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Posts posted by amym567

  1. I'm off of work because my feet/ankles/calves are SO swollen! I don't have high blood pressure or protein in my urine, so they aren't concerned about pre-eclampsia. You would not belive how HUGE my legs are! Yesterday I went to school because my students, then the teachers had 2 more showers for me (already have about 70 thank-you's to write from friends and family showers- now have about 70 more!), and I walked my students down the stairs out to the bus and SO know why I'm not there! I've been off since last Monday, and just need to keep my feet up.


    At my U/S 2 weeks ago (when I was 33 weeks), he measured at 5 lb. 15 oz.! I have an U/S every week now because of my gestational diabetes (which is not bad at all), but they'll check his size again next week. Hopefully that first measurement was off! I'm afraid because DH was 10 1/2 lbs., and the diabetes could make him bigger.


    Glad to hear everyone's updates!


  2. If anyone else decides they'd like to host a show, I sell LS. MY BM's necklaces and earrings were LS, and they looked great with their dresses! It's so easy to have a catalog show, and you earn so much free jewelry!


    Of course, if you're just looking to purchase something, help Dawn earn some extra jewelry and get it through her party! Good luck with your party, Dawn!



  3. I was up going to the bathroom for about the 5th time around the time it hit, but I didn't feel it. Maybe that's what woke me up that time, and not the baby pushing on my bladder!! I didn't know about it until I turned the TV on. Some of the kids in my class said they felt it.


  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Christine View Post
    I passed the praxis my first time, so maybe I am a good test taker, perhaps I should consider the national boards.
    Actually, the tests were much better than the portfolio entries to me. There are many questions that you have to answer, but so many within one "paper" (or entry) SOUND THE SAME!!!! It's very frustrating to figure out exactly what they're looking for! Also, there are maximum page amounts for each section within the entry, but I'm having a hard time reaching those! I write very much "to-the-point", and feel like I covered everything they're asking, but then wonder what I'm leaving out if the page length is a little shorter. Like I said earlier, you get no feedbach (except a score and you can see the corresponding rubric), but it's still hard to determine where you went wrong (if that makes any sense!). As teachers, you tend to approach things with the idea of "when I accomplish so and so". With NB, it's "if I accomplish". Hard to change your thinking!

    I so want to concentrate on all things baby right now, that this is just not a priority!!!! Oh well, it has to be mailed by tomorrow (midnight), so however it's done, that's the best I can do now!

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 View Post
    I didn't go through it myself, but I did read and re-read each paper about 15 times! LOL I also volunteer at her school, so I knew each of the students she was talking about.

    It's so hard because the questions are so vague and a lot of times you feel like you say the same thing over again! Also their guidelines are so strict! Measuring each page for the correct margin with a ruler, all of the paperwork! I guess it is better than going for the extra Masters classes though!
    I have 2 Masters- and they were SO much easier than this! It's just hard not knowing exactly how to answer the questions! And you are so right, I feel like I've said the same thing a MILLION times!

    Uh-oh DH just walked in and "caught" me here~ I SO need to be typing, not playing!!! I'm just not in the mood to do it!!!!!!!! sad.gif At least I was reading a thread about NB!

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CourtneyV View Post
    I LOVE the colors in the nursery, it's beautiful!! Did you decorate yourself??

    And wow, it really filled up after the shower!! What'd ya get??
    Thanks Courtney! Yes, we did it ourselves~ of course it's not done because we need some things on the wall, and have to get the valance hung.

    We got so much stuff at the shower today! Tons of clothes, some of the big things (or things we won't use right away) are in boxes in the garage such as stroller/car seat system, bouncer, potty chair, bath system, Galloping fun jumperoo thing (Kev picked that out!). We also got a lot of toys, my aunt gave us a TON of bath stuff (lotion, shampoo, wash, etc.), and some gift cards.

  7. I'm going to attempt to post some pix, if I can remember how to!


    ETA: Sorry they're SO big! Don't know why that happened!


    First, here's my bump on Easter:

    http://Click the image to open in full size.


    Here's my niece with my bump:

    http://Click the image to open in full size.


    Here's the nursery:

    http://Click the image to open in full size.

    http://Click the image to open in full size.

    http://Click the image to open in full size.


    And here's the nursery today after my family shower!

    http://Click the image to open in full size.


    Austin Michael is due to arrive on June 6, but could be early because of my Gestational Diabetes. Everything has been great in the pregnancy up until a few weeks ago when my feet and ankles started swelling TERRIBLY!!!! I won't be surprised if the doc tells me no more work soon. The only thing I can put on my feet is Crocs- so it was funny when the baby received a pair today!!!


    It's been so fun seeing everyone else's bumps and stuff!



    P.S. The thing that sux the most right now is that I can't wear my wedding rings!! sad.gif

  8. I'm going to attempt to post some pix, if I can remember how to!


    First, here's my bump on Easter:

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Here's my niece with my bump:

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Here's the nursery:

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.


    And here's the nursery today after my family shower!

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Austin Michael is due to arrive on June 6, but could be early because of my Gestational Diabetes. Everything has been great in the pregnancy up until a few weeks ago when my feet and ankles started swelling TERRIBLY!!!! I won't be surprised if the doc tells me no more work soon. The only thing I can put on my feet is Crocs- so it was funny when the baby received a pair today!!!


    It's been so fun seeing everyone else's bumps and stuff!


  9. This is different from the CSET and the praxis. It consists of 4 "portfolio" entries (which are papers anywhere from about 12-20 pages and 2 video tapes of lessons) and 6 half-hour computerized tests. If you achieve it, you are nationally certified and it's good for 10 years.


    JamaicaBride~ Did you go through it twice yourself too- or talking about your bf's experience?


    In the state of IL, once you certify you get a $3000 check once a year every July. The state paid for a lot of it the first year, and this year paid for one re-take ($350). My generous mother paid for the other 2 ($700). If I did a good job on 2, I should be fine. My mom said she'd paid for them, so when I found out the state would cover 1, I decided to do 3. You need to score a 275, and I got a 239. But, like I said, I have had WAY too much going on- getting ready for the baby, dealing with Gestational Diabetes, swelling ankles, etc. I also planned for the last weeks of school, in case I can't make it the whole time.


    It really sucks though, because you get NO feedback! I've been looking at my entries from last year, and I think they sound pretty darn good! So it's very frustrating not knowing exactly what they want, and what I did wrong!



  10. Just wondering if there was anyone else out there pursuing National Board Certificationhuh.gif? I'm re-doing 3 entries, and it needs to be in the mail by Tuesday. Needless to say, I've had WAY too many things going on to make this the priority it should've been. I'll be up VERY late tonight, took tomorrow off because of 2 dr. appt's (the diabetic educator and my normal appt.), so I'll be working around the appt's. At this point, I just HOPE to complete it!



  11. Thanks for all of the words of wisdom and support. I go to the diabetic educator tomorrow, so I'll find out what kind of diet I'm supposed to be on. DH was surprised that it took so long (a week) to get me an appointment if it's a pretty important thing. I've been trying to eat better~ so we'll see if I've been choosing the right foods or not!



  12. Everything is all good now, and I didn't even end up getting the ribs! He went to his parents', mostly to talk to his mom (who is a nurse) about my gestational diabetes, but ended up eating there. My glider for the nursery came in today, and he put it together and put it in there before I got home! That was a nice surprise!



  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AnnR View Post
    I think (not 100% sure) that with GD they have you try to control it via diet and exercise first, before trying to put you on insulin or other meds. Hopefully yours can be controlled that way first. Since I just have a normal diet, I can't help too much there - but I can answer general diabetic questions. I do know that you need to watch your carbs, since that's what impacts your blood sugars. But some might tell you that you can't have sweets or something, and that isn't the case for me. A carb is a carb is a carb for me, whether it's from pasta, bread, an apple, or a Snickers bar ... I just take the appropriate amount of insulin and go about my snack! But that may not be the case for you.
    Yes, they'll put me on a diet/exercise program and I'll be testing my blood 4 times a day. I know a lot about Type 1, because my boyfriend in high school had it. I keep thinking about TOTALLY giving up sweets, and remembering how he would eat sweets, but just adjust insulin- that probably won't be the case for me!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by xJuicyJx View Post
    My SIL had it when she was pregnant with her first child. She basically had to watch what she ate. After my nephew was born, it went away. It didn't come back after her second baby either.
    That's good to hear! I read that you have a 2 in 3 chance of getting it with the next child.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
    Did you already do all the testing Amy or do you still need to do the over night test? Or maybe I'm making stuff up and talking about the wrong disease!
    Yes, I had the 3 hour-fast-overnight test since I failed the 1 hour test.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by angitalia23 View Post
    Your make up gift sounds very nice & yummy....He wont be mad by the time he gets home...he's probably thinking of a good joke to get you back (maybe thats it, pertending to be mad)
    You are so right! He was pretending! Actually, he can't be mad at me after the news I just got~ see my post on "Gestational Diabetes". sad.gif

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