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Posts posted by taylorwd

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
    We now Have Faye as well! My TA likes her but i haven't had a dealing with her yet. I just found out today.

    OK Ladies I NEED TO VENT! Deep Breath
    Long story short - I had reserved thru Cecila May 30th for my date but not put down the $200. My TA and FMIL were going back and forth between 2 resorts AS and The Royal Cancun. Unfortunately when you accept other people's $$ towards paying for the wedding you have to play nice and my FMIL being a former TA wanted to make sure we got the best deal. (She really did get us an awesome rate). Well for one reason or another that I do not know nor care at this point. All the dates for Memorial Day Weekend and the weekend before are now booked for AS. I lost the 30th. Cecila is gone. This all went down this morning. I had a minor freakout (possibly due to the fact that I am control freak and felt like things were out of control). After calming down, talking to the FI, Talking to my mom, talking FMIL I have a new WC (Faye) New wedding date (May 15th 2011) and feel back to normal. I really wanted May 30th but oh well. This morning was basically throw money at the 15th and see if it sticks. I will know for 100% sure in 24 hours. My FMIL and TA got Fabio on a call and basically got it done. AS was really understanding of my problem but booked is booked. It's our own fault for not putting the $200 down in the first place.
    WHEW - Thanks! I just had to get it all out and type it to feel better.
    NOTE: Ladies of Memorial Day weekend 2011 - I am sad we won't get to do that shot together. Also a word of warning. According to Fabio and Faye Thursday May 26th - Mon May 30th are BOOKED Solid with brides. They also said that there were some big groups. I would make sure your TA's and guest know that resort is going to be full that weekend and it's probably a good idea for guests to book ASAP. Again I am hearing this 3rd hand from my TA but might be something to be aware of.

    Is Anyone else getting married on the weekend of May 13 - 15 2011?

    Thanks for letting me get that all out. Good news I am offically (in 24hours when they email me confirmation) A Paying AS BRIDE!!!! YEAH! I am so excited!
    Congrats on getting a new date and getting this resolved so quickly!! I had no idea you hadn't officially reserved your date yet. How stressful. I'm so glad for you that now you have this one less thing to worry about--it sounds like it got dragged out long enough with your FMIL.

    In the end, on your wedding day the last thing you'll be thinking about is your original wedding date. And things happen for a reason! Maybe someone who couldn't go before because it was Memorial Day weekend will now be able to go!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
    That was going to be next post. So after a crazy 2 weeks and investigating close to 15-20 hotels and analyzing their wedding menu/packages, reviews, etc. I decided....to stay at Azul Beach!

    My fiance spoke at length for 3 days with Fabio who is FABOLOUS. Totally honest...no BS and got the info we needed. We know that there is a chance there may be some construction going on but no bulldozers etc. We hope its all finished but there is a chance it won't be. He said ti will be the interior of the rooms. We are just keeping our fingers crossed for the best. We are also going to most likely plan ANOTHER trip there before the wedding to check out the progress.

    So as of today 39 rooms booked and TA is working on getting 2 more if possible. Hooray...now I'm off to party plan - my sister is due in 7 weeks and I am planning her shower with my mom (poor mom has lots of showers/parties to plan this year)
    YAAAAAAAAY!!!!! smile123.gif

    Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
    Awesome jobs ladies! Glad you love your jobs, that's always nice :)
    HATE HATE HATE my job! I'm desperately trying to find something else.

    I'm glad to hear you're getting overtime and being compensated for those crazy hours you're working!! I'm technically salary but get an hourly wage and my boss refuses to pay overtime. So, I refuse to work overtime :)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jerzshortstuff View Post
    I need to lose some weight before my wedding in April as well. I am going to look back through this thread hoping to get some ideas on exercise and nutrition. But, does everyone do WW? I am really tight on money so I am hesitant to spend money on WW meetings. Any suggestions? In the meantime, Im gonna look through the previous posts!

    We can do this girls!
    I still do WW and go to meetings even though I'm a lifetime member now. I find that once I get in the habit of not going, my weight starts to creep back up 1-2 lbs at a time. Even if I'm not actively tracking, the meetings force me to check in with myself and be accountable. Otherwise, it's so easy to deceive myself.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
    Most of my family is out of town (at least all the cousins) and I can't see any of them actually GOING to the wedding if invited...but I don't want to chance it...I literally just sent out an email a few days ago to get addresses and then FI tells me today that we should cut back...which I totally agree with...but I wish he would have said this last week :)

    Is an email saying you're uninvited rude or do I just let it play out and deal with it when I have to? FI wants to post something on our website saying we have decided to go with just immediate family and bridal party..is that ok or super tacky? I think it's a combination of both :)
    I wouldn't go the email route. Since you haven't actually sent any STD's or invitations yet, technically no one is "uninvited" yet. An email could really hurt people's feelings and make waves.

    Definitely post on your website that you're just doing immediate family and bridal party. That's not tacky at all and will be a good way to get the word out.

    Are you doing an AHR? If so, you could send out STD's for that to the non-wedding guests at the same time you send out STD's for the wedding. Then everyone would feel included in some way and they would be able to reference your website for further info.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
    By the way ladies - I found my dress!! Got it on the first day shopping! I'm sooo excited. It's not ANYTHING like I had envisioned I would want however, so now I'm starting to rethink the whole image of the day/BM dresses etc.

    I'm over the moon in love with it tho.

    Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
    Anyways, you ladies will have to wait with the rest of them to see it - I will of course post pics after the day.
    Phooey! :)

    Originally Posted by mr.mrs.winski View Post
    Hey everyone! I'm booked May 12, 2011. This place looks amazing - if anyone has any info or ideas that would be amazing!
    welcome4.gif Lots of great stuff here. Definitely go back and read, there's so much great info!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
    And another questionhuh.gif How long are/did you stay in Mexico for your wedding? We are planning 14 days...7 for wedding and family and friends...7 just for us....did all of you stay in just 1 resort? Or did you go to a different place? We are thinking of maybe going to Cozumel for the second week...but still totally up in the air....
    We stayed 10 days the whole time at AB. Our wedding was Saturday and everyone left by Monday evening. So by the time everyone left, we only had 3 fulls days to ourselves at the resort. That was definitely NOT enough time. If I had to do it over again I would tack on more honeymoon time.

    We considered changing resorts but I'm so glad we didn't for a couple different reasons: 1) Everyone knew us at the resort and treated us like gold because they'd either seen our wedding, knew about it, or actually helped with it. We wouldn't have gotten the same treatment at a new resort. 2) The last thing we would have wanted to do after the wedding was pack everything up and move. 3) Once the guests left we felt like we really got to enjoy the resort. Had we changed to somewhere else, I would have felt like I didn't get the full experience at AB.

    That said, this decision did come with complications. The main one was that we requested everyone leave the resort by a certain date so we could have some honeymoon time. Not everyone liked that! We let people come as early as they wanted so they wouldn't feel like they were gypped on resort time, and some even got there before us, but we still had some people who were upset.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
    Ok ladies!!! Just wanted to share that I feel like I am finally getting things done.

    FI got his suit and 2 of the 4 groomsmen have as well.

    Almost everyone is booked...I think we are at 56 so just 10 or so to go!

    We got the groomsmen's ties today at Santey Alley in downtown LA for $6 each and they are perfect match for the BM gowns! Both in metallic sage. Yay!

    I also got my dad's suit today. In fact 3 piece suit, shirt, tie, belt and socks for $100. A real steal! If any of you ladies are in SoCal Santey Alley is where it's at.

    As some of you might already know, besides my full time jobs as bride to be and mommy to a beautiful almost 1 year old baby boy (whimper...i can't believe he's going to be 1!) I am a publicist by profession. One of my clients, ShoeDazzle.com (an online styling service which suggests shoes, handbags and accessories for you based on your fashion profile. you select one per month and it's shipped to you for $39.95 per month. it's a lot of fun) well anyway, i got my monthly selection and, gasp, I think i might be wearing my $40 shoes for the wedding. It's hilarious but hey, again, saving money and they give me like 4.5 inches and so far seem pretty comfortable. here's hoping. i've only walked around my apt in them so might have to give them a longer trial run. :)

    Also, I am getting a custom monogram made from a gal on etsy. She sent me 9 options today! 9! And they are al pretty great so I just need to figure out which one we like and go from there. I think I might ask for more than one in hi-res so I can use them for different things. If I can figure out how to post them I will. I would love all of your feedback.

    And those of you who told me about Carolina...you are right. She's pretty amazing.

    So if I can get my pre-wedding brochures done this weekend, I will feel really accomplished.

    Sorry for my rant. I just worked out and now I can cross that all of my list. Feels good. I hope this can continue. :)
    You go girl!!

    Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
    Sorry to hear that girl sad.gif I am in Houston too! We live in midtown area! you should hop over on the Houston Thread too. 5 of us have met up for drinks and we are meeting up again in August.

    I found a BD Photographer in Houston that got recommended to me and she seems really cool in The heights area. Boudoir Mon Cheri and her prices are really the best in town. My friend Shelly has a session for her upcomming wedding in Aug so i am going to see how it goes for her.
    Sooooo jealous of your meetups!

    Alright, you found a BD photog in Houston :)

    Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
    Today my mom, sister (MOH) and I are heading down across the border to go dress shopping for the first time! EEEE (kinda excited). The prices down there are usually better than up here and I'm only 40 minutes from the Bellingham border so I figured it would be a good way to start. Wish me luck!
    GOOD LUCK!!! I miss the feeling of putting on dresses.

    Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
    They are doing handbags and jewelry sets now too. The jewelry is actualy really great. Thinking I might get ShoeDazzle gift cards for my BM. because even when they aren't right on, it is a lot of fun.
    Oooooh that's a really great gift!

    Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
    GOOD LUCK! I went to a HUGE Bridal Extrvaganza today and survived!
    Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post
    I would say the only reason worth going is to register for prizes. One of them was a 4day 3 night trip to Azul Sensatori Which i would love to win for a scouting trip..LOL. Everyone I know who has gone has won something. With that said. My jeweler was there so I got to show my FMIL the wedding band I want and I got some great coupons for the dress shops in Houston. I didn't pay for the tickets because I got them thru work. So It was worth it!
    Agreed, go for the prizes! The same extravaganza comes to Austin as well. It's very overwhelming but there is a TON of awesome food, cake, and cupcake samples. We won a weekend out on Lake Travis at a really nice resort. We also won a huge grand prize, a 7 day Florida vacation, but sadly we had already left when they announced us. Our friends told us about it and we were sooooooo bummed! frown.gif
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
    Sorry to jump in with nothing helpful to say!

    My photographer made this video with stills, video he took and music for my Vegas reception, made me crack up!

    Hope you like :)

    Amy+ Daylen+Vegas - Chris Schmitt Photography - Chris Schmitt
    OMG that is aaaaaawesome!!!!! LMAO smile120.gif You are so lucky to have that video! You have some really great moments that are definitely worth to have been memorialized on film.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
    So....if anyone has ideas of all that I can do now...I would LOVE suggestions :)
    (Not ready to buy a dress cause I have a million pounds to lose, and I don't really want to buy OOT stuff yet because no clue how many people are coming....)
    Lindz is right, you can do lots of googling! I'd be collecting pictures of things you want/themes and colors you like: flowers, cake, fabrics, table setups, centerpieces, guestbooks, favors, programs. I'd make an inspiration board (because you have LOTS of time!) and then you'll be ready to hit the ground running come planning time.

    I know it's hard because you're ready to get this ball rolling, but try to enjoy this time. It's like the calm before the storm where you still have a life not defined by wedding planning!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
    24 days to go and I feel like I still have everything to do!!!!!! I've pretty much ordered everything, just waiting for it to be delivered so I can start organizing everything. Maybe once everything gets here I'll feel like I've accomplished more. I am looking forward to my bridal shower this Saturday though. It's going to be a Sex and the City Theme. We're going to wear stilletos and sip Cosmos!
    Ooooh your shower sounds like so much fun!!

    You will definitely get everything done. Just prioritize. And you know what, if for some reason something doesn't get done or gets forgotten, it won't matter once you step off that plane. You'll be in heaven and only you will know if some detail didn't get carried out. But my guess is you'll be having too good of a time to care!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post
    Hey Everyone :) Hope everyone had a great 4th of July...we had our very 1st family barbeque at our house with a meeting of the parents and families and all went really well!

    I started a wedding web site..here's the link if any of you want to check it out...Steve and Marla's Wedding - wedding website by mywedding.com
    I'm planning on adding a page for things to do in Riviera Maya...if any of you have suggestions..that would be be great. And if you can think of other things that I am missing..let me know that too..Thanx!
    Marla, I love your engagement story! How amazingly great that he got everyone in the restaurant to participate!!! Soooo glad you got your ring put back together.

    Originally Posted by murmel View Post
    Your website looks great Marla! We got one has well since we thought it would be very useful for all our guests.


    I may have to steal your idea of the page of things to do in Mexico! I think that's such a great idea to help guests plan ahead! :)
    Miriam, love the site! Great pictures of you guys added at the bottom of every page. Also, love the guitar!

    Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
    Since we're sharing here's ours Meredith and Theo - Welcome. Hasn't been updated in awhile tho.
    Meredith, I love your engagement story! He really put some thought into it with the stones, apple and all. Too cute he was sleeping!!

    You have one gorgeous wedding party, BTW. The best man looks SHARP in his picture!

    Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
    Oh man I never even thought to look at Claudia's camera - LOL I think I am at 5 weeks now.

    Meghan, I am so jealous of your ticker - 6 days since we were married.... I wish I could turn mine back! I love the post wedding excitement!
    Yeah, it's a bit sad when it wears off. But have no fear, it'll come back for your AHR!

    Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
    Random question: did you guys do wedding favors or just OOT bags?
    Neither. I had grand ideas of things I wanted to do for favors, but DH convinced me that our families weren't the keepsake kind of people. And he was right. Anything we gave them would have most likely ended up in the trash. If we'd had friends there it might have been a different story.

    Our "favor" to our guests was a sailing trip.
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