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Posts posted by Copita

  1. I asked probably right around thet ime I got engaged... a 1.5 year before the big day! LOL.

    Most people say though to wait until 6-9 months before the wedding, and I think this is good advice because wit hsome people, friendships DO change... so youi never know.

    Lucky for me, it's mostly my family so this was all okay.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Be Photography LLC View Post
    I'm straight man, and I am proud to say my favorite movie is the 1997 Great Expectations with Gwyeneth Paltrow. -

    Oh yeah! Great Expectations is a wonderful movie!!! :)

    I especially the love part with the old lady on the staircase and Finn yelling to her about how his heart is broken. :)
  3. Hey guys,


    Thank you for all the kind words and volunteer work to knock my sister out/and tell her that she sucks! HAHAHA :) That made me laugh.


    I got a ride home from my co-worker. My parents live 5 minutes away from me. So I took one of FI's cars to my parents to pick up my spare care key but found that my mother had actually left WITH MY SPARE to another city! I was like, You have GOT to me kidding!!! So I just said, Eff everyone! I am going to the gym to work off this stress! So I got in a great work out and about 9, my mother showed up with my bro with the spare key. We went out to eat and eventually picked up my car.


    I really really really do not think my sister is tricking me with anything about the invitation for the shower. I just think she was a lazy ding dong who didn't realize the importance of my shower. GRR. When she gets married, she will know how it feels to have this happen to her. It is truly upsetting what she did to me.


    Oh well. It's a new day.


    But now I've misplaced my cell phone. LOL! :)

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maura View Post
    any luck finding jorge's ring yet? or did you go ahead and buy him a new one? you know i was thinking... since the last time you guys saw it was when you were in the DR... do you think it got stolen either from the hotel or your luggage on the way back?
    Good observation! But the ring never made it to DR. He had it on his finger, trying it on, the morning we left for the airport but took it off, cause it was too big. Grr! He thinks maybe we vacuumed it up or something OMGOSH I want to pinch his Portuguese head off! LOL.

    Great idea about mailing the gifts in advance. I'm like you... the less I have to carry to this DW with me on the plane, the better! I have a few friends staying over at my parents house (5 min from me) the night before we all leave on vaca and I'm going to ask everyone if they can each carry somethign for me in their suitcase! Cause our office at home is CHOCK-FULL of wedding stuff!


  5. This day is insane:


    FIRST last night we were told a plumber would come to un-clog our kitchen sink pipe from 5:30 to 7:30. They called twice after that delaying, and 11 o'clock rolled around, NOBODY SHOWED.


    SECOND, the title company of our house has been telling us for the past 2 or 3 months that we should expect the copy of our DEED any day now. They lied. Over and over again. They said they mailed it to the wrong address, it was misplaced and today we learned THEY CANNOT EVEN FIND THE ORIGINAL. WTFhuh.gif


    THIRD, I was just at Costco on my lunch break and I locked MY CAR KEYS inside my trunk. Darling co-worker came and rescued. Called my mother who has a spare key to my car to bring me mine since she was getting ready to head up to near my job and she said she couldn't cause she had "OTHER THINGS TO DO in this AREA." How mean! She is going to be right across the street!


    And LASTLY, my good friend just calls and says, I haven't gotten your bridal shower invitation...Why?

    My sister is my Maid of Honor and had ME make my OWN bridal shower invitations and give them to her (AND even asked me to host it at my house to which I said, NO WAY and asked if I was handing presents out of my own shower for the guests??!!!!).

    Well I just called my sister to inquire as to why my friend might not have gotten this shower invitation and she goes,








    WOE IS ME.


    I am sorry guys. I'm usually not this upset or pissed off andusually this many crazy things don't happen at once but WOW, you can understand how I feel right now because my own SISTER, my fucking MAID OF HONOR, didn't even have the decency to send out shower invitations for my bridal shower which is this Saturday. AFTER she had me make my own invitations sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif


    It sucks.


    She said she just called people and sent out an evite to a couple of people. sad.gif

  6. Wow.

    I would listen to their recommendations and then say, Thank you for your opinions, which we will consider.


    Then decide on the resort YOU want. It's YOUR wedding.


    Maybe you can try to incorporate a few things/ideas that they want (activities offered at the resort/all-inclusive), but ultimately, I dont think you should have to give up the place where YOU want to wed for anyone. Ever.

  7. We weren't going to register either. Same boat as you. Everyone kept asking, Where are you registered, what do you want?

    And finally I gave in and went in registered only 2 weeks ago! LOL.

    I registered at one store. and the store sent out little cards to my entire guest list of where I'm registered at.

    I thought it was weird registering since I'm having a DW and all, and it's amazing that people are even coming so far to our wedding, but at the same time, it eliminates people saying, WHERE ARE YOU REGISTERING/WHAT DO YOU WANT, etc. LOL.

    I think a lot of folks can relate.

    DO NOT put your registry in the formal wedding invite.

    Whoever hosts your bridal shower (etiquette says) should tell/put cards to where you're registered at in the shower invites...

  8. Well, ladies, I finally stalked my registry yesterday.

    Granted, I only registered 2 weeks ago, and my sister didn't even send out INVITES after she had me make them sad.gif Crazy maid of honor, huh?

    She just sent an evite out with the link on it to the registry and called people to invite them to the shower (this weekend).

    The good thing was that Macy*s (the place I registered at) sent out my registry cards to everyone on my guest list.

    THey will prob think I'minsane for registering so close to my wedding. INSANE!

  9. All right, chica, here goes:


    1. The White Wedding Dress: mine is "light gold." But it's off-white. I thought I'd always wear a white gown but when I tried mine on in the store, that was it. I also feel better wearing it since I'm not exactly a VIRGIN. LOL. Just messin! LOL. But seriously, I am very glad I chose the color I did.

    2. Wedding Rings: I love the idea of rings as a symbol of your love and vows.

    3. The Bridal Party: I am for it. My FI is Portuguese and says this is not big there so he is learning a lot about traditions. He had never even heard of 'something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue."

    4. Your father giving you away: My dad is SO giving me away. :) I'm excited for that.

    5. An over-the-face veil (blusher): Not doing an over-the-face (the Caribbean is HOT!) but I am doing a veil on the back of my hair/top of my head! :)

  10. When we got engaged 1.5 year ago, I said, that right after the wedding, I wanted to try for a baby. But now that it's 18 days away, I don't feel that way anymore. It is a HUGE thing. I know when I get pregnant and it happens, no big deal, but I guess I'm scared of the prospect of having kids and what a major thing that is. I sometimes feel like I'm alone in that sentiment since most people want to get pregnant the moment they wed. I'm just afraid cause I have never had a child or have never cared for one. I do want children some day and I'm sure it will happen when it's meant to. I'm sure it would be a great blessing in my life. But I am scared.


    Does anyone else feel that way?

  11. Nicole,


    We only told our immediate family (parents, brothers, sisters, etc).

    I am CRIMINALLY good at keeping secrets so this has not been difficult to me.

    Our pastor knows what is up and I asked him if he can give us something from the church stating our union is recognized in God's eyes and he will make us sign this certificate from the church. :) LOL


    If people ask though I will just tell them but if they don't, I won't lie.

    Most of our guests have NO idea though.


    Originally Posted by happyone View Post
    I'm having a legal ceremony two days before we go to Mexico. I told everyone that it is just the bureaucratic paperwork and that we are not recognizing the marriage until we say our vows in front of loved ones. I'm not going to wear the wedding band either until after the symbolic ceremony.
    Same with us. We are not recognizing it as the "real deal" until we get our blessing and aren't exchanging our wedding bands until the symbolic ceremony. Also, on our invitations, we used the words we "request the honour of your presence as we unite our lives in holy matrimony" instead of saying "at our marriage," since we are legally married and I hate lying but I have a way with playing with words! wink.gif
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