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Posts posted by mstigger

  1. Sooooo excited for you!!!!!

    I can't wait to see pics with the sunglasses, those are really adorable!!

    I think it called for rain every day we were there in September and it never rained once, so take the forecast with a grain of salt so to speak shots.gif


    The necklaces are gorgeous!! I got something similar for my MOH off Etsy too, you gotta love Etsy!!!


    Don't stress, you can do it. It will all come together and be absolutely fantastic!!!


    Originally Posted by Feb2013 View Post

    Well we are down to 17 days until the Big "I Do"!!!! and we are down to 13 days until we leave for Mexico! woot.gif


    I had my Bachelorette party all last weekend and now I am feeling overwhelmed thinking about all the little things I have left to do. I thought I was doing so good but the to do list keeps adding up! LOL!


    I did get the first of our favors to our guess... We go sunglasses for everyone to wear at the ceremony and I hope to get a group pic with everyone wearing them. These are not the best pics but if you can tell on the second pic the little crabs have been the theme throughout our wedding from our Save the Date Caricature. (I will try to get better pics) 






    I also got these necklaces for my MOH, Mom, MIL, and Friend that has been helping me out a ton on things. 




    Those are a few of the photos I quickly took on my phone maybe if I get some more down time between hard core working out (need to try and lose those 3 pounds I gained from the weekend), finishing putting together the ceremony songs, finalizing dance songs, and packing I will be able to add more and better ones! 


    I can't believe that I am only 17 days away! It seemed like it was forever away a couple months ago! I am just hoping the extended forecast that calls for rain the entire week of my honeymoon is wrong! fingers crossed. 

  2. Oh yeah, great idea Shannon!

    I too am getting the hanging arrangements and using them as part of my decor.

    Originally Posted by Shannon Burgess View Post

    How many bridesmaids are you having? I rented clear vases and the wedding coordinators put my bouquets in them right after the ceremony. And I also used the hanging arrangements on the tables as well. I know the fresh flowers are pricey but in this case you can use them twice and save some money on decor. I was very pleased the way they had them arranged on our tables.
  3. My colors are light pink, hot pink and royal blue. I picked these up at the dollar tree, got the battery operated tea lights from dollar tree (3 in a pack for $1) and the blue gems were $1 per bag. Not a bad price. We are having an imperial table set up because we only have 14 guests, so I got 6 of these totals and we will put starfish and seashells around them. Small, simple and inexpensive!!




    Originally Posted by Darcy View Post

    What about for center pieces what is everyone doing?  The couple that I saw were $70ea  I don't really think I have room to be bringing down centerpieces in my suitcase I am expecting 40 guests I believe tables seat 8 per table so i would need 5 centerpieces.  Any ideas???

  4. Good point.....thank you!!

    I could spend that on whatever sound system I decide to book or buy!!!


    Originally Posted by LKocelko View Post

    Clearly I haven't been yet, but I vote no (as I did for myself). Based on other people's opinions about the sub-par quality, it wasn't worth it. I figured since each will be getting cheesecake for dessert, that would suffice. Maybe ask yourself if you'd rather spend $85 on a cake people may or may not want, or would you rather spend that on something else for the wedding....or a massage :)

  5. Ok, I'm having the cake debate....to have or not to have. I've gone with a set menu and we are having the mango cheesecake for dessert. I think I read the cake was not good, true? I asked about red velvet and they said no problem, but is it worth $85 for a cake for 6 people?? I am sure that would feed more than 6, but I'm just not sure it's worth it......especially if it's not good thatswck.gif

    Thoughts from those of you who have been there and done that??

  6. OMG, I totally wanted this shoe but I could not find it anywhere in my size. Bummer.

    I love, love, love it!!!

    Originally Posted by JamaicaSukie View Post

    Take Two!  Here are my wedding shoes!  I just love them!!!


    Wedding shoes 1.jpg


    I also purchased some of my wedding jewelry....





    I also found the perfect add on piece for my dress (I hate the flower the came on my dress).




    I also started working on my welcome package in terms of welcome letter, itineraries, things to know, etc.  Please note that I totally borrowed from other brides on this site.  I am not very creative and didn't even know that I should HAVE a welcome letter.  I am trying to go back through all the posts to find the sources of my inspiration so as not to "plagarize".  If any of these look familiar, please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due.  I created "Do Not Disturb" signs; brochures listing the hotel's main amenities, the itinerary for the whole weekend, and a thank you to our bridal party and guests; a "things to know" sheet with little tips about the weekend (i.e. - please use the cups provided in the OOT bag to identify yourself as part of our group, details they need to know about the rehearsal dinner and party, etc.); a "wedding day" itinerary; and a welcome letter.




    I also found a great tote bag from discountmugs.com for the OOT bags.  I anticipate needing about 30 (I per room, not one per person) so I will probably be paying $4.99 per bag but that's still the cheapest I could find for the quality.  I am still strying to find a similar bag in brown (for the men) but if I can't find it this is what I will be going with.




    That's all I've got so far.  Hope to update again soon.  Any questions, let me know.  :-)



















  7. WOW, that's awesome!!! Wish I had scored a groupon....maybe next time!!

    Originally Posted by nbateman View Post

    Alright ladies, huge win!


    Was trying to go through ebates.com to get the 5% cash back and 25% off through Vistaprint in addition to my groupon, but there's no where to enter the groupon promo code so here's what I did...


    1- www.vistaprint.com/groupon17 with everything in your cart that you want (make sure you have an account created), enter the groupon redemption code

    2- www.ebates.com search for vistaprint where you'll get 5% cash back and 25% off (you'll need an account with ebates if you don't have one already) click the link to go to vistaprint

    3- your groupon will be applied already in your cart in addition to the 5% cash back you'll earn as well as the ADDITIONAL 25% off!!!


    You will have to pay shipping, but after the discount, it'll likely be less than just using the groupon, get it?  I'm not sure how much the  shipping was because I didn't click through all the way with just using the groupon.  With the groupon and other discounts applied it was $13.24


    My original cost just using the groupon was


    - 70.00 groupon

    + shipping (not sure how much)

    27.94 total


    Thru ebates


    -70.00 groupon

    -25.75 discount because of 25% off

    + 13.24 shipping

    15.43 TOTAL yippeee!!!!


    And somewhere on here there's a link for the free stuff, you can get one of each i think, I couldn't find it so I just kept the tote I already had in my cart.

      Price Quantity
    Return Address Labels 0.18 140
    Brochure 0.98 25
    Thank you card 0.34 50
    Do not disturb 0.35 50
    hanging tags 0.34 50
    riviera maya tote 0 1
    shipping 13.24  
    total 15.43  
  8. It is crazy how fast the time is going. I'm 3 months out and it seems like just yesterday it was 7 months away!!!

    Glad you found a place for your AHR, we decided against one since we would need 2. I live in Charleston, SC and he lives in Wheeling, WV....too much!!

    Originally Posted by LKocelko View Post

    Another thing to check off, decided on a place for our AHR! It's quite a ways off, but I just wanted to have it figured out since I expect time to start flying. Hard to believe it's already the end of January!

  9. Oh yeah - I couldn't believe I forgot to even take one picture, but I was preoccupied.....the seamstress said these 2 things to me that had me perplexed in a funny way


    "We have to do something with the top of that dress, it looks like there's nothing there." neenerneener.gif I mean I know they aren't big, but OMG it was sooo funny!!

    Then she asked if I planned to lose weight......Uh, no I think I'm gonna stay this way but thanks for asking. I asked my mom, do I look fat in this dress????

    Such a funny little lady!!

    Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

    ok Gale, in that case I'll forgive you for making us wait (and you know I'm just teasing you, right??).

  10. The band was entertaining in a way.....not great music, but he was fun and funny and brought the crowd in.....so it was different certainly!!

    The shows are the same time every night - I think 9:30 and every night is different. They do post on a big board what show they are doing each night. I think we too only saw 1 and I think it was the Mayan one.....not so good, but it didn't matter we were just hanging out enjoying doing nothing!!

    I will let Allie comment on the beach bar - we were only there a few nights, but no DJ.

    Hope that helps some!

    Originally Posted by nbateman View Post

    that helps a ton!!! thanks!!!


    I hate bands so I would likely feel the same about guacamayas, what was the beach bar like? Was it open late and was there a dj?


    Do you know when the shows were or when the fire show was, was there a schedule?

  11. Done and Done!!!

    Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

    ladies, will you do me a HUGE favor and photo for our wedding photo (#34) in our photographer's Image of the Year contest?




    You can vote by leaving a comment on her blog. If you're on Pinterest, you can vote a 2nd time by pinning the image, and then leaving another comment on the blog w/ a link to the pin.


    Thanks in advance!!!

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