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Interesting issue...

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Hey all, in my intro I did say I had a few questions, and this is one of them :)


I can give you all the details and etc, but I will give everyone the short version. My girl originally bought a dress for the wedding, however it was not one that she really wanted, but she was convinced that it was ok. So we returned that one, and she picked out the one that she really wanted. However, due to me asking (in a kidding way) and her wanting my opinion...I saw the dress...with her in it already (in a picture) :/


Now, to be honest, I feel the image is "haunting" me cause I really didn't want to see it.


Does this sound silly? Does anyone think this will kill the "wow" factor I was hoping for?


I know these question sound odd, and well they are. This just has been bothering me or a good couple of days....

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Originally Posted by Kathie View Post
IMHO I would not want my FI so see the dress at all. I don't know if it would kill the "wow" factor because she'll be all made up, etc. at the wedding but I wouldn't want my FI to see the dress.
I really didn't want to either, but its too late for that now (she showed me a picture of the old one, then the new one (thought it was still the old one) :P
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IMO I don't think it will take away from the vows. With all the excitement of the day and when she is all made up. You will think of it as a total different dress. MY FI has seen a pic of my dress but not on me its in my mother's safe room (its what i call it) with all the other wedding stuff. No worries.

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Hopefully you're like any other man and just remember "something about it being a white dress".

I agree with the others that on your wedding day, it will be different than seeing her in a picture.

I don't want FI to even see pictures that I am considering. I want it to be a total surprise.

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Don't even worry about it. Just put the thought away from your head.. You are going to be so blown away from the emotion of seeing the woman of your dreams walking down the aisle to be your wife will outwiegh anything else

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Thanks all for your help so far, and I do agree that I will be caught up in the moment and it will be a jaw dropping experience. Just will always wonder what it would of been like if I didn't see it at all.... :)


Would it hurt to give her ideas on how to make the dress better (without looking at it/analysis it), or does everyone think thats a big "no no"?


Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be View Post
Hopefully you're like any other man and just remember "something about it being a white dress".
Unfortunately not - I have a very good detailed memory...lol Heck, I still remember things from what I was a baby and in my crib :P However, I am "trying" to forgot it, but every once in a awhile you see something that reminds you of it :P
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