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Everything posted by puravida2015

  1. I don't think it's that expensive at all. You said you purchased upgraded card stock so you have to factor that in. I'm one of those that spent approx. $20+ per invite but I purchased several upgrades. I did not fully DIY my invites, I ordered boarding pass and passport invitations and did everything else myself. Part of the reason mine were that price was due to me upgrading the cardstock (for the boarding pass jacket); a custom stamp (for the passport); an airplane charm for each invite, upgraded envelopes with custom printing and custom stamps. My envelopes with custom printing was about $150 for 40 envelopes (#10 and A1). And I spent about the same on the stamps. I needed $1.61 stamps since my invites were heavy and I also ordered stamps for the RSVP cards.
  2. This is really cute. My MOH wants to wear a long dress on the same day! LOL Who makes this dress?
  3. Ohhh good! I'm glad most of your guests are booked already. I'm sure your few stragglers will figure out something since they waited so long.
  4. I know how you feel @@calgarybride2015. My resort is sold out the entire week we are there too.Thankfully my TA secured a big enough room block for us when I asked her to but no one is able to book directly with the resort. I know some other brides at my resort going through this as well. And our guests don't even have the option to stay at another resort because we're so secluded. Hopefully something will open up for you.
  5. I say get what you love and what you think will look best on you. They're both beautiful!
  6. There are several. A few you can try are BiDrop (Toh Gouttenoire), a Brit and a Blonde, El Velo. Or if you have a planner you can work with them to find one for you.
  7. I guess I don't understand why they wouldn't be invited. Unless they're underage and unable to attend some adult events they should be invited/included in all of the events (because they're part of the bridal party).
  8. The key is to establish some type of rapport. You can do that via phone, email or in person. If you can do that and they are good at their job then you should be in good hands. My TA is in a completely other state than me. But we are constantly talk via email, phone and text and she's been getting a lot done for me. So for me personally, I don't need for her to be in close proximity.
  9. Gotcha!! yes, that would truly be helpful.
  10. @@kmk2016 where is the other thread? Can you post a link?
  11. @@bkprettygirl she's usually responds within 2 days. Sometimes as quick as a couple of hours. My deposit hasn't been taken out either. I'll send you a direct message.
  12. I honestly haven't tried the number yet but just saw they posted it. Bummer! Does it give a message or anything? You emailed Connie? She's been pretty responsive with me and my TA. Roscio replied JUST replied to my email from over a month ago but never even answered my question.
  13. You have to keep in mind that Dreams hasn't even opened yet. Yes, communication has been spotty but that's something that I can somewhat understand. A lot of their focus is on their grand opening and immediate weddings. They just got a onsite wedding manager and she has been fairly responsive. They also recently posted a direct number.
  14. That it SOOOOO freaking cute!!!! He captured you guys really well!!!
  15. @ what kind of contraption is that??? LOL I'm an DD ( E ) and I feel like I need a SECURE strapless to hold these bad boys in!
  16. @ No worries! I just thought you might be interested in seeing what some of the other ladies posted. Lots of beautiful dresses in here.
  17. I think anything goes as a far as the OOT bags. It's just a nice gesture to make your guests feel welcomed. I think what you have is great. Some people do more some do less. It's really up to you. Your guests will appreciate it either way. I'm personally not doing food or drinks simply because it's an all-inclusive they're already going to have some of that stuff in their rooms. Plus it's going to be hot and I'm already packing enough stuff so I didn't want to worry about any food melting (candy) or getting crushed. So I opted to send goodies as a thank you for booking. I found some Costa Rica specific goodies and I'm including that with a thank you card.
  18. Congrats and Happy Planning!!! I would love to get to St. Lucia one day.
  19. This is really disheartening. I hope you're able to get your video soon. Please let us know if when you receive it. I truly hope they stick to their words and send you what you're expecting this week.
  20. @@bkprettygirl Sure I'll let you know what we work out. Im doing the boarding pass invite. It will be somewhat similar to Theresa. And I'm using the passport as info on the resort with some wedding details. I'm not planing to include times on mine. I figure my time may change anyway from now til April. And the sample that I got I think only one had a time on them. I'm just going to say something like "sunset ceremony." My welcome dinner will likely be at 6 since we're doing semi private on the terrace. But again, I'm not planning to include the time. I figure since I square out those details I can provide in my pre-travel booklet or welcome letter.
  21. They haven't posted much. They have a wedding manager now. The posted a number but it doesn't seem correct. There are links to menus when accessing the site through mobile but I'm not sure they're the actual menus. The seem to be the same ones from another site. Hoping to get some more info this week.
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