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Posts posted by MelissaH

  1. ....but right now I feel like I need to whine.


    I caught what I thought was a cold just after our wedding (say about March 29th...) well I think it's actually a sinus infection now...the left side of my face is puffy and sore and my eyes hurt and my teeth hurt and my brain hurts and my nose hurts and I want to cry but I can't because I'm afraid crying will hurt too.


    I'm done now.


    Please continue on with your day.

  2. Check with your airline first to make sure they have a spot...and then double check again when you check in for your flight....and then triple check when you get to your gate LOL


    On the way down we had no trouble getting my dress on the plane - they had a little cabinet and everything to put it in. Coming home they made us put it in an overhead compartment and watch people pile their bags on top of it.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jilly76 View Post
    we went to a wedding where if you wanted the couple to kiss, you had to sing a song with the word love in it, it was pretty hilarious, people were getting really into it, it was also a large wedding, I don't know how well it would work with a small one.
    We did that at one of my uncle's weddings...a big group of us got up and sang wild thing...it was so hilarious, I thought I would pee my pants before we were done singing

    We had the glass clinking...thank goodness there was only one table who was really doing it because they were starting to drive us crazy.
  4. I love the idea of a green orchid in your hair, but I think I would go with something smaller - I think something as big as the one in that pic would overpower your pretty face!


    How much difference is there in the two shades of green? Sometimes if one thing is far enough away from the other most people don't even notice the difference in colour..

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