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Posts posted by Copita

  1. Katrina, you must reminded me I have to refill my birth control Rx!

    Just Martha, Victoria's Secret has their bridal line out now. I got gorgeous panties that say bride on them, and one that matches my dress with little blue bows on the back that I'm wearing on the Big Day. Hooray! :)


    OMGOSH ladies, I just had a "What the Heck?" moment.....I am getting married next weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






    Just five more days left of work! Thank God!

  2. OMGOSH. I don't even know where to begin.


    This is TOTALLY ASSY on their part!

    How in the hell are they going to CANCEL your wedding AND charge you a frogging fee of $350 for a judge you weren't even going to USE in the first placehuh.gifhuh.gif??!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Did you still pay the $350huh.gif I wouldn't have!


    I am SO glad you found someone else eto work with.


    If I were you, I would put them on blast and email their hotel general manager, ceo, everyone and tell them taht that is completely unacceptable. COMPLETELY.


    I am so sorry, again but SO happy you found another great place to go.



  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maura View Post
    i am leaving any minute to go meet jose to fill out our marriage application and pick up our paperwork for our officiant to sign - i am so nervous i could puke and all we're doing is picking up paperwork!!!!!

    if i am freaking this much today, how bad will i be freaking on the wedding day?!

    Aw. :) You will be fine! Have lots of fun!

    When J and I went, we were so nervous. I was shaking, my hands, I'm pretty sure, filling out the information. and it took about 5 seconds. I was like, Wow, that is all it takes to get married, huh? The lady was laughing at me. LOL. I said, It takes longer to change your address at the DMV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
    i have no plans on wearing anything at the airport except my super comfy favorite travel tube dress and some flip flops.
    LOL. You're just like me.
    My girlfriends made me wear this veil on my bachelorette party night downtown ALL night and I almost keeeled them. It was SOOOO annoying!

    If you want, wear a bride hoodie (the plane gets cold) or rock your veil if you want! It's your day/wedding so do what you like! :)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maura View Post
    erica, i called AA and asked about my dress and they said i could have that be my personal item in addition to a carry on piece of luggage. so so glad you got jorge a new ring! hang onto it! dont let it out of your sight haha

    to answer your question about how long we're staying - we fly down on a wednesday morning and get married saturday and then stay until the following saturday for the honeymoon.
    That is awesome they said you can bring hte dress as the carry-on. Now I don't know if I should do that or stick it in a suitcase! LOL. And I am going to guard BOTH rings with my LIFE! LOL. That is great you guys are going for a week and a half. We're going for 9 days.

    Originally Posted by Cole5worm View Post
    So you don't think they will let you bring matches... i have lighters.. should i take them out? there in my checked luggage... dang it it is already back!
    Any one a little nervous to be getting married? )
    Lighters should be fine.. in "checked luggage" just not matches. Double check with your airline, though.
    Nicole, I can honestly say the only emotion I hae experienced lately is STRESS over this wedding! LOL!!! But I bet your bottom dollar the day of I am going to be both nervous and stressed. I really don't like to be the center of attention. It makes me feel weird so I'm going to be having panic at tacks while everyone watches me coming down the aisle. HAHA.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cole5worm View Post
    also.. have any or you ladies called the airline about carrying on your dress.. i need to do this and just not sure which number to call..
    Hola July brides!

    I have not done this yet... I need to. I am so going to dread lugging that big ass dress around with all my stuff! I so wish I could take it PLUS a little carry-one with me but I doubt they'll let me. Has anyone called? I also ordered these personalized matchbooks but I don't think I'll be able to bring. sad.gif Darn.

    Well ladies, Jorge and I FINALLY got him a new ring! LOL. Sunday. The last one was engraved and very detailed and this one is a plain white gold band with a trim around it. HE BETTER NOT LOSE IT. I will keeel him this time around! It's at the store being sized.

    My bachelorette party and bridal shower weret his weekend but I left the camera at my parents so I'll post pics when I get it back. They were both sooo fun :)

    Nine more days til I leave, holy heck! I just need to finish printing out placecards and still need to burn a CD of music for in between the band sets.

    That underwater camera sounds cool! I got a disposable one once when I was snorkeling in the Caribbean and the pics came out amazing. So I can only imagine a pro camera will be phenomenol.

    How long will you guys be at your resorts/hotels before you marry? We go down on Thurs and get married Saturday.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dez921714 View Post
    Since we were talking about not being able to take matches I have a question for any recent brides....

    Did you take matches with you? Did you check the bag? Did you have any problems?

    I am so glad you guys brought up the matches. I leave in 9 days and had personalized matches printed and planned on taking them with me. But now I probably wont... did anyone take them down with no problems? I think I may just mail them...

    Also, I know I'm in the minority here, but I am not doing OOT bags. We are giving out 4 favors at the wedding instead. I just think everyone won't use everything in the OOT bags. That is just me, though.
  8. Jenny,


    I am so sorry to hear you are going through this. It is a very uncomfortable situation to be in. I've been through something similar as well before. It's not fun at all.

    I say she is just jealous. She wants to make you look like the bad guy because she wants to BE you.

    Don't let her have the upper hand and don't feed into her b.s./pettiness. Just smile and do your job and ignore her if you cannot stand her (my approach). Like the saying goes, If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. It's better to avoid conflict altogether.

    Sounds like the wicked witch won't be there much longer anyway. Amen to that!

  9. Thanks for the lovely comments, ladies! I can't wait til this weekend for the final fitting so I can post those pics for you all! :)


    Originally Posted by Abbie View Post
    erica, it all looks great :) so excited for us jkuly girls! we'll have LOTS of pics and reviews after we're all done! yay!
    I know!!! :) There are going to be SO many July reviews! :)


    Originally Posted by stefnicole View Post
    Everything looks great! When I first saw your FI's picture, I thought he needed to flip his collar up like Miami Vice.
    LOL. He does kind of resemble Miami Vice with the white suit, yeah? :)


    Originally Posted by mmontgo View Post
    I love your drss it's beautiful....who is the designerhuh.gif
    It's from a Maggie Sottero Limited Collection.
  10. I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough time with this MOH.

    I can understand both sides... maybe she cannot afford to invite more people but on the flip, you invited her parents to yours...


    With one of my bfs, I just wrote her name "and family" on the invitation. Her parents are not coming but I just wanted to extend it.


    How does your mother feel about it? Is she crushed? sad.gif

  11. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the lovely comments, everyone!!!


    The looove my shoes but haven't broken them in yet... something I need to do STAT because those stilettos look dangerous! HAHA But pretty!

    Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
    if you want to add something small you could add makeup bags and just fill them with travel size toiletries. You could get the stuff pretty cheap at target.
    Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
    I agree that if you wanted to add something a make up bag with some mini toiletries would be great.

    Wow- you are getting close too! 60 guests- that's a fabulous turn out.

    Thanks for this advice ladies... def something I'll look into!


    Originally Posted by beachbride08 View Post
    Everything looks great! That is funny that you've had 7 last-minute guests.
    People always surprise me! LOL I'm just amazed anyone is coming at all!


    Originally Posted by redheaney View Post
    cmmdee - everything looks wonderful! Yikes! It's just around the corner!
    I KNOW! And everytime someone says that or I think it, I want to pee or shout from excitement! LOL


    Originally Posted by CATHERINE&RANDY View Post
    You did a great job. Love the FI pics!!! Men there so funny sometimes. The gift bags were nice. Where did you find the team bride shirt?
    Carly, if it were up to him, he'd be naked all day long! LOL.


    Hooray, I'm getting so excited! I'll post dress pics next week after my final fitting and from my bachelorette partya nd bridal shower (both this weekend).


    It's crazy... after 1.5 year of planning, this day is only fifteen days away now! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

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