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Posts posted by Jacqueline

  1. Ew, that was pretty rotten to say to you. I am sure she is stressed (um, aren't we all?) but that's no reason for her to be crude to you about your wedding. Ah, what is wrong with people!? Try not to let her upset you, really. Weddings bring out the worst (and yes, the best too) in people so just roll with it for now. If she continues to be rude, simply tell her to shove it ;o} And I agree- "In order to have a friend, you have to know how to BE one."

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by YaelM View Post
    Jaq - Im pretty sure it has to do with blood thinning, it makes you bleed more. you are also suppose to eat so you dont pass out. A lot of parlors wont tattoo you if you have been drinking
    ahh okay, thanks. i thought it would be fun to head to the shop after hanging out. hmm :o(
  3. does anyone know if it's honestly bad to get tat if you've been drinking? i have heard this but dont know the facts as to why. its not like ill be the drunk girl just getting a random tattoo while drunk, i have a pic of what i want, i have known for years where i want it and it just so happend tonight im having girls (family actually) over for small party so we talked about going after. me and my sil are talking about going.


    so whats the damage in getting them w/ alch. in system. does it have to do with blood thinning or something?

  4. Yep, I had invisilyn and they worked. You HAVE to wear them though or it won't work. At the very end when my invisilyn sets were done, I did have to wear clear braces to adjust one tooth that was stuck behind my front tooth, and I tbh, never heard of anyone else needing to do that. I think it had to do with my teeth and maybe me being too anal ;o} I am done though and very happy. A girl at the hair salon I go to also just got them and I can see a diff already in her teeth.


    On a side note, my one good friend went to get them for a minor tooth adjustment (she had a space or something) Her ortho made her a retainer she wears only at night to fix it and it is working. It depends on how drastic it is but maybe look into that too. Good luck!

  5. I did a search for this so I hope I'm not duplicating a thread. blush2.gif


    I have my e-ring and two bands for each side. They sit in the grooves of my e-ring, but they always spin and it annoying. I want them to stay in place.


    Has anyone ever had their rings welded together, if so what's the like, does it look okay? Should I do this?


    Or are their clips of some kind I can put on my rings to keep them all locked together?

  6. We were thinking of taking a day off to go to Dorney Park or Gr8 Adventure. smile29.gif I'm not really a roller coaster belly flipping ride person, my stomach gets upset anymore sick.gif, but I like water rides. I'm not sure if there is much of a difference in the rides, the atmosphere, food, etc. What do you girls think? smile78.gif

  7. awwww i am so so sorry :o( whata sin :o( i just lost my baby in may and its still hard for me, so i am really sorry :o( animals are the best and its so hard when we lose them.

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