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Posts posted by amym567

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by carly View Post
    Perhaps brining home a treat tonight will help him see thaty ou realized after he fact that it was a kind of scary joke.
    Good suggestion~ I'm going to dinner with my grandma, but sent him a text telling him i feel terrible and will he forgive me if I bring home Famous Dave ribs for him (his favorite!). He never texts, so don't think I'll get a response, but i want 2:10 to get here quickly so I can call him when my kids are gone!!!

  2. So my DH is HUGE on April Fools' Day (or should I say him and all his friends). Don't know of anything going on this year (hopefully they are all growing up!). ANYWAY, I thought it would be funny to have my co-worker call him and tell him I was headed to the hospital to have the baby (10 weeks early!)!!!!! Well Derek (my co-worker) said he sounded so flustered & hurried to get off the phone (he was probably wanting to call his mom who is a nurse, or run to tell my dad & bro- because he works with them). So I call him and finally get through, say "April Fool's" and HE HUNG UP ON ME!!!!!! Then I tried to call him back and his phone must be off! I'm a teacher, so I can't call now that lunch is over, but I feel TERRIBLE!!! He must've been so scared! I did send him a text and apologize and told him that I'd make it up to him later (thanks to the other thread about the texting!). Just had to share~ I feel so bad!!!



  3. Just got back from Kohl's! Bought some maternity clothes, clothes for my cousin's new baby, and of course an outfit for mine wink.gif! Also got the cutest Mr. & Mrs. frame! Regular $40 for $19.99!! In addition to the sale, I also had my 15% off pick-a-day coupon!




    P.S. DH's suit was a Chaps one from Kohl's, and all the guys in our wedding party wore the suit pants and white shirts from there!

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starchild View Post
    Okay I'm too far out of the loop, I don't even know who Steve is.

    BUT, I just set the dvr timer to record Days so I'll be able to chat about this soon!
    Steve is Patch. Know now?

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starchild View Post
    What?! Hope has been kidnapped again? I really have to start watching again.
    She was just kidnapped a day or so ago, because Steve's psycho ex (who also was responsible for the damage to the plane that went down a few weeks ago) thinks Hope is Kayla! Of course I'm sure Hope is not setting her straight since Kayla is pg, so Hope is protecting Kayla. Don't think this is going to be a long kidnapping~ because Ava (the psycho) is wanting to get Steve over there to "choose" between them!

  6. Does anyone else think Ana Dimera is the absolute WORST actress everhuh.gif? She is what the typical non-soap-watcher would think all soap actors/actresses are like!


    And what about Steve's psycho ex kidnapping Hopehuh.gif



  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Christine View Post
    We will add your name, wedding date, location to the posting, but you just have to write an entry. The ones girls have already written (mostly last summer's brides) have ranged from really emotional and heartfelt to simple advice entries. Its really about you and what you would want to share with other brides.
    So does this mean us old married women can add ourshuh.gif (I mean those of us already married who used a starfishhuh.gif)
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
    Dear fi,
    I don't know if you noticed or not but I'm barely home because i'm always WORKING. I work 75 hrs a week and I don't have time to clean the house. No, I didn't empty the dishwasher after I ran it at 10pm sunday night and i didn't have time to empty after working 15 hr days all week. Why don't you try getting off your ass after your 4 hr to 8 hr day you could take the 10 minutes that it takes to empty the dishwasher. Oh and do you think you could throw a load of towels in the washer for yourself. There's about 4 different petsmarts in a ten mile radius from our house, if the dogs ran out of food why don't you try going to one and picking up some dog food. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that one out.

    I don't have time to do all the things I usually do until after tax season. I need you to pick up the slack and help out around here. I know your used to not doing anything but give me a break here.


    Amen Sister! It's taken awhile, but my DH is starting to do the dishes, and take care of some of the other things I usually do. I'm working on getting him to use the washer-since my belly's making it harder to bend down that low (we have a stackable!). Try to get him trained now, before you could someday be pregnant!
  9. Shelley~

    I've been there on cruise stops twice (I loved my first cruise so much, I went on the same exact one the next time!). Anyway, yes, the beaches are beautiful. I can't comment too much on the rest of it, because both times we got off the ship, got on a bus, and went directly to the beach. The pix of the water look like a swimming pool! Are you thinking of getting married there? Have you seen pix of resorts there?


  10. I was on it for about 15 years. Stopped it in August, and read that the reason some doctors recommend waiting about 3 months to TTC, is so they can better predict a due date- no medical reasons. So, went off after my AHR in August, and conceived in September. No side effects that I noticed going off of it.


    It seems like it's a myth that if you've been on it for a long time, it takes longer to conceive. It's in and out of your body, so once you quit, it's gone. Obviously we know that some people have a hard time conceiving, so if they were on the Pill, people tend to think that's why they can't. (For example, my aunt, who is a nurse (nothing ob/gyn related), said she was surprised I conceived so quickly after being on the pill so long. Maybe that's how it used to be years ago, but with the differences in the Pill today, that doesn't seem to be the case.)


    Good luck!


  11. Just got home from Kohl's where I shopped in both the maternity department and the non-maternity department! Love those styles that allow me to buy "regular" clothes right now!!!





    BTW- Ann, you are so good with those belly pix! I think I've taken like 2! Need to start taking them weekly now that I'm really showing!

  12. Crystal~

    I LOVED reading your review of "our" place! Wasn't Omar the best!!!huh.gif!!! We loved him! In fact, my MIL suggested that as a name for our baby (she was joking!). We had a bus take us to the resort (we actually had to stop somewhere for more Coronas, because we had a BIG group of a lot of drinkers on that bus!). What kind of room did you have? We had a suite with a sitting area, so felt like we had plenty of space. I definitely needed all of that room for all of the stuff I had. You know I want to see your pix! Please e-mail me the info at: [email protected].



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