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Posts posted by YoursTruly

  1. If you want to learn how to do it, you will learn how to focus. That is if your FI does not mind the mess. I would suggest starting small and tackle one room at a time. I was always taught to always keep certain rooms spotless. This would be the kitchen, bathrooms and living area, especially since these are where visitors will congregate. Learn to clean up as you go along, this way , cleaning left to one day a week will not be such an insurmountable task for you. Do this a couple of times per week. Make you tube online your friend for cooking and cleaning visuals, or ask a friend that cleans and cook if you can watch them and/or help so that you can get the experience you need. Good luck.

  2. this is not uncommon at all and do not waste time trying to figure out the logic because there is none sometimes. you have to realize that while you would think friends would see your nuptials as important, in addition to their support of you, people are going to do what is important to them for selfish reasons. And they are entitled. Not sure if accomodations are being taken care of why it is an issue, , maybe something else is the reason and they are not comfortable speaking on it. Either way, I wish you well.

  3. I definitely empathize with your situation but I think that your FI, sounds sort of silent on the issue and needs to step in and create some boundaries. Mothers are the pillars of the earth and while I am sure he dotes on her, he needs to reign that out of control behavior in YESTERDAY. It sounds like you guys are trying to build on your financial situation so you do not need her making unnecessary budget blowouts to you guys budget. If you have to pay for her, YOU handle the arrangements. Cancel the reservation she made and book it in a room tha is more in line with her budget. I learned early on that straight talk bring straight understanding so you need to have your FI's support and your FI sit her down and settle this. If he does not nip this in the bud now, it WILL get worse. Se already sounds like she needs prozac now,more so in a few months and years to come. Trust me, it will wear you down emotionally, I know!


    Reset your budget together, talk to FI, get his support and let him handle his mother or let him know you will if he doesn't. But you cannot be confrontational about it. Good luck!

  4. I would try my best to have a one on one with her. As for the other girls..what does it say about them if they end their friendship with you on account of one girl? I would be hesitant to cal them true friends, because real friends don't do this. I would as stated as XX to put on some big girls pants and really talk it through...I swear women can be so damn catty sometimes!! I of course had no patience for stuff like this and just cut folk off!!

  5. Someone informed her incorrectly when she was with Nick that she was a diva. See how far that got her. Now with Tony she had to work seemingly a little too hard to keep him and totally became a different person because of the whole relationship. Unfortnately for her, she probably won't be the wiser an time soon, however it is still very disrespectful and immature to dump someone the day before their birthday. Maybe Tony ROAM-O can finally concentrate on winning!!

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RIUMBBride711 View Post
    OMG! I would kill her!!
    Carly and RIU bride-- I really did Want to kill her. It took every ounce of strength I had not to. Thankfully my DH and MOH calmed me down and aassured me they would handle everything and they did, despite no available cleaners to steam it. My WC was wonderful with helping them remove the steam and ironing a heavy chiffon and silk dress. They were amazing. To this day we are still not cool. I can’t forget that!!
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