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Posts posted by taylorwd

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ View Post
    Hey Wendy! You totally have to tell me about all the details of your catamaran trip... even the surprises...seeing as we will have to cancel that...unless they can bring the catamaran to Puerto Vallarta! LOL
    I'm totally going to have to check out your wedding pics! This is so exciting getting to see everyone's hard work put together. I love the pic you have on your siggy! I imagine you must have had an amazing wedding.

    I guess by now Katie would also be married.... I'm so jealous of you girls but super happy for you also. I'm totally enjoying snooping on all of your photos! I just wish my day was here now!
    Your time will be here before you know it! And then you'll be wishing you could get married all over again b/c it was soooooo fantastic!

    Sadly, I have bad news about the catamaran. We had to cancel it because of rain. It POURED rain from Wednesday when we arrived until Saturday morning (wedding day). We were super bummed about having to cancel it. The company was awesome and had my refund in my account by Monday morning. We ended up taking everyone into PM for dinner since a few people that had been there all week were a bit stir crazy from the rain.

    I'm sure there are catamaran trips in PV, too, so don't frett. AmyB took her guests on the catamaran for snorkeling. AmyB, any surprises?

    Thanks for the compliment on my siggy. I looooooove my wedding photos. LOL but every bride loves their photos! I think since you last checked in myself, Katie, AmyB, and AmyF are all MRS. now! Meghan's next!!!

    Originally Posted by meghan View Post
    I can sleep because I am soo exhausted getting ready. I am in the process of finishing up report cards and clearing out my classroom by Friday, which is when we leave! Well, technically Saturday at 3:00 am we have to leave for the airport.

    Ooooooh Meghan how exciting!!!!!!! thewave.gif
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by echo2_62 View Post
    Taylor - have fun at your AHR this weekend!! I know part of you just wants it over with but I hope you can put that aside enough to really enjoy it!
    Thank you! You're right, it's supposed to be fun. I have to keep telling myself that. I know that once I put my dress on and lift that champagne glass in a toast, all will be well!

    Thanks, ladies, I'll let you know how it goes.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by daliax22 View Post
    Yeah but it's not that great unless you find a photographer who is willing to stay at least 3 nights and include travel in the package, which is what I was lucky enough to find with Artistique Photographie who are a lovely husband-wife photographer team and were willing to turn this into a mini vacation. See my previous post from today....
    Oh there are plenty of photogs out there willing to travel to the RM! Mine has a house in Puerto Morelos so I was able to avoid the 3 night stay requirement. What I meant about all the new brides being lucky with Karisma changing their policy is that it seems you all are now able to book a Mexican photographer besides the preferred vendors. That wasn't the case when I booked which is why I brought someone from the US.

    Glad you found someone you like! A good photog that fits your style is the most important about the wedding, IMO.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
    How is everyone doing on their "to do's?" I got my invitations mailed!!! YAY!! I will post pictures soon. They turned out great, but they were SUCH a labor of love. Hours and hours and hours and hours of DIY.
    YAY on getting your invitations out!!! Can we see them?

    I'm with Amy, I have very limited time to finish my To Do's! My big Sam's Club shopping trip is tomorrow, and I'll be spending Thursday and Friday cooking for this thing. I'm so excited, both to go have some fun and for all this to be OOOOOOOOOVER!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaraW View Post
    Hi ladies!
    Just wanted to let you know that the sand ceremony frame worked out great for us!
    My husband removed one pane of glass, glued the first one (not the 2nd one) and the last pane. I will have to ask him again exactly what he did because I sort of left it in his hands. wink.gif LOL
    Here's a picture

    Click the image to open in full size.

    We actually re-did the sand when we got home because A) it didn't stay in the frame very well travelling back to Canada. And B) We didn't like the way it turned out. Maybe practice once so that it's not half and half like ours was. :) LOL
    Would you mind finding out which glue he used? That's been our big problem, finding one that you can't see and dries well.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hoyt75 View Post
    Hello, anyone out therehuh.gif

    A long time ago I remember us talking about websites and vendors that will create actual albums out of wedding photos. Does anyone remember this conversation or could give a good recommendation on where to go/who to use?

    We want to make real albums, as the photos are part of the page not glued onto the page, or stuck into a slot or "frame" on the page. Any ideashuh.gif??

    Also, we got our "love box" up and running! I went to Hobby Lobby and bought a decorative box and craft paper that I thought was cute and placed it on the mantel. It's a pretty big box as I wanted it to last and fill up over the next 50 years. So far so good!

    Tracy, are you alive? How did your surgery go!?!?!??
    Go you on your love box!!

    I remember the conversation. I used Blurb to make a book a while back. I paid extra (not much though) for the premium pages and was really impressed with the quality. My book is about 160 pages and I paid ~$70. I'll probably use Blurb to make a book from our wedding, honeymoon, AHR.

    We all seem to have a different definition of what qualifies as a "real album." To me, Blurb makes books and not albums because the pictures are digital and are part of the page. An album to me is having actual pictures print mounted or flush mounted onto the page instead of digital pictures. My wedding package came with a coffee table book, and though it's very different from a Blurb book, to me it's still just a book because of the digital pictures.

    I'm with ya, though, on not wanting albums stuck into slots or tabs on the page!

    My AHR is this Saturday and I can't wait! Both for the fun and for all this to be OVER! Tomorrow is my big Sam's Club trip and I'm spending Thursday and Friday cooking for it. I just have to keep telling myself, "I think I can. I think I can!"
  7. Hi Cindy,


    Everyone on here is right. If you want the Bahamas then go for it! No matter where you pick to get married, there will be people telling you it's too expensive and they can't attend. It's just the nature of a DW.


    You only get to do this once, so if you want the Bahamas then you should have the Bahamas!

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jazz04 View Post
    Hi I was wondering what extras some of you have added onto your packages at AS that are not included to make the day even more special! Also I love the photos Elizabeth Medina has done does anyone know her round about price or have any other suggestions for photog?
    Photogs are a hard one to answer b/c they're such a personal choice! Elizabeth Medina does great work if the resort will let you use her. Many of us choose to bring our own photographers with us b/c you get more bang for your buck that way. I brought Andrew Jordan (click under my siggy) and AmyKH brought a great one too (Chris Schmitt).

    Just as a price comparison (and I'm just ballparking b/c I don't know Elizabeth's exact prices off-hand), for the same as about 5 hours of shooting from someone like Elizabeth, you could bring someone and get a full day of shooting on your wedding, a TTD day-after session, and possibly another even as well like a rehearsal.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
    Okay, so I didn't even know The Knot had a guide to DW's! cheer2.gif Where did you pick that up at? I will take care of that tomorrow because it sounds handy to keep me in line!

    I don't have my dress and haven't even window shopped yet because I wanted to lose some weight first! I was going to wait until August to start looking because by then I figured I would have dropped at least 10 pounds. I've been really unhappy with my weight lately and didn't want to become depressed while having fittings. monkey.gif Do you think waiting is a bad idea?
    I think I bought my book on amazon, but most major bookstores carry it.

    I can definitely understand about wanting to look your best while trying on dresses! Wedding dress shopping is such a fun and unique experience that you don't want it tainted in any way! Just remember, if you're ordering a dress and not buying off the rack, you're getting a custom fit. Your actual fittings won't start until months later when your actual dress comes in. If you've lost a lot of weight between when you purchased and your fittings, they can take the dress in as much as needed. Ask the girls on here, lots of them kept getting more and more inches taken off their dresses.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post

    1- Sent out STD email and ordered STD magnets from ETSY.
    2- Booked photog and paid deposit.

    What's nexthuh.gifhuh.gif Does anyone have a DW checklist or know of where I can find one on here?
    Who'd you end up going with for your photog?

    For a checklist, I used the ones in the book The Knot's Guide to Destination Weddings. There are pages of checklists starting from a year or so out taking you to your wedding day. This was my lifesaver, especially when I was just starting out and had no idea what I should be doing. It kept me focused on things that needed doing instead of jumping the gun. The checklists in this book do assume you have to find all your own vendors (which we don't :), but it's easy to skip past those.

    Hm, 11 months out... You have your website done, as I recall. Have you registered? Do you have your dress? I'd be thinking about things that don't involve the resort since it's too early to really do any details with them.

    Overall, just enjoy that you're 11 months out and you can relax a bit!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
    Afternoon my "forum friends!" ;-) I was just popping in to vent and whine for a tad. We sent our STD's out on Monday and we've officially got the buzz going for our wedding. I'm amazed at how many family members have been so critical. Mature adults (or so I thought) have made every comment ranging from "Those rooms are too small' to "Why isn't flight included in the rate" to "Kinda selfish to make everyone fly just to see you marry." I know I shouldn't be so sensitive, and I'm usually not, and I know from reading all the earlier posts that many of you ladies were met with similar negativity. But I'm trying to be a gracious and polite bride and instead I feel like telling people to Shut the F**K up and just stay home if they feel burdened. I'm so tired of responding to people, "Well I'm sorry but just know that we are NOT offended if you cannot make it and we totally understand." I feel like people don't realize that this is an optional attendance and no gun is being placed to their head for them to fly to beautiful Mexico to attend our wedding. stfu.gif

    Anywho, I know I should suck it up and drive on......but I'm just sick of all the complaining and commentary and know that there are a few more to come. I had to vent because I feel like you chicks are the only ones who get it. I'm thankful for this space to do that from time to time......:-) fryingpan.gif
    Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
    On your wedding day, I promise you, you won't be thinking about who wasn't there, or who thought you should have done it differently or who didn't approve of blah blah blah... I promise you that the feeling you will have on your wedding day is solely focused on your then husband and this blissful floating feeling. Wendy knows! I can tell she felt the same way :)

    It's an unbelieve experience... ahhhh I'm so jealous mine is over! smile41.gif
    Amy is absolutely right!! It's hard to imagine this now since you're in the throws of planning and have incoming negativity, but on your wedding day NONE of this will matter. I promise you! You'll realize that the people who are there to share it with you are the ones who needed to be there and wanted to be there. Having a DW really does show people's true colors, shockingly so sometimes. hug2.gif

    During our planning DH's family could not stop talking about what a financial hardship coming to our wedding was. I wanted to scream "SO DON'T COME!" In fact, they still talk about "financial recovery" from it. But I'm waaaaaaay beyond caring about statements like this. People can make their own choices and need to take responsibility for them. They also need to realize that this is a WEDDING, i.e. not about them but about YOU!

    Just to throw in some brevity here: one of DHs good friends from way back (more like a sister to him) just called yesterday to say she won't be coming to our AHR--because she's not comfortable in a bathing suit!!! Okay, now hear me out. I know a lot of us women have body image issues (though she has no reason to, she's maybe a size 6 and tall), but the reason this makes me smile120.gif at the stupidity of the situation is because of how mad she was that she wasn't "chosen" to go to Mexico. She actually hung up the phone on DH when she found out she couldn't come to the wedding. To a wedding in Mexico. At a resort. On the beach. Where bathing suits are pretty much mandatory. wtf.gif
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
    Thank you Wendy!! Honestly...NOBODY has booked yet, other than my immediate family (four rooms). FI's parents haven't even booked yet. Somehow, my TA reserved 10 rooms (not sure how, since we only have deposits for 5 rooms!) but I really want as many people to stay with us as possible. The bigger concern for me is the construction. I just really don't want to be walking under ladders and hearing band saws buzzing away when I'm trying to get my beauty sleep (aka...sleep off my hangover hehe) so that may be the dealbreaker for me.

    No matter what, I know it's going to be a fantastic trip, so I'm not getting down about this. AB is absolutely beautiful and sounds like a wonderful place...but if it's not meant to be, something else is!
    I love your positive attitude! You're absolutely right, it will all be perfect and wonderful no matter which resort you're at.

    Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post
    My BM's are wearing vintage bronze and my MOH's are wearing purple. We decided to use lime accents for the bouquets and our moms/aunts will be wearing a praline color. I know this can be confusing so these are the dresses...Bridesmaid Dresses - the source for bridesmaid dresses fashion at Mori Lee Style 266
    Oooooh very elegant dresses!! Love your colors!!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
    Speaking of reading all the threads...I may have to go back and re-read!!! The whole time I was reading, I've been thinking of Azul Beach. Now, it's looking more and more like AB is out of the running sad.gif I may have to move to AS...which would NOT be a bad thing at all, but I"ll have to re-think all my options!

    Just heard from my TA. He confirmed that all the rooms are taken, and we've only got 10 reserved. I'm thinking we'll have more like 15 needed, so...chances are I'll have to switch resorts (especially because of the construction).

    So I may switch to being an Azul Sensatori bride!! I'll hopefully have an answer by next week.
    Oh no, Celina, I'm so sorry to hear that! I know how much you love AB. Can you keep your 10 rooms and have everyone else stay at AS? They're so close to each other, and it seems like you should have your wedding where you want it and not have to move it because people haven't booked. Now the construction is whole different reason for moving. What about having the remaining people pool money to stay at the Villa Carola next door? I just hate to see you give up the intimate feel you were going for that AB offers.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ROBINBOOSE View Post
    Has anyone had a wedding here recently? if so how was it and with all the add on's was it expensive
    Originally Posted by michelle14 View Post
    Not sure if we are booking with Azul yet but it is in my top 2 choices! What can you tell me?
    Originally Posted by Nikki O View Post
    Great pictures Lolo. You looked absolutely stunning! Thanks for sharing!
    We are getting married on May 7, 2011 at Azul Sensatori as well. How was the resort? I have never been!
    welcome4.gif to all the new brides!!! thewave.gif

    The short of it is that Karisma puts on fabulous weddings. But it is a 5* resort so of course it doesn't come cheap. Congrats on picking a fab resort!!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lolo View Post
    Amy (kittenheart) I saw your pics...beautiful! You looked amazing.
    I didnt even think blog...if anyone is interested checkout this likn to my photogs bolg. Some wedding and TTD (we went into Puerto Morales and a cenote)
    Blog | Toronto Wedding Photographer - Jon Rennie
    Look at the bottom for Jason & Linda
    Lolo, thanks for making an appearance!! I didn't get to see your BD pics the first go-round (if you posted them), and they're FANTASTIC!!! HOT HOT HOT!!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
    I went for pleasure!!!! Ryan LOVES Widespread Panic, so we went for his birthday/Halloween to see them play. Austin was SO fab!!!

    Like I said, Panic is FI's fav band. He wants us to dance to Walkin. We will see! I do like the song...and the lyrics are sweet. It would be different, that's for sure!
    I was at those shows! Halloween last year at Austin Music Hall?

    Haha, that would be funny to dance to that song. As your first dance? Kind of an awkward song for that! The lyrics are appropriate though. We danced to Ain't Life Grand for fun and just to boogie (and in honor of friends who couldn't be there that love that song), not as our first dance. We all like jam bands, though, so we had a few different tunes that the old folks weren't too sure about wink.gif
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
    Hey ladies...don't have much time to talk...I wrote a super long post yesterday but then I got signed out and lost it. Basically it was a complaining email so I sort of glad I didn't post. But I am dealing with a bit of a situation right now.

    My TA called FI yesterday and told him that the hotel (Azul Beach) is sold out the week of our wedding. I still have atleast 15 guests who have not booked. 2 of them are my aunt and cousin (the only extended family I have coming). I am so angry at them, the resort for not alerting my TA when the hotel was close to capacity and my TA for not finding out it was filling up as she promised she would.

    I was fighting back tears at work yesterday (right before a meeting - super) b/c I am so emotional over my family - majority isn't coming and the ones i thought i could count on couldn't put a $100 deposit down. I just feel so let down by family/hotel/TA.

    Long story short my FI completely lost it on TA (who has been on vacation/out of country twice since signing contract) which he brought up and questioned if the hotel told her but she was out of town. She supposedly has been in talks with the owner of the hotel to see if we can get 3 rooms...no clue as to where they are pulling them from or if they can even get them. I also just wrote a very "stern" email to my WC who hasn't responded to an email from me in over 2 1/2 weeks letting her know how disappointed I am.

    I don't want to be a crazy bride but I just feel that we should have known the hotel was filling up if they promised they would tell us! Grrr...ok sorry to start the day off on a sour note.

    WAAAAAA (said like snookie from jersey shore)
    AmyB is right on all fronts about what she said. The best advice I can give is take a few deep breaths and know that you have a while to work this out. This is one of those situations that comes with a DW unfortunately. We've all suffered emergencies and setbacks and in the long run most everything works out. Feel confident knowing that you truly did your best!! You told your guests they needed to book right away b/c the resort is small and would sell out, and the rest is up to them. It's frustrating, I know, but the responsibility lies with your guests. We as brides can only do so much hand holding.

    I can understand wanting to scream at your TA, but it's probably not her fault. AmyB is right in that it's CRAZY how they do the rooms. But it's not just Karisma resorts. The practice of delegating rooms to different tour operators is common to pretty much all of the resorts. At least the ones that use the tour operators and online engines like expedia, orbitz, etc. But this is also good news for you in that AB probably isn't truly sold out. Down the road rooms might become available.

    You still have LOTS of time to work this out!! hug2.gif
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