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Everything posted by BusyBee123

  1. I can't believe that the time has finally come and we're leaving one week tomorrow! Wow, where has the time gone?!?! We took this week off to visit family in Florida (and work on our tans before the wedding) as a "pre-moon" of sorts so now I'm feeling somewhat out of the loop! All of our packing is done (I hope) and now its just the waiting game! Any last minute things that we should be thinking about? Things you would have done in the last stretch leading up to the big day? Words of wisdom? We're so excited and can't wait to get going! Will definitely be back with pics and reviews upon our return!
  2. Congrats JayKay! Everything looks wonderful! I guess we'll be seeing you down there in a few short sleeps! Can't wait!
  3. ACW, would you mind sharing Michael's contact info with us? We're looking for someone to drive us around for our trash the dress day! Did you plan things with him in advance or just call him once you arrived? I'd ideally like to set something up so we have a vehicle large enough for us and our two photogs and drive out to Dunn's River Falls, then make a few stops on the way back...
  4. Try: http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/t/38128/canadian-oot-bag-info-where-to-shop/2250#post_1705924 If you look in this thread there are a lot of suggestions and options all in Canada. We personally found great ones at Dollarama this summer for $2.00 each! Might be difficult this time of year!
  5. The person to contact for booking a la cartes is: [email protected]. Any guest can pre-book if they choose. It is free, as you get 3 a la cartes included in your vacation. As I'm the one booking the Welcome and Rehearsal Dinners in my name, my guests still have their 3 to book in advance or once they get there (you do not need to provide guest names, only numbers). You can only book your dinners 1 month in advance. If you write earlier, they will ask you to resend closer to the date. Hope that helps!
  6. We booked a Welcome Dinner and a Rehearsal Dinner for our group, and then of course we'll all be together for the Wedding Dinner. That only leaves 4 dinners that aren't scheduled. We're letting our guests book those nights as they wish, because we really want them to enjoy their vacation and relax, rather than worrying about dinners every day. We provided the contact info if they want to go ahead and book some a la cartes for themselves, as many of them are newlyweds/newly engaged and will likely want a romantic night or two alone! Otherwise I figure we'll likely meet up at the buffet one night after our excursion!
  7. We're doing a legal ceremony at the resort and we're paying $200 for the minister and all of the paperwork. I think it all depends where you do it!
  8. Hey guys... So we finally got our photos back! It felt like it took forever, but our photogs are so so busy that I can't really blame them! So as promised, here are a few of our pics!
  9. Tanandrob: I'm pretty much ready to go! Minus the chaos with the gazebo dance and not having the numbers, things have been pretty smooth sailing! I've decided that there's nothing more that I can do from here, and am just waiting until my meeting with the wedding planners to go over the rest of the details! All of our OOT stuff is already packed and took up and entire giant suitcase weighing 49lbs! Thank goodness I resisted the urge and didn't buy anymore! Have all of our a la carte dinners booked for our week, including our Welcome Dinner and Wedding Rehearsal Dinner and have confirmed with the florist. The photogs are all ready to go and just sent us our engagement pics that we absolutely love! My final dress fitting has been done and just need to pick it up a few days before we fly out. So I think that's the big stuff! Phew! JayKay: Boo...its so frustrating when there are last minute hang ups! At least you will still make it to Jamaica and your flights haven't been cancelled or changed to different days! All in all, it will be a pain in the butt, but should otherwise work out ok. My parents are flying American Airlines as they're coming from the US and we've been a little stressed since they went bankrupt! As of now their flight is still on schedule, but here's hoping that lasts! I'm not sure what I would do if my parents couldn't attend!
  10. Congrats FleetMac! Glad to hear you had a great day and that everything went smoothly! We leave in less than a month! Hard to believe how quickly the time goes! Congrats!
  11. Hey Nikadawn, Thanks so much for that! We did get our guests travel mugs for our OOT bags so that's definitely an option! I've heard from others who have been there and chosen not to pay for the bartender (because its an all inclusive!!) so they simply got jugs of rum punch from one of the bars and asked the housekeeping to just stock their rooms with beer (seeing as they stock them daily anyways). Its definitely not ideal, but an option non the less! Will definitely keep the lobby bar in mind! Thanks a bunch!
  12. I understand your frustration with WCs! Mine contacted my last week to advise that my entire reception had been cancelled due to my numbers! Despite only ever quoting 10-22 people (I only invited 22 people!), they are now advising that I cannot rent out our gazebo for a reception/dance as they require a minimum of 25 people. Interesting as its been confirmed since March! I'm still working on it, and although I think they're going to let me go ahead and rent the gazebo (its a flat rate), I think they're going to refuse me the bartender (paid per person). So frustrating! Nothing like some stress 43 days before the wedding!
  13. I'm so excited to finally be able to share a photo of me in my dress! I posted on here ages ago when I first bought it, but have been waiting on pins and needles for my dress fitting! I went back and forth throughout wondering if I picked out the right dress (I only tried on 4 dresses total!), but post the second fitting I'm becoming more convinced that I made the right decision! Only 43 days until the wedding! So here I am (minus veil and shoes)!
  14. Hey Ashley and greatbritain.... The inconsistencies really are quite frustrating! I'm guessing, Ashely, because you have 23 people total, its close enough to the 25 so they're not giving you a hard time. Donnalee sorta hinted that as long as you're over 20 they often let it slide. Because we're not even at the 20, I think we're having a hard time! I just wish someone would have said something earlier, as we made a conscious choice to keep it small and only invited 22 people total! At least you're all set! GB, I'm wondering if the 45 is a typo? That seems awfully different from the 25 I was told! Not sure what that is all about?! Maybe its worth asking again as annoying as it is? So I think I'm just going to wait until I get there and talk to them in person! As much as I am very very type A and like to have everything planned well in advance, all of this emailing back and forth seems to be getting me nowhere! With only 45 days until our wedding, and 40 til we arrive, I'm hoping that all of this will be much clearer in person. I plan on insisting that we get the gazebo as it was originally confirmed, and will be bringing all of my documents stating as such with me. I'm also going to see if we can pay for 20 people for the bartender and see if they'll let that fly. If not, oh well, I'll save some money and give the groomsmen a little bit of work! After buying all their suits and gifts, they can earn their keep a bit! Keep me posted if you hear anything else and I'll do the same!
  15. Your bags look amazing! Your guests are absolutely going to love them! Our OOTs are super similar, down to the same bag and colours! Great minds think alike!
  16. Hey...to address the whole gazebo issue. When I first contacted the resort prior to booking my official wedding date, I inquired about the gazebo. I was told that I could not book it in advance either and that they would only confirm it 48hrs prior to the wedding. The gazebo was really important to me, so I said that if I could not confirm it, that I would have to look at other resorts that could guarantee that option. I just didn't want to arrive, then be told it was already booked. So long story short, they confirmed it for me...and did NOT tell me that there was a minimum number EVER! Following several emails over the last few days, the WCs have said that if I "insist" on having the gazebo for my reception, despite being < 25 people, that they will plan to go ahead but will contact the resort manager to advise. I'm not sure if this manager has the power to tell me I can't have the reception, so who knows. As of now I'm planning on having it still, but they have told me that irregardless of all of it, I cannot hire the bartender. I'm just praying that 48hrs before the wedding they don't tell me its impossible. Have you ladies contacted them about this issue as well? I'm interested to hear what they tell you. So please keep me up to date too!
  17. I have a veil on a simple pearl and swarovski crystal comb. Its going to be placed top back of my head so that it isn't really seen from the front. Its a long veil that touches the ground. I'm not planning on having any other hair ornaments, flowers, etc.
  18. Ashley - No problem! I'm just glad that she mentioned it when she did, and not 48hrs prior to the wedding. As stressful as it was today, it would have been a lot worse if I were already in Jamaica and being blindsided! If they agree to let you have a bartender let me know! As much as I don't mind saving the money, it would really be more convenient to have someone else show up with all of the booze and beverages rather than have to send our bridal party out to fetch things!
  19. So I managed to get a response in record time from Donnalee. Please see below my email and her responses: "I am exceptionally concerned about your email from this morning. We have had the gazebo confirmed for our reception since March 2011 and at no time has it been mentioned that there is a minimum number of guests! This is not documented in any of our previous emails in which I clearly documented that our group would be between 10-20 people! I also submitted all of our formal documents months ago, and this has never been brought up. The information with your request to have your after party dance at the Gazebo, has been noted in the system from the initial stage of your request. All guest privatizing the Gazebo has to have a minimum amount of 25 persons and upwards. We will still go ahead with the plan. I will inform the hotel Manager also. However, if you would like an open bar service, the minimum as to be from 25 persons and upwards. It is unfair that you would try to cancel our wedding reception at the gazebo less than two months away from our wedding. As this has not been mentioned previously, I expect that our reception will go on as stated in countless prior emails. Given the small amount, we will go ahead as plan. Please note that the information given is the norm. All information given to all guest is the information both chandlyn and myself is informed of and is the norm and procedures of the hotel. We will do our utmost best to ensure that your happy, as customer satisfaction is what we cater too." So it sounds to me like she is going to go ahead and let us have the gazebo but will not allow us to have a private bartender which we wanted. In the end, I guess there are worse things as we'll save around $500. I guess we'll try to get some jugs of rum punch from the bartenders and bring beer from our mini fridges. That being said, this is extremely frustrating that this was not brought up sooner or documented anywhere! I'm sure there are several other brides who are under the impression that they have this booked despite groups smaller than 25 people! For those of you who do, I would suggest contacting Chandlyn and Donnalee ASAP to arrange that your reception not be cancelled! Good luck and thanks for letting me vent about all this!
  20. Its worth a shot! I previously had spoken with Shadine who was this assistant manger but this time I spoke with Irene who is the "Spa Manageress"! Quite the title, but she was lovely! I asked for a time on either of two days as long as it could be the same person. Maybe that helped? Exactly! I keep hearing how windy it is and would hate to have pieces falling in my face all day! I have long kinda side swept bangs so I think mine need to go back. I'm not sure what to do about shorter bangs? Maybe more of a side part like the second picture I posted (minus the bump it look!) I'm hoping that with LOTS of that cement hairspray it will all just stay put!
  21. Thanks Ashley! I'm glad to hear that there are others with smaller groups as well who were not told this information! Seems ridiculous seeing as they're going to make the same $500 whether its a big or small group! Not sure what their issue is! If they want to have a minimum number for the bartender fine! We'll just do what others have done and get stuff from elsewhere on the resort for free! Here's what Donnalee sent me today: Can you please confirm what the cost is per person to have the bartender set up at our gazebo reception? We are looking at 16 people for 2 hrs..... The after party dance consist of a minium of 25 persons and upwards. Please advise me if your wedding guest list has that amount of persons. Also, in order for open bar service to be provided, you need the minimum amount as stated and the cost is US$ 23.00 per person for the 2 hours. I was wondering if it is possible to have a few chairs placed at the gazebo for our dance/reception? We have a few guests who may appreciate being able to sit down while others are dancing... This will most certainly be done, once you confirm the final figure, as the gazebo will not be able to host a after party dance for a group of 14 persons. I will keep you posted once I hear back...gosh do I hate waiting.....my FI won't let me contact anyone else until we hear back from Chandlyn and Donnalee! He's clearly more patient than I am!
  22. Hello all... So 54 days until my wedding....and the chaos has begun! I'm just wondering if anyone has been previously told that there is a minimum number of 25 people for the gazebo reception? I have had the gazebo booked since March 2011 and my guest numbers have always been quoted to Donnalee as 10-22 people. Now we're looking at 16 which is right in the middle! I have submitted all of my paper work (months ago!) which also quotes that number and have confirmed the gazebo reception at least 10 times because I really didn't want my wedding to end after the dinner and really didn't want to drag my guests to the hotel disco. So I emailed Donnalee just to confirm the price of the bartender as I've been quoted 3 different numbers per person and am tidying up last minute details. And low and behold, I get an email back today saying that the gazebo can't be rented for less than 25 people! How has this never been brought up before? I'm not sure why they care as I'm still paying the flat rate of $500 for the gazebo + DJ. Please let me know if anyone else has heard anything? I've already emailed both Donnalee and Chandyln back and am about to lose my mind here.....not sure if I should start calling or what....
  23. Hey JayKay... I'm surprised that the resort told you that! I contacted them again today, and they have me confirmed with the same stylist for my trial and my wedding day! I had thought of doing it at home, but figured it was easier for the stylist who had already done it to replicate it, rather than have the resort try to replicate it from pictures. You may want to try contacting the spa manager again? I love that first one too! I have a really similar pic in my album! I'm more worried about the front, as there are a ton of pics from the back that I like!
  24. I think its because there was a period on the end. Try this if you're interested: http://www.beau-coup.com/natural-seashell-place-card-holders.htm
  25. Thanks for sharing the extra pics MJKH! I like the second one a lot! And too funny about the "bump it'! I hadn't even thought about that, but now that's all i think of when I see that pic! LOL! That's the last thing I want people to be thinking about at my wedding!
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