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Posts posted by taylorwd


    Originally Posted by chong View Post

    This is what my pre-travel brochures look like. There are some great examples in this forum and I was able to "steal" many of the ideas. I thought it turned out great for working on it for only a week. Now I need to find an envelop that fits this size!!!


    Great job Chong!!!  These look amazing!


    Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post



    I love it that you already know a place where you can do a screening!  That'll be soooo much fun!!


    Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post

    I almost forgot, I decided to go ahead and do the BD shoot!!! I'm scheduled to do it in Houston Labor Day weekend. I have to admit I'm overly nervous because I haven't been to the gym in a month!! smile41.gif

    YAAAAAAY  smile159.gif  Good for you!!


    Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post

    I went to my first dress fitting yesterday. The woman was great..in fact I think she did Christina Ageulera's (sic) alterations. At least that is what it said on her site. Anyway, she quoted me 1100 for the alterations. Bummer. I almost cried. I did get a steal n my dress because I got it at a designer sample sale store. When I bought it the sales girl told me the alterations would be an easy fix (Like $400 or so) and I thought she'd be right. Such a bummer....now I am desperatley trying to find someone to do my alterations in my price range. It's just scary because I want my dress to be in good hands. Wish me luck ladies. 

    Ouch!!  That's a hefty price tag.  I feel sure you can get it done for less...If this lady is advertising that she does alterations for celebrities then she's probably not the most economical.  Good luck!!



    Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post



    Meredith, Who are you having your AHR for?  If his parents are coming to Mexico, then the AHR is not for them, right?  Are there guests who are not able to come to Mexico you really want to celebrate with?  Can they come to NO?  I really wanted my 90 year old grandpa to be there -- he was able to make an hour or so in Maryland -- so it was worth it to me.


    I have to be honest here, while I had a great time at my AHR, it was a bit anti-climatic.  I don't regret having an AHR, I am just saying after my wedding was over I was a little relieved that it was over - and then I had to do the AHR stuff...  The week of, I was really excited, but the weeks leading up to it was more of a chore.


    My question is the same as Amy's: who's the AHR supposed to be for?  Our wedding was family only so our AHR was for our friends.  A lot of my family decided to come, which was an added bonus, but it really wasn't for them. 


    Planning the AHR was really stressful but it was fun to get to celebrate with all our friends.  I think having a BBQ at your house is a great idea.  It doesn't have to be announced as an AHR.  You could do something like a wedding photos screening party.  Very casual and the only thing wedding related would be the unveiling of your gorgeous pics!  



    Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

    And, I have to report some awful news which is hindering my desire to plan my wedding.  My daughter is 13 years old and has a mother and daughter writing malicious awful obscenities about her on facebook.  They're not written to her, just about her.  I understand kid drama but for an adult to be involved and making threats, i.e. "I'm gonna smack her eyeballs out of her head."  This is some real life BS!  I can't even describe how difficult this is.  A mother's heart aches for her child's pain more than her own.  I am a wreck and just trying to make it stop so my baby girl can be the happy, go lucky kid that she is.  :( 


    Sorry, just needed to vent!


    What?????!!!!  That is just sick and evil.  I agree that you need to print everything and keep copies of it.  Since this is bullying, can the school help?


    Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post

    My photographer just sent me a link to this. My wedding was featured on Destination I DO magazine blog today: http://www.destinationidomagblog.com/2010/08/refreshing-real-wedding-in-puerto.html


    It's brief there aren't too many pictures but it put a huge smile on my face just reading it!


    Amy this is so exciting!!!  Did you submit your wedding?


    Originally Posted by dakotaAZ View Post

    Our photographer is going to be doing 3 days of photos but after the wedding we are doing a TTD, did you guys use your wedding dress or buy a second dress just for the TTD?  If you bought a second dress, can I ask where and what you paid for it?  I am going home (MN) in Oct to look for dresses with my mom and was curious on what everyone else did....Thanks!!

    I used my wedding dress but didn't actually "trash" it.  I refused to put such a beautiful dress in the water, and now I have twice the pictures in my original dress! 


    A lot of brides wait for David's Bridal's $99 sales and get their TTDs then.  You can also search the For Sale threads on here.  Lots of gals offer up their dresses for great prices to be used as TTDs.

  5. Oh and another quick bit of advice about choosing a BM dress: Many brides have tried to go what they think is the nicer and easier route by getting opinions from their BMs about what works and what doesn't, about what they like and what they don't, and in the long run it usually ends up being more hassle than it's worth.  I let my MOH choose her dress and it dragged on for months and months.  I wish I had just made the decision for her, and I've heard others say the same.  But that's just me!


    Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post



    Hey girls,


    Was looking to get an opinion on this dress.  I think it's the perfect color, totally cute, inexpensive, and to top it off it's ID number is the same as my FI's work ID - mean to be!  But, one of my BM's said it's not very beachy.  I think it looks like a BM's dress though. 




    This is a great dress!  Love the color and I think it will go well with both age groups.  "Beachy" doesn't really matter as long as you like it and it fits with the overall look of your wedding.  I would definitely say this dress is more formal, but it's so darn cute how could not go with it??




    Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post My mom came up with an awesome idea as well. The satin ribbon belt at the waist is super easy to duplicate so we are going to make 3 more in my wedding colors and at different points in the reception am going to change belts!


    What a great idea!!



    Originally Posted by daniepps View Post


    Hello Ladies!!!  Just doing a quick check in while my computer is up. My wedding was WONDERFUL!!!!!  And the resort, the staff and the wedding coordinators are perfect.  I told DH yesterday that I do not regret one dime that we spent on this wedding!  OMG I just can't even really describe how wonderful everything is.  I don't have any pics from the wedding as a matter of fact I haven't even seen a picture hopefully somebody will send me some when I get back.  Just wanted to check in and let you all know that you should not have ANY regrets regarding the Azul Sensatori!  Happy planning to all the brides to be!!!!!


    YAAAAAAY Danielle I'm so happy for you!!!!  Congratulations on finally being a MRS!!!!!


    It's so great hearing from the new brides about how awesome everything is once you get there, cuz it's so true!!!  Makes me excited for all the B2Bs.



    Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post


    Hey girls! Sorry I have been MIA! Work has been killing me...on top of wedding stuff. I leave in the morning! I cannot believe it's my turn. I will give a full report on LeBlanc when I return!!!!!! Love u girls!!!!!!


    Hooray hooray hooray!!!!  Go have yourself the most fabulous wedding!!!  We'll be anxiously awaiting your return!



    Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post


    Do brides wear their dresses again at the AHR??  I hope so!


    I wore my dress for my AHR and am so glad I did!  Not only did it give me the guilty pleasure of getting to wear my dress again and have everyone ooh and aah, but our friends really seemed to appreciate it since they didn't get to be at the actual wedding.  It made them feel like they were more a part of it.



    Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

    Well you asked for it so here is some teasers!Dresses 026.JPG


    Ooooooh, very pretty!!

    Originally Posted by Chapa View Post

    Hey Everyone!

    I'm new to the blog and had a question for you all. Are any of you doing a legal ceremony down there or making it legal before you leave? Wondering what is the best way to go about it. Thanks!


    Hi!  This is personal preference, and I would say it's about half and half for those who choose symbolic over legal.  Some people don't want to do two separate ceremonies, and some people don't want to do the blood tests and/or are unable to be in Mexico the required number of days beforehand.



    Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post


    Oh and another, not so happy, surprise...Lomas came back with quotes on the purple flowers. The ones you all liked, $350 per bouquet. Forget it! I think I have it figured out though. Not exactly what I wanted but I still like it and only $60 each. 




    That is crazy expensive!!  I feel like Lomas would have so much more success if they lowered their prices a touch.  Then couples might actually consider using them instead of instantly writing them off as too expensive.  But hey, they must be doing well for themselves!



    Originally Posted by Mahalo79 View Post


    Oh and I was going to post this link, I tried on this dress and fell in love with it, but don't want to buy the 3rd dress I try on, so many more out there!  I am only about 5'4 and have no curves, so I love this dress makes me feel like I have some.  Just wanted to share!  I am wondering if it is beachy enough?  I guess it is appropriate!  Also it is under $800 with 25% off if I get it before end of august.  Maybe I have been watching too many say yes to the dress episodes with 10,000 dresses, but isn't that super reasonable?! 





    I tried it on in diamond white.  can you see it? 


    I really like it!!  If you like it you should get it.  It doesn't matter if it's the third dress...when you know, you know!  As for it not being beachy enough, it's all about what you want.  So many of us went in with "beachy" in our minds and walked out with something completely opposite.  Go fancy and ball gown if that's what you want!  LOL.  It's your one day to wear a wedding dress, so go with the one that makes you say WOW when you look in the mirror.



    Originally Posted by mmc1105 View Post





    So sorry it didn't work out... I"m glad you didn't get sucked into the madness and just buy a dress you kinda liked.  I went to a Brides Against Breast Cancer event and bought a dress that I now realize is not really me...




    Oh that sucks about your dress!  Are you going to look for another one?



    Originally Posted by jazz04 View Post


    Hey girls just wanted to share our wedding website at www.weddingwire.com/danandjasmine


    I was told also today that uncovered chairs for the ceremony are unlimited and only covered chairs are charged for that is awesome!


    Love your website!!!  You two make an absolutely adorable couple!





    Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

    The Running of the Brides is an event where "designer" dresses are on sale for $250, %500, and $700.  I got up at 4am to drive to DC, stand in line for two hours, the second hour of which was as sardines and because there was no order to the progression of the line, people were "butting."  When we finally got to the door, they let in a few people at a time which was an awful idea b/c this led to the first few groups getting like 40 dresses per group.  By the time I got inside, all the racks were emptied and without one dress in hand, I couldn't barter at all.  My mom and friend went off to try and find a nice person to offer one for no return.  I had to stay put so they could find me.  It was chaos and not fun.  I finally got some dresses and was not impressed.  They were definitely samples, some which had not been taken care of, and some looked like they were from the 80s.  I am looking for a mermaid type or fitted in the top and then flowy type dress which every time I even asked a group who had tons of dresses, they said they hadn't seen many.  Most I got my hands on were ball gown or Aline.  Honestly, we probably didn't give it our best effort and it may have been a much better idea to go later in the day.  We were over it by 10am.  I really only saw 2 or 3 gowns that I would have bought and they were already on other brides. 


    So, all in all, not an enjoyable experience for me.  I was really hopeful and positive but I guess it just wasn't meant to be.  Luckily, I still have plenty of time so maybe my luck will change, and I will find that special dress that will make that dreamy man of mine melt!


    Staying positive ~ On a good note, Got my approval from Azul today ~ Definitely 5/2/11.  About to leave for some shopping with my daughter who is 13 and a junior bridesmaid.  Gonna look for some bridesmaid dresses and DIY/invitation type stuff.  Have a great day girls, and thank you all so much for the "luck wishes!"


    Yikes, that doesn't sound like my cup of tea either!  Sorry it didn't work out for you but now you can say you've done it and perhaps give advice to others who might want to try it...i.e. NO DON'T GO lol! 


    Congrats on getting your date!



    Originally Posted by lsd203 View Post


    Did you do a group contract or individual contracts?  Wondering the best way to book and save money for our guests at Azul Beach.


    We did a group contract, but there are pros and cons both ways.  We only had 13 rooms and for us this worked out.  However, with a group contract you have to figure out how you're going to cover the initial deposit, and while on the one hand your rates are locked in, on the other if rates drop you can't get the lower rate.  There also a minimum number of rooms you need to keep your contract, so make sure you'll have enough people.


    A good TA should be able to help you figure out what's best for your specific group.


    Originally Posted by MaggieandJay View Post

    1. Logo is picked and finished! It is my profile pic. I love it and i started out with a starfish..WHO KNEW!!!!


    2. I got confirmation on the reception location today!!! One less thing to worry about! Zavas Plaza which you ladies all rave about!


    Today was a good day!



    Great job on the logo and congrats on getting your location!!  One more thing checked off!


    Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr View Post

    msmarmar, thanks for making me realize I'm a member too!! smile72.gif

    Congrats to you and all the other new "Members"!!


    Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post

    I sent an email to ask that...because I was also wondering what happens to all the flowers that  are on the Gazebo..do we get to take those and use them for centerpeices or is that just for the ceremony.

    I don't think I qualify for the 20% off...not doing a group agreement..it was too soon for most of the people invited to fully commit (I have my mom and one of my MOHs for sure) .  My TA said that later on if I have enough for a group...then she could try to negotiate and change to that...

    I think there was a different promotion for that too...but because my wedding is so far out..they wouldn't give me that. I'm not too upset...got the room upgrade and the Free Wedding..I'm good for now and I'm sure there will be some amazing promotions throughout next year...

    I think I'm ok with not doing a private event...but if I can get a really good price on it..we'll see...

    Ditto that yes you can have your flowers moved over to your reception.


    Originally Posted by TLGnhci View Post

    I was considering going to the El Dorado for a night or two as well. 


    Girls, when you get 20% off a private event, say your reception - what exactly does it take 20% off of?  And I read that someone asked about the ceremony flowers, are they transferred to the reception site? 


    And, is it lame to not hold a cocktail party and just have guests mingle at a lounge/bar for an hour? 


    I don't think it's lame at all not to have a cocktail hour. We didn't because we knew everyone could just lounge at the bar right next to the reception, which they all did.  We had a toast with everyone right after our ceremony and that was when we announced the time they all needed to be back for the reception.  Worked perfectly.


    Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post

    I remember this discussion going on and that thought totally had me worried.  Unfortunately, I've been told I do NOT qualify for the free cocktail hour as I'm Canadian (again... argh).  So, we've decided to do a receiving line upon the entrance to the reception.  That way, I'll be sure to know if anyone "important/critical" is missing before we do our official entrance/introduction.


    Okay, this whole not getting deals because you're Canadian is load of crap!!  huh.gif




    Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post



    I made a spreadsheet of everyone with the day they were arriving and their flight arrival times. When we landed the airport in Cancun and headed to the hotel, I timed how long it took from the time we left the plane, got through customs, got our bags, got our ride and arrived at the hotel and met everyone in the lobby as they arrived to check in and gave them their OOT bag. I missed a few that arrived early but I just called the front desk, found their room and walked it over to them.


    Good god girl!  You are crazy organized!!!  And I thought I was bad.  This was the nice thing about AB.  Since it's so small, we'd just be walking from one place to another and be able to catch people as they checked in.  I loved that!



    Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post


    Ok looking for opinions here.  Originally I wasn't really into having a "color scheme".  I figured my wedding color was "white" and my theme was "beach".  rolleyes.gif  I knew there would be color involved through the BM dresses and figured that would influence. So, I found BM dresses that I really like and there are 2 colors that I like - turquoise and purple.  I thought that it might be cool to have 1/2 and 1/2 (I have 6 in my bridal party... huge, I know)...  Then I was worried that 2 colors would be too busy (although I like the look of them together) and that I'd go with purple and then use turquoise as an accent color.


    Since then 2 of the BMs have voted turquoise (I was surprised), 2 don't care and 2 haven't been canvassed.  Long story long - do you think having both purple AND turquoise BM dresses is too much?!  If so.... would you vote all purple or turquoise?  (the purple is called "plum" - but it's not nearly that dark).


    Here's a link to the dresses if you're interested.  The style is BM1277 but the colors I'm looking at are the "plum" and "turquoise". 



    Thanks for your opinions.  Sorry so long!


    Hmm, I can't see anywhere to look at the color options, but I LOVE the dresses.  Super cute!!





    Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post


    OMG..I'm an official MEMBER...not sure when it switched from Junior Member...but YEA :)


    Congrats!!!!  It switches at 200.

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