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Posts posted by YoursTruly

  1. you started off by asking other folks what their opinion is. People tend ot forget that a wedding is about the bride and groom. Know that DW comes with much heartache and drama because it automatically limits some people due to finance, disability, etc. If your budget does not dictate an at home ceremony, then you and FI need to decide and stand by your plan. If you can afford it and can compromise by having it home, why not?

  2. I wouldnt bother too much about it! I am sure she will be around long enough to cause more drama so send the invite and ensure you address it to her and her b/f. At the end of the day she more than likely wont show but at least she cannot throw not having an invite in your face later.

  3. WOW---Reckless, dishonesty, no communication, financial jeopardy and ruin, these are HUGE issues. Mind you, I always like to take emotions from the situation and be logical , but I am coming up with nothing good from this situation. Granted the worst things is for a man not to be able to bring in his share, but ESPECIALLY not having a job, why would he evn go to Vegas or spend the money, even if he thought he could double ithuh.gif That is a colossal risk when you have nothing! So if the mortgage, rent or some other bill was due, when does common sense kick in that the consequences of doing something so hugely wrong on all levels will leave you homeless? OMG, my heart aches for you and I hope you can see through the rose colored glasses no meaness intended at all! Yes we make mistakes so I hope he is able to get the money if staying with him is the right decision. Wow....saying a prayer for you that all things will come to light in the few short weeks you both have left and the right decision for your future is made.

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