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Posts posted by Jacqueline

  1. i didnt read all the posts but i hate that they are doing this :o( i wish they'd drop the show, go to counseling and try to save this marriage. im not sure if they have tried yet as far as counseling goes, but i feel like they are giving up too easy. i felt bad for them both last night watching it. i think the media plays a huge roll in all of this, and i wish jon and kate could have known when to pull the plug on the show b4 it got this far. kate was tuff, absolutely, but im sure jon had flaws too, neither were perfect or this wouldnt be happening. i am a firm believer in theres two sides to every story. oh i think im in denial, i keep thinking this isnt true! blahahahaaaahaha


    ok here is my solution: jon - grow a set of balls and stand up to kate when she treats you like a child, and kate- take a valium.

  2. Can anyone recommend an animal clinic/SPCA/nonprofit organization in Burlington County area?


    Here's a thread I posted regarding my cat. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t44556 I'm afraid it's going to turn into another mess like it did with my last cat (for those who know the story) where they retest and retest and they dont find out whats wrong until its too late. Well, now it has started with my other cat, Cody. The vet called, ACTUALLY- let me correct myself - I HAD TO CALL THEM, a few minutes ago for Cody's results and Cody's #s came back the same so he has to know be tested again to determine WHAT TYPE of clotting it is, factor 6,7, 9 or 10 or some SHIT like that. Some are really bad and some aren't so bad.


    I am so censored.gif fed up at this point but of course I want to take care of him, I just can't afford these vet bills! Last week Cody got rabies, a wellness test, urine, & blood and it cost $277! Sat they did a PTT retest it was 16.00 (and only b/c I argued that I shouldn't have to pay another 50.00 for an error that might have happened-which it turns out wasnt an error though) And now I have to bring him in again, the poor guy, so they can take more blood, and what is next after that god only knows. In Philly we took our pets to the SPCA, I never felt like I went through this before, and it def wasn't so much $. I looked on line for NJ clinics however I never heard of these places and dont know how good they even are, I'd rather be recommended by someone. Can anyone help?! I just need to be sure they will do a good job with Cody and find out wtf is going on, and they aren't going to charge me an arm and a leg.



  3. Oh good, I'm so glad this thread was a reminder to a lot of you ;o)


    The vet called Sat and here, Cody's PTT blood test results came back high. Normal is 10-12% and his were 56%. I'm kinda of confused on the whole thing, but it's basically a blood clotting test, it determines the time it takes for your blood to clot. So it's supposed to take 10-12 seconds and his takes 56 seconds from what I understand. I am going to do more research on it. I had to take him Sat afternoon so they could do a retest for accuracy. I was alil confused by this too. I didnt understand why we couldnt go by the original results since the #'s were off so much they were prob accurate. They wanted to charge another 50.00 to retest. Isn't that what lab work is for, to get results, but he wants to make sure they are really that high and that the lab didnt do an error. He only charged me 16.00 though b/c I said I didnt want to pay for their error, if that's what it was. I remem for Bella I had to do so many retests it kinda annoyed me they wouldnt just go with the original results. I understand some might need to be retested but every fricken time, they want a retest. Anyway, I'm just waiting for them to call today with his results. I was thinking of looking into a humane society nearby though, b/c these vet visits are costing me SO much and from what I hear the humane society's are more reasonable and they are just as good.

  4. Kristina that is good u take her!


    If anyone dont, you should def try too. If I would have taken Bella to the vet, I would have known her white blood count was high (it escaladed from there but blood was the first thing they tested) and I could have found that she was sick sooner, so it's just really important. Cody is going once a year now. he needs to stick around for at least another 10 years! lol

  5. Hey thanks! Yeah he should be fine once this is all done. They did a blood & urine test, gave him rabies shots, and another test that I forget the name, to make sure all is okay. PD can cause kidney failure, heart disease and things like that so they want to make sure all that is okay. OMG and Cody was NOT a happy camper- I could hear him meowing angrily and causing a fuss in the next room when they were taking blood etc. They had to shave his neck alil. lol

  6. I took my big boy, Cody, to the vet last night for a general check up. I know this is terrible but I have not taken him (or my female cat who recently passed in May of cancer) to the vet since about 2001-2, I never felt it necessary b/c they were in door cats and always seemed fine (was I wrong). Meanwhile I had no idea there was something brewing! Here, when I took my female, Bella, to the vet in March for other reasons they found she had Periodontal Disease. I looked at Cody gums myself after hearing about this and they seem really red and sure enough, he has it- and SO bad, a lot worse than Bella. I only got a quick look at the front of his mouth but the vet showed me last night his entire mouth, it took my breath away. Some of his teeth actually FELL out, his gums are blood red, sore and some teeth are totally dead. And his breath could kill a skunk so thats a sign there too. He showed me one that was completely gray in color and when he pressed on the tooth, Cody's bottom jaw quivered, he told me its b/c it hurts him! I'm not even sure how Cody is such a moose b/c with his teeth like this, its a shock he's even eating. I have to start giving him wet food only, and next week he goes in for dental, and most likely he will get teeth removed! He will have to go in a few times to get stuff done and it can cost me up to $400 or more. So my point in this is to inform you of this, cats AND dogs can get it. Take your pets to the vet for annual check ups. I think about it now and I feel so mad that I never did this, b/c not taking them causes heartache, stress for them and not to mention a lot of $. I am going to attempt to take pix of his teeth before he goes in, and I will show you. I attached links with info and pix too.


    Periodontal Disease in Cats


    periodontal disease in cats - Google Image Search

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by carly View Post
    Ok, I'll email myself. See how ridic I am with email? It's the way I keep track of EVERYTHING! hahhaahahaa, people have been rsvpi'ing to my phone, and then I email myself who they are and what they want to eat!

    u do hate the phone haha i just edited my post- in case u saw a diff reply. i have to rewrite it i just screwed it up trying to edit it hahaha
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by carly View Post
    I love it. I hate talking on the phone, like HATE. I rarely answer my phone cuz I usually don't hear it, but I always get back in touch with people. But you are right. The friends that don't use their email, I rarely talk to them. The only people I stay in touch with her the ones with email. I use facebook, but not really to stay in touch with my current friends, that's more for the forum girls and old-out of touch friends.

    Funny to, cuz I just sent Mini a 2nd email about Lauren's wedding this morning and I guess I should just text her! (She replied that she is coming, but didn't give the food option, so not a big deal really)
    That is funny, what a coincidence. I'm going to that too btw, I want chicken parm please ;o) I forgot I didn't rsvp. ;oD
  9. Does anyone ever get annoyed or even saddened that the only ways of communication w/ friends & family these days is over the computer (FB, MySp, Twitter, email) or even texting?? I have literally 2 close people (that includes my sister) I talk to pretty much everyday, and that's b/c we both call each other. Part of me feels like yes, I wish people picked the phone up and actually had a full flowing conversation and another small part of me thinks it is an easier way to KIT so if it wasn't for computer we wouldn't talk at all. Obviously us forum members chat a lot and its awesome b/c we all met here for one reason and are from all over so it's a fun way to chat but I am talking about family and friends you grew up with, people who's baby showers you go to, bridal showers, etc. Just a random thought that was recently talked about with me and my sister. My sister don't have FB, MySp and rarely goes on her email so she is always saying it's a good thing that I have some of those things b/c I keep her in the loop lol And it dawned on me that really- if I didn't have these things- I wouldn't KIT with anyone either. My hubs sister is a texting freak and he hates it b/c she never picks the phone up when he calls her back after a 4 message texting convo.


    So is it a good thing or not so good thing?

  10. YAY welcome and congrats! this forum will def help with your wedding and anything else!!



    (btw love the heart next to your name! dont think i have seen that on here as of yet)

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