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Posts posted by mstigger

  1. In exactly 7 days at 7:45 am EST I will be on a plane headed to EDR!!!! CANNOT wait!!

    We are headed for a site visit to make sure all is how we want it for our wedding. We will be there Sept 16-21......meeting with Claudia on Monday at 11 am for a site tour and to meet with some photographers!!!

    Do any of you have any questions you want me to ask or want any specific photos? We are staying on the EDR side in just a basic suite, but I'm sure we could get pics of other rooms if you would like.

    Just let me know, as I have started my own list of questions jiggy.gif

  2. Good morning ladies!!!

    Couple of questions for all of you and a little venting on my part cheesy.gif


    When did you send out your actual invitations and how early was your RSVP by date?


    What seemed like it was going to be a decent turnout has really kind of fallen off as everyone we seem to know has decided it's too expensive for them even though they were all on board when we booked it. So probably going to be a very small, intimate ceremony for us and just the dinner at their restaurant.....I am good with all of that, that's actually what I wanted all along but you know how it is when your parents get involved, they want you to invite everyone they know!!


    So, here's my venting part. My FI lives in WV and I live in SC, no problem there but I have friends in both states. I actually graduated from high school in WV. One of my HS friends was actually instrumental in getting my FI and I together for all of this good stuff, so I asked her to be my maid/matron of honor. I only wanted 1 and she was so great when I was debating our relationship, so anyway it appears I made a great decision by asking her. My BFF here in SC was so excited about the wedding, couldn't wait to go to Cancun even if she had to go alone for a long weekend. I went so far as to plan my date around her final exams as she is a Professor at a local community college.

    She went away on a cycling charity ride and came back to have this conversation with me via text:


    "Would you be really mad if I didn't go to Cancun for the wedding? I've just been thinking about it and it's a lot of money."


    I said of course not, I understand that it's expensive and we were hoping we could get someone to room with you to make it less expensive.


    She then proceeded to tell me that if she was going to take a vacation that wasn't the kind of vacation she would take anyway and didn't want to spend that kind of money on a vacation she wouldn't enjoy. (She recently quit drinking and apparently thinks that's all there is to do there.)


    I just said that I understood and it was no big deal.


    Then she said that her and the group she was cycling with talked about biking through Italy next May and she would much rather do that!!


    thatswck.gifI could not believe it!!!! So money was the excuse and then when it came down to it she just got a better offer!!!


    Sooooo, I'm disappointed in our friendship and hurt and a little pissed off. I know I should just get over it, but DAMN!!!!


    Oh and she wasn't even dating anyone and now she is engaged and getting married in May and going to Italy......


    So, do I still send her an invitation or not bother wasting my time since my invites are messages in a bottle and a huge DIY project.


    Ok, that's it for now.....sorry so long and drawn out. I think I'm still a bit in shock, how can that be a BFF??

  3. This is AWESOME......even though I have never heard of a mad lib/marriage lib.....I mean I know what mad libs are, but how does this work?

    I love it!!!! You are soooo crafty.......I WISH I was crafty!!


    Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

    Thanks ladies!!!! I'm so thrilled with them. I had a lot of wording inspiration from pinterest lol I hope my photog will take better pics of them for me.





    The other pics I have right now are the banner for our basket which will gather cards & our "guest book" - which is a mad lib/marriage lib:





    The banner was made using Maya Road chipboard pieces for the banner & letters, the same text weight paper (blue) that I used for the envelope liners (using my scraps!), the orange & white twin and I glittered the scalloped edge. Here's an up close pic of them (please excuse the color distortion..):




    I also have an "M" that is glittery blue and on skewers, that will be in the basket - don't think I've taken a decent pic of that yet.  I have the paper bags and labels done for the survival kits, just haven't packaged the kits up (and I won't until I get my nearly-final headcount). I will take some pics tonight if I get home from work at a decent hour (!$#$%%^!!!!).


    Paper crafting at it's best...! I am just hoping it doens't look "too" DIY and homemade - that's what I'm trying to balance.

  4. Originally Posted by asmithpoulin View Post


    Well ladies, this will be my last post here :( About 80% of our VIP's informed us that they would be unable to make the trip. A few pregnancies with due dates within a month of our date as well as financial hardships, job loss etc. So... Plan B. We are getting married on Nov. 23rd at a NC Beach. Using the trip as a Thanksgiving holiday, almost 100% of our guest list has committed to coming. My key requirements were Beach and Family. This way I get both at least! I will certainly miss the tropical feel, open bar, etc. But my fiance and I both agree this is for the best.

    We will be traveling on our original date for our honeymoon, since we have already booked air and are certainly still excited to experience EDR!

    I hope you all continue to enjoy your planning and have wonderful weddings at EDR!

    So sorry to hear that, but I'm certain you will have a fabulous beach wedding in NC and still have a fabulous honeymoon at EDR!!! Since you will be there the same time as our wedding, stop by....we are not doing a fancy reception type thing, but a cocktail hour...with the donkey of course!!!wink.gif

  5. Wow Jill, that is awful!!!

    Are you close to any of your guests that you know are attending.......and are any of them her size?

    Maybe you guys can just not have anyone standing with you.....or borrow 2 groomsmen and put them on your side ;)

    Sorry this is all happening right before  your big day that is supposed to be all about you.......but just remember, it is about you and your FI and as long as you 2 are there nothing else really matters!!!



    Originally Posted by Jillsepher View Post

    Just have to vent ladies so I apologize beforehand... My MOH decided to tell me almost 2 months before the wedding that she isn't coming. She promised me months ago that she paid for her stay and booked airfare and magically she can't come anymore. She gave me the whole money excuse but I find that very hard to believe when she's planning all these other trips with her stupid boyfriend who seems to have her every move now and she's his puppet. She was totally all for going until she started dating this loser and now is no longer coming so now I have NO bridesmaids and my FI has 4 groomsmen. Ugh! She even bought her bridesmaid dress already and fed me all this bullcrap about wanting to get alterations with me. I'm so confused because she was totally ready to go and now she is blowing me off on the biggest day of my life. This is so NOT what I was expecting!
  6. We too are staying on the Royale side. No idea how many people are going to be there, but my FI was worried about us being on the other side of the world from our friends and family. I thought it would be fine, but the free wedding package really wasn't what I wanted because we too are just doing the symbolic ceremony. I wanted more decorations and NO blood work!!! cry.gif

    The WC told me the pure passion was a combo of the Pearl Package and some Ocean decoration package. Just hoping we don't have over 20 peeps.....not sure what they will charge me then for extra chairs!

    Oh, but I wanted to use the starfish they have to hang from the gazebo...you will never believe this, but they wanted $180 to hang 3 strands of 3 starfish from the gazebo!!! eek.gif  I was so shocked.....do you know how many starfish I can buy for $180???


    @asmith - what grade do you teach? Where are you from in NC? I live in Charleston, SC


    @allie - do you have everything done? How many guests are you having?


    My STD's are going in the mail today......that's about the extent of my stuff that is done!!!

  7. Originally Posted by asmithpoulin View Post


    Ms. Tigger! We're getting married April 20, 2013 at the Fuentes Gazbeo as well! How lucky that you are able to do a site visit! Can I live vicariously through you and hop in your luggage?

    SURE!!!!  Let me know if there's anything you want to know or want me to look at while we are there in September.

    What wedding package did you go with? Are you staying on the Casitas side or the Royale side? How many guests are you expecting?

  8. Well I stumbled on to this site while I was searching for pink starfish ribbon!!! So glad that I did........I am getting married at EDR April 21, 2013.

    Soooo excited!! Just dropped my save the dates in the mail today. Has anyone just done the dinner that comes with the package rather than an actual reception? That's what we have opted for, but I'm just not sure about it. I guess the good thing is that we are going to visit in September....it was a spur of the moment decision, but we are going Sept 16-21 for a quick get away and to check things out. Right now we have the Fuentes Gazebo booked for the ceremony, but I am just so uncertain on everything.....anyone else feel like that at first?

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