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Posts posted by TuffLuv

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrsPeele2B View Post


    Ok here's how I usually wear my hair... Either in a wash & go, twists, or a twist out...


    Cute. Your hair is beautiful. I think we're all somewhat clueless about what we're going to do to our hair.  However, through this forum we will figure it out together. LOL. Where are you getting married?

  2. Is anyone aware of any good full body cleanse or detox products that work? I read somewhere that the body can store up to 25lbs of waste and by completing a cleanse/detox you may be able to get rid of the pounds stored as waste. I am particularly interested in these products b/c I'm not regular and I've convinced myself I have some sort of digestion issue. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BurnsBride View Post

    We are keeping it all in the family. His sisters stand with me, my brother and his father stand with him. That's it! Nice and cozy.


    Oh, and my super cute nephew will carry a "here comes the bride" banner!


    Cute and practical. At the end of the day it is ALL about the bride and groom so however they chose to celebrate their special day others should respect it.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by curlygirlnpearl View Post

    Hey ladies! I'm also natural and my hair hits my bra strap. I had a twisted updo for my e-pics but with us leaving days before the wedding I'm afraid that the updo will be a frizzy MESS!! I'm getting married in Mexico and I'm terrified thinking about a style. Everyone keeps saying get a curly weave but I've NEVER had a weave and I don't think my wedding is the day I want to test it out. Plus, I love my curls but a wash-n-go doesn't really go with gown. Ugh! Btw, love the hair ladies!!


    I completely understand your dilemma. One of the reasons I donâ€t want to wear weave is b/c I want to do the whole wash and go while on our honeymoon. I donâ€t want the hassle of having to maintain my hair. Also, I like my hair. Itâ€s been 2 ½ years since I went from short (shaved in a mohawk) to where is it now and I like my natural hair. Iâ€m proud of my progress. So I am determined to find and work the hell out a cute hairstyle for my wedding.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Audrey8 View Post

    Hello! So I'm getting married very soon and a few things came to mind, that I hadn't thought of before. How is the dinner usually done after the ceremony? The entire family will go eat together afterwards, so how do we make a non-awkward exit for our honey moon night? How do people usually leave dinner to go to their room when they're all at the same hotel? Do we have to stay until its late and other people start to go to their rooms? I just realized how awkward it would be.


    I'm doing the same. I don' think it will awkward at all. Everyone knows it your honeymoon. So I would think everyone would understanding when you and your new hubby decide you're ready to retreat to your room for some alone time. I plan on having a celebratory dinner after our ceremony and maybe (depending on how tired we are) a few cocktails with our guest then some good ole honeymoon fun with my husband

    :D .

  6. This thread has been very helpful with incorporating unique ceremony touches. I contacted my wedding coordinator about the butterfly release in the DR and unfortantely, she said that is not an option there. So, I guess we will just be doing the 3 cord strand. I love this concept as well but wanted to add the butterfly release to the end of ceremony. Oh well. Maybe it's for the best b/c I read some negative reveiws on it. Thanks again ladies for all the unique ideas.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ironman View Post

    Glad to see I am not the only one out there not having a wedding party.


    After the one person my fiance wanted to be his best man can't attend our DW we kind of decided to not have a wedding party. I do feel a bit sad about this, but think it will end up being okay. We're 2.5 months out and "determine wedding party" is still on my to-do list, so chances are it won't end up happening. We're doing a symbolic ceremony in Mexico, so you don't even need witnesses anyways. One of my brothers will be the officiant for us.


    My niece and nephew will have jobs, but that's more for fun than being an actual wedding party. A flower girl and possibly ring/bearer or sign-carrier. Haven't decided yet.


    I'm doing something similar. No wedding party but my neice will be my "junior" bridesmaid and my stepson will be "honorary" bestman. That's it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by struong15 View Post

    For those of you who are going barefoot on the beach, and then wearing heels at the reception, how did you get your dress altered to fit both heights? Our ceremony will be on the beach, but our reception will be in a pavilion right next to the beach, so I'll have to wear heels there.


    I am planning on going barefoot for the ceremony and wearing heels for the celebration afterwards. I was lucky enough, that I don't need to have my dress altered to fit appropriately (for the shoes). I'm sure it will drag some on the beach b/c my heels are pretty high but I think it will be fine.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StephLB View Post


    This is a great idea. I'm planning to carry on, but I was worried the airline would decide not to hang it up for me when I get there.


    After reading this I decided to call the airline my FI and will be traveling through and I was told I can carry on my dress as long as it will fit in the overhead. She said they do not have a closet to hang it in. So I will be getting one of those air bags that I'm able to suck the air out and pack my dress in an carry on suitcase. I will get it steamed at the resort once we arrive. Oh, we're flying US Airways.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RachelHolmes21 View Post

    I am working with a TA as well, she will do the same - setup a website for them to book their trip. I have a private facebook even page where most of the people can access general information and my event page links to my wedding website with all the specific. My STD deferred the guests to the wedding website for booking/resort details.


    Wow, that was a really good idea. I swear if it weren't for this website I would be lost.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tricia-m View Post

    I am doing the exact same thing. This way, I'll know how many invitations to make instead of sending it to everyone. Can't wait to get my STD's back!  I want to get started!


    I know how you feel. I designed programs on zazzle and I can't wait to order and get them. Planning this wedding is fun and stressful but overall fun. I'm excited to be bride and can't wait to be his wife.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrsPeele2B View Post

    Those hairstyles are beautiful!!!! I love them. TuffLuv have you considered any updos? I know it can be real windy and be humid in DR. I like the curls though.


    Thanks MrsPeele2B. I have thought about some updo styles but really like these. I have thought about the wind factor. I figure if my curls blow it won't ruin the hairstyle, I can just move them back into place. However, if my updo blows it may not be as easy to restore the original look of the style. I'm not sure how humid it will be in April. I will do my homework b4 I settle on a final decision. My Dominican stylist did say April the weather isn't too bad and I showed her the pic of the style I want.
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