did you talk to before selecting this one?

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Hi Lanelle! welcome to the forum!

I have been spending quite a bit of time learning about everything and trying to figure out the most reasonable ways to have this wedding, while also still making it exactly what we want. Pretty much all the free time i have is going to planning, but I'm also enjoying doing it...

The WC i have been in contact with is really great and very helpful. I spoke with a few different ones before really finding one that I felt would work well with us. I will post pictures and info as soon as i get back from the site visit. There is SOOOO much information on this site. It's helpful if you check out the reviews people have written and pictures as well. I hope that helps!!

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