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Posts posted by YoursTruly

  1. I am they type that would not be upset about stuff like that. It represents a part of the past, a significant one. FI is with you and that is all that matters. That said, if he kept like photos and other stuff that is totally out of line, I would probably ask that he discard of that, but in general we are human and it is nice to know that you or he are loved. It is a total "memory lane kind of thing". BUT if he saves the letters and stuff AND still communicates, etc, then I would say, the crap has to go!

  2. Wow. I can only empathize with your situation and hope that is has the ending that you would like. I was always coached that men do things in their own time, however, it is essential that you know and recognize early on what a man's attitude is towards marriage as tthey pretty much say what they mean. As women we are always the hopeless romantic and as such, think we can change a man, and it most of the times is not the case. Since you feel that scared to evn bring it up, you have to decide if he loves you that much, a GROWN conversation after ten years is just not enough for YOU. Also for your kids, this is also protection and commitment as well. If he truly loves you, he will hear you out at a minimum and you can gauge how he truly feels after all this time. I think men know after a time when they truly wants to be with someone, but I agree with you it should not take ten years to come to that conclusion. I would not package it as an ultimatum, but again, a grown conversation about your future between two adults. But as another BDWer mentioned, be fully prepared as it can go either way. I wish you the very best and keep us posted. I hope he "man ups" and feels changed toward the subject of marriage. Hugs!

  3. The Ritz Carlton is considered five star and not in the same category as the RIUS. So depending on how much your budget is, I would definitely go for the RC if given the choice. If considering a more upscale RIU, then try the RIU Palace, otherwise the RIU-MB is pretty much the same as the ROR, however the ROR is much bigger. The RIU MB is closer commute to the airport and quite frankly, the planes were not that big of a deal. Trip Advisor would have you thinking that it was a HUGE problem. Most days you did not even hear the planes after the first day or so. Good luck

  4. Okay so I was a tad slow checking in. Since the wedding the downclimb was fast! Demanding jobs and a little one keeps us on our toes and constantly busy! We are planning to return to Jamaica for our 6-month anniversary so that is definitely exciting! One MAJOR Faux pas of mine is that I still have not sent out my thank you cards! What a procrastinator I am! But our son was pretty sick the last two months so it kept getting pushed aside. Otherwise life is swell! Best wishes to all the new MRS!

  5. One more thing..Was it me or was Teresa's house an overly priced, tastelessly decorated MESS! OMG that decor is a trainwreck. Shows that some people can marry into money but it does not give them class or taste. Hell morals for that matter as she talks freely about sex with her husband at the dinner table with the kids a stone's throw away? WTH!!

  6. I would not say these Jersey girls are all that interesting but the finale was entertaining to say the least. The dinner was way over the top and I was offended by the frequent f bombs in fromt of the kids!!! Theresa however did not really want it, because if she did she would have jumped over the table and been all over Danielle. Personally I think there are truths to the book, but no interest in reading it. These chicks will not get my financial support, well Danielle.

  7. I too am curious about the Marianne role. Curious about her connection to dude that is the shape shifter. She is definitely vampire-esque but wondering why she is pushing for Tara and the other dude that lives with marianne to get together? Is this because she knows Tara and the bar owner were once an item? In any event, I think Bill is gross. Between the teeth and the so so pale anemic look (no offense as I am anemic), it is not an attractive combo. Eric on the other hand can definitely get it!!!!

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