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Posts posted by Jacqueline

  1. mary i was going to say maybe it's all part of the plan, to throw u off but i didnt want to ruin it that WAS the case, haha so just stay positive and hope for the best. you never know. if things dont turn out as you expected, dont sweat the small stuff. i know its easier said than done but dont fret b/c it's not worth it. whatever you guys do, you can make it fun, be in a happy mood b/c if you are sad, you'l look back and regret it. kwim?? keep us posted :o)

  2. haha i forgot about this thread and see that it is BACK! i read entire thread and AB'S, i saw what you wrote about me loving spinach dip as much as you haha too cute. you will always be my crush b/c you're just the sweetest person on the planet. but todayyyyyyy my main crush is carly ;o} tehe

  3. thx everyone!


    well i watched my video again from beginning to end on a different dvd player to make sure it wasn't my dvd player causing the issues. of course...it was MY dvd player causing it to skip throughout, ultimately pissing me off the other nightmuscle.gifmuscle.gif. but with me being in a better mood watching it this way and not skipping, the video actually isnt that bad, maybe im not in love with it but it def was better the second time watching it. i think with the skipping happening it set me off and i critiqued every detail from that point on and probably took it too far.blush2.gif there were some minor things, like shaking a little, blah blah but nothing to cry about. On disc 2 though, there are still pixilated (carly thx for my new word) scenes, 6 to be exact. the only other issue i had were the pictures being half cut off. as far as my issue with him putting the camera in one spot on the dance floor, yeah it was in same spot but he did get good images of the cake cutting, garter and flower toss, mother daughter dance etc in between so whatever. i also found myself comparing it to my sisters video, which i shouldnt do! and after talking it over with her and my mom, they made more sense out of everything. i felt really bad about my crazy pms lady email to the guy so i wrote him this morning explaining the dvd issue and that if the scenes that are pixilated can be fixed and the pictures be adjusted that would be great, he wrote back saying he understood my concerns, and that he'd look at dvd and get back to me. he also explained that with pictures being scanned they have to do it a certain way to cut out the edges.


    thx girls for your support and advice. its good to know you guys had my back

  4. OH i do have a raw footage tapes, there are four lil tapes in case anything happens to our dvds so if anything at all i will take them to my sister's guy.


    BUTTT he wrote me back already- heres his reply:


    Jaqueline and Joe,


    I'm sorry you are disappointed with parts of the video and much of what you are saying can be correceted and redone. I will review your video and get back to you.

  5. tracy your advice was great! i just sent the email though :o( i wish i would have saw your reply before i sent it b/c u make a really good point about the emotional part. oh well :o( heres my final email i sent. and like someone said above, if he dont do anything about it i will write a more professional, stern email like u said, from more of a "customer" standpoint.



    Joe was there and picked up our wedding video last night, and we watched it last night. I have to say I was a little disappointed/sad :o( I wasn't going to say anything but this morning when I woke up, I was still bummed out about it. The gentleman who did our wedding was absolutely great, he was a really nice guy and I don't want to get anyone in any kind of trouble, but I do feel that I need to voice this as it was a very important video to us.


    I noticed a lot of the pictures we supplied were half cut off, the entire picture wasn't captured. Just two examples to name a few: our grade school photos are already shot from the mid waist up, but on the video they were cut off from the shoulder, you couldn't tell it was a grade school photo, it was pretty much just our faces on the entire screen. There was one of my dads favorite pictures of me as a kid (why I included it)...it was me covered in mud from the waist down b/c I fell at our campground, I was crying, it was hilarious, but the entire pic wasn't captured, it was just my face pretty much. This happened to most of the shots and I was just confused about that. What was the point in going through and picking out important pictures when they entire memory wasn't captured?


    On disc 2, about 4-5 different times the video gets distorted looking, like a checkered look almost pixilated, it also skipped a few times. We paid good money and I am upset that the video is not good quality, and it seems that no one reviewed this before giving it to us.


    I felt like the entire reception portion was just the dance floor, whether people were dancing there or not. I understand that the dance floor is a big part of the reception, but I guess I was also expecting to see guest arriving, guests tables, people by the bar, etc. I am glad the dance floor was captured however I didn't think that would be the only coverage at the reception. I've personally seen other wedding videos that were like mini movies with great footage and editing on the recap, etc. However I used Martin's Video based on word of mouth and I'm going back and forth on regretting my decision. Though it captured good stuff, it did not meet my expectations.


    I am not sure how this can be handled since the footage can't be re-captured. I do not know if it can be redone, or if reimbursement can take place. Again, I hate that I am even writing this type of letter, but i feel that you need to be aware since we paid good money for this video.

  6. What are your thoughts/advice on this email I wrote real quick to the owner? Is there anythign I shoudl take out, add, etc? Wording okay? Also I am still working on closing paragraph-


    Good morning.


    Joe and I watched our wedding video last night. I have to say I was a little disappointed/sad :o( I wasn't going to say anything but this morning when I woke up, I was a little bummed out about it...and still really am. The gentleman who did our wedding was great, he was a really nice guy and I don't want to get anyone in any kind of trouble, but I do feel that I need to voice this as it was a very important video to us.


    I noticed a lot of the pictures we supplied were cut off, the entire picture wasn't captured. Two examples: our grade school photos are already shot from the mid waist up, but on the video they were cut off from the shoulder, you couldn't tell it was a grade school photo, it was pretty much just our faces. There was one of my dads favorites pictures of me as a kid (why I included it)...it was me covered in mud from the waist down b/c I fell at our campground, I was crying, the entire pic wasn't captured though, it was just my face pretty much. This happened to most of the shots and I was just confused about that. What was the point in going through and picking out pictures when they entire memory wasn't captured.


    On dics 2, about 5 different times the video gets distorted looking, like a checkered look almost. It also skipped a few times. We paid good money and I am upset that the video's are not good quality.


    I felt like the entire reception was pretty much just the dance floor, whether people were dancing there or not. I guess I was expecting to see guest arriving, guests tables, people by the bar, etc. I am glad the dance floor was captured however I didn't think that would be the only coverage.

  7. ty, i will keep u posted on what they say.



    Originally Posted by H&F View Post
    When you talk to the owner try to get them to hand over the raw footage from your wedding. Maybe you could take that footage to a different videographer/editor to try to make something better for you. I'm hoping that perhaps there's a lot more good video that they have but maybe the person who edited it just was a slacker. Even if there isn't a lot of good video I'm guessing that a better editor might be able to make it look nicer for you. Good luck. I'm so sorry that happened to you.
    this is a really good idea! thx
  8. So Joe went and picked up our wedding video last night, and I was really let down :o( I'm glad we have something to look back on, but I guess I am let down b/c it wasn't what I expected maybe, ? I saw videos that were so great, my sisters video for example, and I remember thinking "WOW, this is great!" It was very well put together. I should have used her guy but I used a diff company that a friend suggested, it was $500 cheaper, so it's my own fault. Ones I've seen in the past were almost like mini movies, with the effects and all, but mine, I mine as well just paid a friend to video tape it.


    Well, the reason I am not happy is b/c for one, I felt like it was cheaply done, or something. It was shaky, some parts of the video skipped, some parts more than 5 times, the picture got muffled looking, almost like a checkered look, and no, it wasn't the "effects" or anything , it was a screw up. Joe kept trying to make excuses for it and that was one, that it was done purposely. I also felt like all he did was set the video up in one spot on the dance floor and that's all he taped- even if it was empty. There was a total of 5 seconds he taped by the bar, but didn't get much.


    I am writing an email to the owner, who is the guy I've been mailing etc. I don't want to be mean or get anyone in trouble, but I have to let him know how I feel. The video probably can't even be fixed :o( Idiots.

  9. I just watched the entire memorial, and it was so amazing.


    Amanda, everyone is def entitled to their own opinion and I totallyyy respect that you voiced yours, but let's keep this thread a positive one, with positive thoughts. Let's keep this thread for the fans, not speculations. That should be a whole new thread if people wanted to voice a diff opinion, ya know. Since the majority of the peop's love him on this thread.

  10. I can't watch the memorial at work :o( I'll have to watch it tonight, I'm sure it will be on. I do hope that his family gets privacy after this memorial. I feel sad for his kids :o(


    MJ and the soldiers are two diff things I think. I feel like the reason the war isn't as publicized as say, celebs dying for instance, is b/c the world has sooo many different views on the war & whether its right or wrong, people could go on forever saying what they think is right or wrong. Whereas the worlds view on MJ is pretty much the same, that he was a phenomenal artist. The war is so deep and involved on so many levels, sometimes it's too much of a touchy subject to make pubic everyday. I know when I watch Nancy Grace she always takes a moment to acknowledge the soldiers, so thats good. So it's def on some channels, just not all. Also don't forget the holidays every year we have honoring those we lost in war, ya know ;o) Hope I made some sense and didn't babble too much ;o)

  11. wow, your pictures are great! i love your dress, your hair, everything. i love the entire set up with the chairs with the flowers tied in with the bows, so creative. i also think the fg carrying the sombreros with the petals was a great touch, i dont recall seeing that ever. SOOO cute, thx for sharing and congrats!!!!


    (EDIT- i just noticed this is an older thread, must have missed it before)

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
    i just saw Kathys pics that Erika posted and i actually really like how her hubby looked with his black shirt and white pants, next to her white dress. lol totally did a 180 from my 1st post. i guess i just needed to see it.
    i looked too, and yes i agree. they look great, the pictures. i still like ivory but again, its whatever you guys like, and whatever he will feel comfy in ;o) good luck!!
  13. I honestly like the idea of the groom wearing the same color as the brides dress. It ties them together nicely in the pictures, kwim? Also imo, a guy can wear a blk shirt on any night but the wedding day/night, is special so why not dress different than everyone else and wear ivory to match the bride. I recently went to a wedding where the groom wore a blk shirt and although he looked great in it, when we saw the pix, he didnt stand out. For our wedding, Joe wanted to wear grey or something dark and I talked him into wearing ivory and he was so glad I did, b/c the pix just look a lot better and he stood out more as the groom.


    Regardless your pix will be gorgeous though. So it's all preference. What doe your FI think?

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by carly View Post
    Jac - Megan? I am not really sure, I never really thought she reminded me of anyone in partic.
    lol yes megan! i am telling u, she is her to a t. the way she talks, her slang, her body language, its too weird. i told her b4 that and she was like "omg i heard that before and have never seen this show" lol aww i love our lil megaload.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
    Kourtney is very pretty and I'm surprised that Kim is the "famous" one. I love Khloe's personality and would love to hang out with her and Kourtney. Did you see the previews for their new Miami show? I bet they cause all kinds of trouble!
    i agree, she is. i want her clothes.
  16. aw dont feel bad.... i wonder why it just started though, the last 2 months, hmmm. wait it out, maybe it will pass and see what the vet thinks too. how will u decide what one has to go? omg i'd be so upset, trying to choose.

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