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Posts posted by mstigger

  1. Thanks so much Amanda!!!

    We are here and it is our wedding day.....YAY!!! I can't believe it's finally here!! We were upgraded to an inifinity swim up suite on the Casitas side and OMG it is AMAZING!!!!!!

    Here's a pic of us at our welcome dinner......thanks for all the help and all the support, couldn't have done it without all the help and ideas!!!




    Originally Posted by amanda50388 View Post

    Gail, I so forgot to congratulate you before you left because my phone and computer has been acting funny, but best wishes!!!! You will be enjoying some nice warm weather, I am very jealous because this Chicago weather is beginning to be such a drag!!!!

  2. 11 Days........down to 11 days until I leave......WOW, the time sure flew by!

    I've got almost everything packed plus a little extra. Monday the 15th is my day of beauty (last tan session, waxing session, eyelash extensions, hair cut/color, nails, toes, and eyebrows) and then on the 16th I have a 10 hour drive to my FI in WV. Meeting up with my MOH on the 17th to figure out how to get all this crap....I mean wonderful wedding stuff in the 3 suitcases I am taking. Then Friday the 19th we are on our way!!!! CANNOT wait!!!!

    Feeling a bit overwhelmed, but hanging on!!!

  3. Ok, quick question about your iPods and your wedding music set up.

    Did you label your playlists like this:

    Guest Seating

    Groom/Best Man

    Maid of Honor


    Signing of Certificate

    Dinner Music

    After Dinner Music


    or did you label it like;


    Wedding Playlist

    and then label songs as I did above

    Then have your dinner Music playlist and After dinner Music list with songs just labeled their normal names?


    I just want to make sure it's easy for them and for me pinkie.gif

  4. Just to add to what Allie and Amanda said, we LOVED Cocotal for breakfast. They have a huge with tons of breads, fruit, yogurt, etc.....they do special order omelets and eggs.....or they have a menu with amazing choices. I had fajita and eggs with green sauce almost every day....they were AMAZING!!! I also had an egg white omelet with spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese. I just can't say enough about how great all of the food was!!! I can't wait to return in 17 days!!!

    Originally Posted by LKocelko View Post

    So I was just looking at the EDR website and was reviewing all the restaurant options. I opened up the menus for all the different places, and I am starving now! Everything looks so amazing...I can't wait! If anyone has any recs for where to go or what to get, let me know!


    Also, what's the deal with this "water journey" at the spa? I'm getting my hair and makeup done the morning of my wedding and was emailed about it. Worth it, waste of time? Is it extra $? Lemme know!

  5. 3 weeks from today!!! Woooohooo!! I can't believe it's almost here. I spent the weekend doing a lot of last minute things and still have 2 little projects I have to finish up, but almost done!!

    I am seriously worried about getting everything into our 3 suitcases.......I have 1 that is completely FILLED to the rim with decorations and OOT bag items, however I still have 6 chair hangers, 18 raffia fans, 18 tumblers, 12 parasols, and 8 tote bags and all the props for the photobooth........whew, how in the world am I going to fit all that??? I was considering a few snacks for the guests, but don't think that's going to happen. Guess they will have to get their own food eek.gif

    I've still got to throw together some receipts, but not sure what is going in what suitcase so trying to hold off until I figure that out.

    So, hair appt set, nail appt set, waxing appt set and eyelash extension appt set......think that covers it all, for now!!!

    Sooooooooo excited!!!!

  6. So this is supposed to be a happy time, right? I've had the worst week ever to include a falling out with my parents on Sunday, my youngest son hitting a parked car, my oldest son coming home from the Army and on and on and on!!

    So did any of you just wish you could call the whole darn thing off and un-invite everyone and just go somewhere with your FI and get married alone?

    I am just soooo over it and not sure what to do!! crybaby2.gif

  7. WOW, beautiful pictures!!!

    Can't wait to hear your review, but hope you get to feeling better soon!! I had been sick since Feb 20 myself and just getting back to normal......hey, maybe it's a destination wedding thing thatswck.gif

    Take your time with the review and get yourself well, we will all be here waiting!!

    Originally Posted by Feb2013 View Post

    Hello all my fellow EDR brides! I am sorry I have been no show and have not gotten a review written for you all... I have been sick the whole month of march and it took all my strength to get through a work day that I was not able to sit down and write all the wedding details out for you. I apologies in advance and hope to have some free time soon. 


    I will share with you the preview of my wedding photos. Those of you that are still trying to figure out your photographer Sarani was fabulous and these are just a few of the photos she got of us. 





    Let me know if you have trouble with the link. I know there is a link on her FB page too. cheer2.gif I am so excited to see some of the photos I can't wait for the rest! 

  8. Fortunately my FI is totally hands off......he doesn't care about any of the details......he said he just wants to marry me and I can have whatever I want and do whatever I want as long as the end result is that he's got me love.gif


    Have I mentioned we were high school sweethearts, married other people and here we are in our 40's finally marrying each other.....life is good!!


    Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

    I'd think 17 minutes is plenty - split them up into "Guest Seating" and then "FI/BM walk" playlists though. that way the MC will switch it when the time is right. And if they take longer to get seated, he can replay the Guest Seating list...then time the FI/BM walk.


    I wanted the happy upbeat song for my walk, which is why I chose the Bruno Mars one.


    I think Train's song is gorgeous though, especially if you've found an acoustic version you like. And if your FI isn't budging on the recessional song, go with the Train song for your walk song, and then use his for the recessional. you can always work the Bruno Mars song into your dinner music (the original). See? use all three! lol


    Gail - I loved the 1000 years song too!!!! my FI nixed it when he learned it was from Twilight lol but I thought it'd make a lovely wedding song regardless.



  9. I really struggled with this as well. My MOH told me to pick 4 or 5 songs and then we decided together what would work best for what I wanted.


    My MOH and the groom/best man are all using the same song......save some time.


    Groom/BM/MOH - Forever Love by Gary Barlow

    Bride - Joy by George Winston

    Signing of Certificate - 1000 Years by Christina Perri

    Recessional - Linus & Lucy by George Winston


    Very non-traditional.....but that's kind of me. Although the 1000 years song is from Twilight, which I did not know until someone told me....haven't read the books or seen the movies, but love the song!!!


    So, you are right is just a personal choice, but I like TheWolferts idea!!


    Originally Posted by LKocelko View Post

    Okay ladies, I have a music question. Well, more than one. We were told that our guests needed to be seated by 3:15 for our 3:30pm ceremony. As such, we planned about 17 minutes of music for our playlist, and then the last song is the one my FI and his BM will walk down to. My question is, how early did your guests start arriving? Meaning, do you think I need to have more than this 17ish minutes of music? I couldn't imagine people arriving much sooner than that.


    My other, and I know this is probably more of a personal preference, but I am torn between what to walk down the aisle to. Originally I was going to do the Vitamin String Quartet version of Bruno Mars (thanks, Allie!) which can be found here: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_nr_i_0?rh=k%3Avitamin+string+quartet+bruno%2Ci%3Adigital-music&keywords=vitamin+string+quartet+bruno&ie=UTF8&qid=1364216396&ajr=0


    But then I really love the song Marry Me by Train, and found a nice acoustic one that I fell in love with (like #2)




    I can't decide! The two are totally different. The first is a bit more happy/upbeat, and I really love it and could see myself walking down the aisle smiling. The second is a bit more somber, but so beautiful and I love the lyrics of that song. I could see myself getting teary eyed walking down the aisle to that. At this point I just want someone to decide for me haha. My FI likes the Bruno Mars a bit more. Figured I'd poll you ladies and see what you think!

  10. I can't believe it's only a month away. I've been sick going on 4 weeks and finally on some super strong antibiotics to hopefully kill all of those horrible bacteria invading my body so I can get back to getting things done and not sleeping all the time!!! The antibiotic is causing some insomnia, so then my brain goes in to OVERLOAD when I'm laying in bed. Well, I am assuming that's the antibiotic and not my nerves!!! I feel like I still have so much to do and not enough time to do it!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh......BangHead.gif

    Anywho, I'm getting sooo excited!!!! I got my cute little koozies that I designed. Love them!!!





    Originally Posted by AllieH View Post
  11. Hmmmmmm, receipts........I'm not sure I kept them, but my gifts are very, very minimal. Just the bags with dollar tree stuff and cups. Wonder what will happen if I don't have receipts?

    Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

    we had a ton going to Mexico. 4 checked suitcases, 1 rollerbag/carry on, his messenger bag, my dress and my shoulder bag (tote size). it was a pain going through the xray, especially because he didn't understand that he'd have to restack them on the cart on the other side, and the customs agent got a little impatient. but other than that, it was no big deal. it's a matter of managing it all and keeping it together. have your receipts with you just in case (and ensure the gift portion doesn't add up to more than $300 each). 




  12. Hey ladies!! I'm back again with a packing/luggage question.

    How many suitcases/carry ons/etc did you and your now husbands take? Was it a royal pain getting through customs. I've been before and know it all gets xrayed again but i'm just worried about what a hassle it's all going to be.

    At this point we will have 3 checked suitcases. He will have computer bag, and a small suitcase carry on. I will have wedding dress, purse and bag of some sort.

    It just seems like a TON!!!

    Would love to hear how it went for you guys!!

  13. Yeah, I just emailed her again. She said $72/pp day of wedding and $99/pp any other day for an 8 hour pass, but if I'm paying for them to eat and drink at my private reception why do they have to pay to sit in a chair on the property?

    Guess we will see what she says!

    Thanks Allie!

    Originally Posted by AllieH View Post

    an over-doer? no such thing!!! it's all 100% necessary.....




    We did not offer to pay for day passes for our guests who stayed off resort for the same reasons you're considering.


    We hosted a private event though, so there was no cost for those guests on the day of our wedding (other than the event/dinners, which we did pay for of course). Our WC did say they could pay for the passes at the front desk when they arrived if they were coming to the resort on another day. I'd keep pushing on that...

  14. Thanks you guys!!

    I was planning to wrap and label everything in one suitcase and pull out what I need for the OOT bags when we arrive Friday and then deliver the suitcase to them on Saturday. Glad that's been done in the past. Didn't want to seem like an over-doer smile120.gif


    I can't believe it's getting so close, now if I can only stay well and get these last things done that I keep putting off hoping that the wedding fairy will come take care of for me :)


    Oh, did anyone have guests come to Mexico but stay at other resorts? My WC put the $72/pp fee for the day pass on my spreadsheet, but I have asked her to remove it as I have asked them to pay that themselves. Is that wrong? I mean I sent out all the info about the wedding, etc. If they chose to stay somewhere else but want to attend the wedding shouldn't that be their responsibility to pay? I think I'm paying for enough, but don't want to seem like a big meanie!!!

  15. The pictures are awesome!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing, oh and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

    I can't wait to see your professional pics!

    Originally Posted by chiquita8302 View Post

    Hey girls! I have SO many pictures I don't want to post them all on here, but if you want to find me on FB we can be friends!! :-) The new last name is Jameson! My profile pic is of our wedding,  so I should be easy to find ;-) I only have gotten 3 sneak peek pictures from our photog back so far, so everything on there right now are just whatever I've taken and my friends have. But there are a ton of the resort and stuff that should give you some good ideas of things! Feel free to ask if you have questions!




    Here's a link in case it lets you see them- but I'm not sure you can without being my friend! :-) When my photographer postes pictures, her Garone Photography site has a blog that she posts them all on, so I'll be able to share that link with you girls, too!!


    Hope all is well with you girls! I'm ready to start thinking honeymoon!!!!!!! :-)

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