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Posts posted by TuffLuv

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AngBN View Post

    Thanks for the info Kerriann5 I've been trying to find out if the credit could be used on hair n make up. It's unfortunate that you can't thou sad.gif definitely would have come in handy. Especially since I'm thinking of doing a hair trial.
    We've still been struggling with deciding on a photographer. After reading all tge reviews on the site and talking with several companies We have decided to go with HDC! So excited everything is coming together. Good luck all


    AngBN, I also went with HDC. I'm excited to work with them. I loved their profile and the prices were reasonable. I see you're an April bride as well. If you don't mind me asking, what is your date and what resort are you getting married at?

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  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChelseaCat802 View Post

    I'm pretty sure we feel EXACTLY the same way. I would label the invitations as you normally would - and then maybe on your save the date - put "adult only reception." I had a hard time deciding where to put it since we can't really say "adult reception to follow ceremony." I have two really close friends that are currently pregnant and when our AHR happens (January) their babies will be a month or two old. I told specifically they could bring their babies, but that's it. They won't be able to come to our AHR unless they bring them because they're so young.


    Here is how I did it on my RSVP post card. What do you think?



    OMG!!!!I I freaking love it. That is uber cute and creative. Also, I would have done the same (for my friends with new babies). Honestly, we don't mind a few kids and weI understand those who may not be able to get a sitter. However, what we don't want is a bunch of kids running around and not being supervised. Unfortantely, past experiences have shown that when parents get in big group settings they sometimes have a tendency to let their kids loose. Ain't nobody got time for that. LOL Beside we'll be drinking and I want everyone to have a good time and not feel restricted by the presence of kids. Our kid will be supervised by his grandparents and his mom. HaHa.
  3. My FI and I are planning on having an AHR a month or two after we return from our DW and although our son (the "bestman") and my niece (the "maid of honor") will be present we would like a kid free (as possible) reception. However, I'm not sure how to word it on our save the date/invitations without offending anyone. Any suggestions from those who have planned their AHR and also chose this option would be greatly appreciated.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by alycamille View Post

    Unfortunately we've moved our wedding over to Barcelo Bavaro Palace Deluxe since the rates for our guests were too high...  Hopefully we still get to visit the HRPC, because I love the resort. Nonetheless just wanted to say that Mia was great to work with! Anyone who has her, she's awesome. Good luck! :)


    OMG!!!!! Yes, the rates are extremely high but I think we got a decent deal for our guest. I am sooooo excited about staying at HRPC. I hope you get a chance to visit in your near future.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KerriAnn5 View Post

    Hi Ladies! Just some info about the salon. You Can NOT use the credits towards your hair and makeup. I contacted them directly and they said the usage of the credits has changed and they no longer allow it towards those services. From what i seen in other brides photots they did a pretty nice job with the hair and makeup. Also..They do NOT offer flase eyelashes if any of you were looking for that. You can bring your own strip lashes and glue with you and they will help you to apply them but thats the most they will do. They will not do the individual lashes either.


    Thanks KerriAnn5, that was very helpful. I plan to do lash extension before I get to the DR and my sister is doing my makeup. So, my only worry has been my hair. However, my Dominican stylist here at home said I should no problems getting my hair styled how I want even with resort sytlist. I hope she's right ;-)
  6. AngBN,


    I got my Dominican blowout yesterday and my hairdresser (who is Dominican) said I should have no problem getting a nice hairstyle. She said there are soooo many different hair textures in her country that hairdressers know how to style all hair types. She said even the stylist at the resorts would know how to style all hair types. I showed her a pic of the style I want and she said that it would be easy and attainable. I'm still going to do my homework to find a stylist I like and hopefully we can email or Skype so she can see my hair and the style I want. Hopefully, this was somewhat helpful.



  7. Originally Posted by lsustef View Post


    Thank you Tuffluv!


    Any questions you have about once you get there please feel free to ask!  We did the complimentary collection and it was pretty.  Honestly the ceremony was so fast I couldn't see spending money on any thing else, plus it was just the two of us.  If I had a bunch of other people coming I may have splurged. 


    Thank you. We also choose the complimentary package. We have some guest attending but no wedding party. I think the complimentary package will be fine.

  8. AngBN I don't have any information about any of the local hairdressers. However, I get Dominican blowouts from time to time from a Dominican lady in my city. I am planning on scheduling an appointment with her in the next week or two. I will be asking her if she know of any good salons in the DR and also any recommendations for my hair since she's familiar with the texture (of my hair) and the weather in the DR. I will let you and any others interested in what she has to say. Lonita

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