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Planning my destination wedding and the troubles that come with it

Entries in this blog

Found My Dream Dress!

So, it has been a while since I've made a post! I've been busy with work and school. I feel like I have no free time, which is making wedding planning difficult!! BUT, back in December I found my dream dress and ordered that thing faster than you can even imagine! It was my Christmas present to myself! Here is the deal, I had been searching months for hours a day and my fiancé was really starting to get annoyed. It was so bad that he 'banned' me from searching for wedding dresses for a month! O



Planning A Wedding And The Holidays

Hello again!   So as we are getting closer to the Holiday season, I've had a lot of family start asking what we want for Christmas. Overall, there is absolutely nothing that we need, but our families do not take 'nothing' as an answer! Is anyone else's family like this?!   I am hoping I can get some ideas from you all! I would really like to tell them to save their money and that all we want is for them to attend our wedding in Jamaica in 2016! However, $2000 isn't nearly close to what they



Back To Trying To Find A Dress

So, I got my dress in the mail yesterday that I was so excited about….   The fuchsia from the bottom of the dress bled on to the crochet top during shipping or while sitting at the warehouse. Even if it wasn't ruined I'm not sure that I would've liked it 100% anyway. It has the open back and the pop of color that I want on my dress, but it just isn't IT. Im going to contact the company to see if I can return it even though there were 'no returns' on the dress since the top is ruined and I won



My First Post: Planning, Family Troubles And Our Dream Wedding

Hello everyone!   Since this is my first post I will give some background about us. We got engaged in April this year while on vacation celebrating our 7 year anniversary! Yayy! We are both recent graduates, so we're broke, but we Love to travel! We decided that a destination wedding was perfect for us because it allowed us to share something we love to do (travel) with our immediate family and our extended family is huge and would be very costly if we had a traditional wedding. So, we decided



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