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Everything posted by CancunBride07

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv That is very similar! I love it too. I am thinking about buying one of my BM dresses in a champagne color to wear at one of our AHR's. LOL, I don't blame you! Great dress! I was already trying to find an excuse to also buy the Bari Jay one (it come's in more colors!!) The one you picked out has a much sexier neckline, HOT!
  2. LOL, Thanks for a lot of laughs and reassurance that my FI isn't the only one that farts a lot or is a nerd!! Mine is a Finance Manager at a car dealership, growing up his Dad owned a dealership, and to this day he run's one. Seth just bought me a new car for my birthday/wedding present, so it definitely has perks!! But lots of hours, and sometimes-crazy clients!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv This is what my BM's will be wearing, but in Coral. Dress Style 249 Great choice! Great dress to have, I bet your Bm's appreciate that That is actually very similair to the dress I am wearing for our huge Texas party/reception. But in a color called "Strawberry" that actually looks coral to me
  4. Courtney, those were incredible!! I'm feeling embarrassed, I haven't even picked out invites yet (I already sent out my STD). Again, KUDOS!
  5. Here is what my MOH is wearing-Here is my BM dresses- and they are all wearing sashes in the light Honeydew color. I also bought sashes in both the light and dark green to go around the BM's bouquets. And this is my Flower Girl outfit - with a dark green sash! In person all of these greens actually match, LOL.
  6. 1) October 21st 2007 2) As of booking right now (I paid less by booking in Feb.) <<Price with Hotel is $1038.74 per person.>> And that is for 4 days 3 nights and it was only like $100 more or something for 6 days!! not sure why?? I have been going through a TA.
  7. I am also a Dreams Cancun Bride! October 21st! You are going to be so thrilled that you found this place so soon!! I can't tell you how much it's already helped me!! Everyone here is happy to help! Good luck!!
  8. I agree with Sarah, I have a steamer and I use amonia...I bought the steamer from my jeweler and hardly ever use it. Amonia is completely safe for a diamond (sometimes not for softer stones). And using the amonia is so easy!! I hardly ever want to hassle with my steamer!!! I like saving the time and money
  9. Okay, I have LOVED looking at everyone's GEORGEOUS rings! I have not seen a bad one yet!! It was just like ring shopping! My Fiance and I just went to the jeweler to have our bands made , so I posted what mine is going to look like. I had no say in my ring, he went and designed it all by himself! He couldn't have done a better job! I can't wait to see my band with it!! when we get them I will post his also
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by MorganShae Welcome back Katherine... from one Dallas girl to another p.s. your website is really cute! Thank you! Enjoying this HEAT?!! ugh!! I hate it! That is why I picked October!!
  11. Well, I have to work the rest of the day (won't be home until after 10pm ) so I have printed out some post with some great info! Plan on catching up on my lunch break. No computer at work So I wont be on again until tomorrow, but just wait until my day off!! I won't be leaving this computer chair but for bathroom breaks!! I haven't put it in my sig yet but we have a wedding website also: katherineandseth.com Okay, off to work!!
  12. Hello Everyone!! I am only partly new to this forum. My other account was canceled due to in-activity, I am not able to be on here as much as I would like! But hopefully with my wedding only four months away I will get more time to read over some threads and have time to post also! My Name is Katherine Wedding Date: 10/21/2007 Location: Dreams Cancun And as I've started to lurk I notice that there are LOTS of Dreams Cancun brides, which is so exciting! I have lots of reading to do!! http://
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