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Posts posted by ikupoo

  1. Hi Ladies and gents!

    I wanted to share my letterpress invitation that fiance and I designed together. As we are both artist/graphic designer, the pressure was on! Thankfully, they came out beautiful and I couldn't be any happier.


    Here the original sketch that my fiance drew. Notice the luchador cherub from my STD in the background that I posted a while back

    Click the image to open in full size.


    I scanned the drawing, and I designed the invite with Photoshop and Indesign. I used SilkScript, Poetica, and Nuptual script for type. I submitted the file to the printshop. The printshop converted my file into a film.

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.

    Here's the printshop guy burning the image onto a metal plate by exposing the film to light. The linework on the film is negative image, which means that the line area is clear, and the negative spaces are black. The plate is coated with a chemical so that when it is exposed to light, the light passes through the clear area and hardens the chemical underneath. After the plate is washed with water, it turns into something like this. Cool, eh?

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Bob, the printshop guy, then sets the plate onto a letterpress machine and prints away. We chose thick double-ply paper, so we had the machine hit it really hard. We used Pantone gold 871.

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Here's the finished invite! We also printed the flower pattern of her veirl on the envelope flap as blind press (without ink).


    Click the image to open in full size.


    More to come!

  2. I think you're fine. Brown is a neutral color, and blue goes with orange and fuchia, becuase orange is a complimentary color against blue on the color wheel. Fuchia is still in the same family with the blue-purple, so I think you're ok.


    Some brides tend to match EVERYTHING, but I think this is overkill. The best is not matching the color precisely. It's about coordinating. Think about your brown and blue as backdrop colors that makes your accent color pop

  3. I tried on a beautiful dress eventhough I had already decided on another just because it was stunning, and I emailed it to my mom. Her Response...


    "Good thing that you don't look good in it".


    I asked her what was that response about, and she goes


    "Oh, I didn't know you liked the dress seriously. I said that because you looked so good in the dress that you chose this one doesn't compare."



  4. It's really hard to see because of the monitor aqua color... but as far as I can tell, I would size down the "&" so that it won't be touching the "eighth" and scale down the "o"s in "Theodore". Try to get the height to match the "e".


    I don't think the sanserif type that you chose works either (on your date, etc.) Try small cap letters, or sanserif that's less geometric, or round.

  5. I feel you girl! I'm allergic to wheat, dairy and eggs. Thus, I won't be having a wedding cake. I came to a conclusion that my resort cook probably isn't used to making gluten-egg-dairy free cake so it'll probably taste bad anyways.


    Dairy is not essential to cake, so I think it's definitely possible in your case. Maybe you can find a good recipe before hand and ask your resort to make it.


    Depending on how sensitive your sweetie is to dairy, you may also want to look into doing chocolate fondue with DARK chocolate. Also, there's chocolate chips that are gluten/egg/dairy free from the company "Enjoy Life".


    There are other desserts that don't use dairy- i.e. merengue cookies, pies made with vegetable shortening etc. Maybe you can look through this site for ideas

    Karina's Kitchen- Recipes from a Gluten-Free Goddess

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 View Post
    Hmmm, while I can't say I've really been there, I will say that that is exactly why I'm trying to do this as laid-back as possible.

    I do not have a wedding party, I did not send STDs or official invites (I let our parents on both sides let anyone in the family who wanted to come know about the wedding...it's basically an open-invitation to family, the more the merrier but no bigee if they can't). I'm not doing OOT bags as half of the people attending have already been to Mexico and know what to expect and those who haven't probably have a good idea.

    I think why I'm doing it this way is part laziness (I'll admit I'm not the biggest DYIer out there, though I love what many of the ladies on BDW do for their weddings, good on em for having that kind of motivation!! wink.gif ) and part trying to make this as cost-effective as possible. I have essentially made all the decisions that matter in regards to the wedding location/date/time/food/etc, and the FI just gives it his obligatory blessing haha.

    I'm sorry to hear you're stressed, if I lived in Calgary, I would totally offer to help you out! :) I hope everything turns out for you!

    Mmmm, I think I have the same attitude as her.
    As I watched Bridezilla marathon on on-demand, one common thing that these brides have is that they feel that every little detail has to be PERFECT(aside from them being crazy). I refuse to put that kind of pressure on my self, knowing that I won't be able to enjoy the process of planning if I do. I made things easier by paying attention to things that I care the most, and fake the rest. For example,
    1.I did email STD
    2.pass on OOT bags but spend more money on nice wedding favor
    3.Forgo wedding cake, since I can't eat wheat
    4.Invited limited amout of people that I'm actually friends with now, not in the past
    5. Pass on wedding party. I don't need them.
    6. Politely accept, but don't listen to my mom's extra advice

    Unless somebody dies or my fiance cannot make his own wedding, I refuse to be angry on my happy day. Then it's assured that it'll be a perfect day even if not everything goes right.
  7. I think the reason you are having a problem is the extra 5 people. Several of the facilities that other people have mentioned (Health Bar, Tucanes) seem to have a 50 person max in their minds... You can talk to them about it, or just tell them that you are down to 50 and pick your place, then add a few extra people the day before... We had exactly 50 at Tucanes. You can see plenty of those pics on our slideshow: Amy and Brian


    Hey Brigopens, I noticed that you did slideshow! How much was it to rent out the screen and the projector?

  8. Hi Ladies.

    I book a photographer few months ago, and I just wanted to let you guys know about him. He's absolutely fantastic!!!

    I found him though wpja.com, a wedding photographer's association. I'm planning to get married in Riviera Maya, but I decided to import him from his home in Monterrey because I was blown away by his talent and creativity. His style is unique- a little rock and roll, and there's nothing cheesy. No BW photo with red tinted roses! Yay!! His rates are very reasonable, and I think paying a few hunderd dollars more for his flight is very much worth it.


    Fer is also very prompt at responding to my e-mails, and I usually get a reply within few hours. I seriously believe he has an Iphone implanted in him! And it doesn't hurt that he always ends his e-mail with a phrase "I'm at your service". After I decided to hire him, he sent me a friend request on Facebook, so we've been keeping in touch outside of the wedding business.


    Oh yeah, and he's also a hottie. Definitely a plus!


    Without further ado, please check out his blog and tell me what you think!


    Fer Juaristi Blog - Sessions, Pictures, Adventures and Stories. Destination Wedding Photographer.



    Just to let you know, I'm not receiving any money from him for this post. I'm just a happy bride bunny_4.gif

  9. I gave myself over a year, so the planning is going smoothly. So far I have


    Booked EDR(July9th)

    Hired travel Agent Jennifer from the forum

    Made wedding website at Mywedding.com

    Created Save the Date e-mail with the website info (so people already have access to the info and I can take my sweet time designing the actual invitation)

    Hired Photographer Fer Juaristi from Monterrey MX (he's the coolest!)

    Having my dress made

    Asked my friend from church to be the officiant

    Booked the trip for me, my FI, and FI's family

    bugged every guests to come!

  10. I confess that I've been feeling a little apprehensive about making moves on my fiance when he comes to bed in cartoon Tshirts...

    I also confess that I have a crush on Dr. Drew Pinsky from Celebrity Rehab and thinks that my wedding photographer ( Fer Juaristi from Monterrey, MX- married with a baby) is cute.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to marry my fiance, but Kids Next Door T shirt just doesn't cut it. Is there such thing as a man-lingerie that I can give?! Ha!

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