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Posts posted by sunsetbride1

  1. I think that the just the candles will be gorgeous! We are having a super simple ceremony (not even having flowers); a 1 hr private cocktail hour on the beach (I will bring some bulk votive candles just in case); a non-private reception dinner at one of the restaurants (no centerpieces, just maybe some candles) and then off to the disco to party.


    I agree with Jacilynda... That's the magic of DW's - do whatever works for you. You have a gorgeous destination and that could be (depending upon your personal style) all you need!

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amarillis View Post
    what if you set a bunch with the person sitting at the end chair on the aisle. you could then (possibly with a change in music -- indicating your arrival) have your guests toss them forward.

    You could leave a note with said petals with instructions on those peoples chairs. huh.gif just a thought, and it would be a cool way to involve your guests.
    Such a great idea Amarillis!!!! If I was involving flowers in more prominently in our wedding; I would do that. =)
  3. I bought my BM's and MOH the Tiffany blue star necklace... then I also bought my MOH an Ed Hardy wristlet that I know she would love. FI is going to get something special for his BM as well.


    We were planning on giving their gifts to them at the rehearsal dinner along with everyone else. They are the MOH and BM; and as such, have done a lot of extra planning etc. for the wedding festivities so we want to honor that.


    I will admit that I do love Josie's idea of doing it in private and spending one on one time with her MOH; but with my group, I just know that there won't be time for that. LOL.

  4. I just wanted to add that all the ideas are great and that is so wonderful that you have such special friends that are doing this for you!


    I, too.. love the idea of doing something matching and tropical. There are tons of cute little starfish necklaces all over right now (I would check Etsy) that would be a nice gift that they could wear again. I bought this one for my cousin who is doing a reading in my wedding and it wasn't expensive but looks like it is...



    Click the image to open in full size.

  5. Eek.. well, I am sorry that you felt so used and under-appreciated honey! That is awful. Thanks for sharing your feelings though, it will hopefully help all of us brides keep things in perspective.


    I will say one thing though, I think that communication is so important in EVERY relationship that anyone has (husband, wife, fiance, friend, co-worker, brother, sister, etc...). If anyone (whether I was in their wedding or not; MOH or not) asked me to do something I did not feel comfortable with; could not afford or did not feel like I should do - I would very honestly tell them how I feel and if they were a good friend they would understand and we would find a way to compromise that we both feel good about.


    If her friendship means a lot to you (I am assuming it does given you were her MOH and she is yours); please do not email her. Email can be very deceiving and things are almost always taken the wrong way. Sit down and tell her how YOU feel without putting her down. Just explain that you felt "xxx" when "xxx" happened.


    I hope you can work it out and again I am so sorry that you were made to feel so badly! smile03.gif

  6. Roo66 - I highly recommend trying it on. I wasn't sure if I could pull it off either; but it looks and fits so much better than you would think!


    Thanks Desiree! Btw, LOVE the new picture of you and Tyler - you both look amazing. I am dying to see your wedding pics; they are going to be gorgeous!


    Thanks everyone else... It's incredible how much a little positive feedback can make you feel better!!!

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