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Posts posted by beachbum

  1. All of you ladies are making me hungry!! other than getting different sized jars / glasses, I also thought about buying a box of some kind that's blue and giving some of the jars height. This is kind of my inspiration from Amy Atlas: Amy Atlas Events , click eye candy and then picture #93 - I tried looking for some plain blue boxes in a few places this weekend, at least I have plenty of time to look.

    bridej9, great tip about the after-easter candy!! I'm hopeful that it won't all be pastel colored.

  2. I am trying to, but my colors are navy blue and pale pink. So in trying to avoid it looking baby-shower like, most of the blue-r candies are blue raspberry flavors, which are not my favorite. I'm going to do the blue m&ms (and I'm going to call the store in Times Square to see if they will give me a bride / bulk discount), blue gummi sharks, and some other candies to round out the spread.

  3. After doing a total 180 on our honeymoon, we decided on Spain for a quick honeymoon after our DW. We're going to leave for Madrid the next night after we are back from Punta Cana. Anyone out there in the BDW been to / or honeymooned in Madrid? We'd like to go to another city, possibly the Costa del Sol area, Granada, or Seville. I'd love to hear others' thoughts!

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
    It is unfortunate, although Carolina has her own job to do, and it should have been your travel agent that kept you up to date with the situation of availability, and informed you that these 2 weeks in April are amoung the busiest for destination weddings : )

    I am sure you will have the wedding of your dreams, and everything will work out great for all of us that are down there those weeks... full guest list or not : )
    I agree with you, and have been frustrated with out TA. I'm not sure I would recommend her again if I had to go back and do this all over again.

    the good news is my godmother, turns out she does have a room, just never bothered to tell me.
  5. Same here, I'm trying to be optimistic. I sent out information on the Occidental grand (which is next door) and am going to bite the bullet with guest passes. At least, that's our plan... It's somewhat disappointing that the GP books as many weddings in a week, assuming brides and grooms will bring guests, and the resort can hold all these people, when we've unfortunately come to find out that they can't. If Carolina gave an inkling about this, I probably would have still picked GP, but maybe a different week when it wasn't so busy.

  6. I even tried that website myself, just to see if even that would work - when I put in for guests to land on April 14th, even this website doesn't show availability. Another 6 guests minumum, so far, are going to have to stay at the Occidental or IFA villas next to GP and I guess we're going to cover $120 /guest to come to our wedding and reception. I'm hopefully maybe carolina will give us a break on the passes since the ceremony starts at 4, and the reason I need the passes is for lack of availability in the resort, which is supposed to have over 1,000 rooms.

  7. Does anyone know which are the adjacent resorts to the Grand Palladium? It seems that the days preceding and after our wedding are sold out at the Grand Palladium, and I'm wondering what the hotels are that are nearby if we need to utilize other hotels for people to stay.


    I'm trying not to fume that some of the guests haven't booked, but I can't say I really expected this either. I'm just upset right now that my godmother may or may not be in the same resort as us.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post
    well like I was saying before I realized that it isn't the rooms that are booked.. it's the packages. So there is another way.. a la cart. Book your room at the website of the resort if your stay on the punta cana side. the website is
    Then go find a cheap flight.. I find a cheap flight with us airways.. yes it's not direct.. but it still gets the guest there. I think it may come up to $100 more then actually buying a package.
    I looked at that website, which I think is what we're going to do. The website through Fiesta Hotel Group: The Royal Suites, Palladium Resorts, Fiesta Hoteles, Fresh Apartamentos, Ayre Hoteles - Información, Reservas y Ofertas also seems to not have any availability for the end of the week for Royal Suites what.gif, but I'm optimistic that they will have room in the Palace section.
    Cross your fingers for me girls!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by caribbeanLover View Post

    I just got some horrible news. The resort is fully booked for our week. All our guest at the moment can't book their trip. SO the only people so far coming are my parents, FI's parents and a friend from Ireland. I am so heart crush and frustrated I have no idea what to do. I don't want my guest staying at another resort.. Defeats the whole bloody purpose. I just want to cry!!
    Everyone getting married our week, did all of your guest book?
    I'm freaking out!!! Not all of our guests have booked either, ugh, what a mess! I just sent an email to our TA to see if she has any news / options for them.
  10. Carolina emailed me back, and catholic weddings ARE LEGAL -


    "Thanks for your email, regarding your questions, no we will not have a judge there, but you will receive your marriage certificate back (after 6 or 8 weeks) legalized, and then your marriage will be legally in the US.

    Regards from DR"


    Side note: Is anyone doing a TTD / having arnaud come on Friday, April 16th? I thought cherrybomb was also using HDC, and personally, I don't think we both should have to pay for them to be there if it's the same block of time!


    I was worried about the wristbands too, glad to hear that's taken care of!

  11. Carolina emailed me back, and catholic weddings ARE LEGAL -


    "Thanks for your email, regarding your questions, no we will not have a judge there, but you will receive your marriage certificate back (after 6 or 8 weeks) legalized, and then your marriage will be legally in the US.

    Regards from DR"


    Side note: Is anyone doing a TTD / having arnaud come on Friday, April 16th? I thought cherrybomb was also using HDC, and personally, I don't think we both should have to pay for them to be there if it's the same block of time!


    I was worried about the wristbands too, glad to hear that's taken care of!

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