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Posts posted by DANIELLE03

  1. Thats awesome ladies! congrats! im 4 lbs away from my goal for my friends wedding which is 160 Im 5"6-5'7" ish. And then for my wedding I would like to be 150 or less (preferably 140) lol But I dont know if Ill see that number as I think i would look aneroxic. But time will tell! so right now im 14 lbs away from MY wedding goal for January! WHICH is dooable. Right now im focusing on toning, and gaining muscle mass so the weightloss part is a bit slower, but i did lose a lb this week! yay


    I work alot at both jobs, so after next week I am no longer picking up hospital shifts, so that from August on I can focus on my workouts ( doing more cardio) I should easily be able to lose the last 10 lbs before my wedding, and the 4 lbs before my friends wedding August 24!



  2. Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


    Is there a realtive going that is closer with one over the other?? Could sit them with them....

    There isnt many options. The only family that is going from my side is my Mom my dad, my aunt and uncle on my dads side.. and my brother. So ill have to sit my dad and his gf with my aunt and uncle. And then put my mom and brother with someone. The rest of the ppl coming are friends and my FI family lol .


    blah. Damn seperations lol

  3. That is so exciting. It will come fast! Mine is in January and once sept comes it will be so crazy!!! Sept -Our wedding social October- hopefully have everything orderd and arrived November- Bachlorette party December- xmas Jan- leave! summer has gone by so fast, and I want Jan to come even faster, but at the same time I am wanting it to slow down because before I know it it will be over !!! :(

  4. Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


    It should usually read both parents but my father passed away and his father is a useless drunk.....so we only listed our mothers. I haven't decided if I want to reword that page or not

    Your invites are gorgeous! love it!  I totally forgot to post ours. We have two different ones. The fun ones we sent out to everyone and then the few formal ones we are sending to realtives in Jamaica.


    My deliemma with my parents now are dad bringing his friend/girlfriend. Mom has no significant other, My parents are seperated, but have never got divorced. And my issue is where do I sit them.  I was going to put them all together, but thats not happening. lol Can never win :(

  5. Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


    I did a rough search on the paper etc and I would be saving $100....I think that's worth my time LOL

    OH DEFINATELY! and its fun!! ok well the first few are fun. then you are like why did I do this again.


    IM cutting costs everywehre. Im doing my own centerpieces bringing my own chair ties and table runners. candles.. etc. They are already killing me with their extra charges, they arent getting more thatswck.gif

  6. Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


    Ladies.....need some imput....Do you think it is cheaper to DIY invites or just pay someone to make them??? The ones I really fell in love with is a passport invite that is $5.10 per passport with a min of 30 required to purchase and only sold in sets of 10. BUT the shipping is $34.63....so the total for 30 would be $187.63. The other ones that I liked are boarding pass ones that are $5.50 a piece and $10 for shipping....which would come to $175. I just feel like this is a lot of money for 30 invites and that I can either see what staples or kinko's would charge and than see if I printed them myself....only problem with me doing it is having to get the stuff to cut them. But what if I printed them and brought them somewhere to be cut?! Trying to save as much as possible :(



    I did my own invites. We got 100 free invite cards from our TA, I might have a pic somewhere and then we just added a insert into it that we made our selves :) We have to send out a few "formal" invites to Realtives in Jamaica, so I went and got those invite kits that are at michaels and it was 90% off ! so I got it for 4$ and we just have to put our little spiel on there and send it!


    I bet you can do the passport invites realitively cheap on your own(if you have the time) and either try cutting em your self with a razor or a crafting knife or take them. I bet it will still be cheaper!

  7. Originally Posted by Icis View Post



    Out of curiosity, are you sending things via mail to the resort? Are you allowed to do that? Cuz I'm concerned that I can fit all my things in our luggage and was considering mailing it over, but I'm not sure about timing.

    Im not sending them to the resort, but to realitives in Jamaica, My FI parents are originally from Jamaica, so they have lots of family still there, and some will be coming to the wedding. So ILl be sending them stuff in the mail to bring with them to the resort (if it comes down to me needing to bring anything extra)

  8. Originally Posted by Mrs Smith 2 Be View Post


    Wow!! Where did you order the flowers from?  I wanted to do my own real touch bouquets but my FI is all about just letting the resort handle those details.  I wanted to bring our own decor & he would rather just pay them & not have to bring anything extra. 

    I got them off aliexpress. They dont have a lot of different realtouch flowers, but for my BM I wanted something simple. So the calla Lillies work perfect. Im going to get my bridal boquet and grooms boutineer or whatever its called ill get at the resort and possibly the flowers for our parents.(which I may add is turning into a debacle because my parents are seperated and my dad is bringing his gf and now all hell is breaking loose)


    For decore, Im ordering it all offline, and ill be bringing it with me, Or ill be shipping it to some of my FI relatives in Jamaica. Small things like the chair ties and the tulle I think i might put in my dress bag lol and then the other decor ill put in my suitcase or carry on. I have to dbl check that I get a carry on. The company we went with is kinda dumb with their baggage alotment(which was a issue with my FI parents) so I may have to send things to Jamaica prior. Or ask to stick things in ppls bags lol

  9. WOW! so sorry that happened to you.


    I have a aunt like that. (shes not invited to the wedding nor do I talk to her) Me and her had a falling out a few years ago( i never really liked her then either, but I was raised to respect my elders until she pulled the BS she did, and from that day on no respect is shown to her from me)


    ANYWAYS, ppl like that dont deserve to share in your special day, If she was invited to your legal ceremony and she didnt come, thats her own damn fault. Just because someone is "family" doesnt mean they are entitled to treat/speak to someon the way your aunt treated you, and thats the same motto I go for my bitch of aunt.  some ppl are just not nice ppl at all :(


    You are going to have a beautiful wedding with the ppl that want to spend it with you.


    Put your miserable aunt out of your mind and enjoy the next few weeks before your wedding.


    All the best!

  10. Originally Posted by Jessica Correa View Post



    I emailed Keisha again and she told me that it would be 10.50 per person not the 11.55 that I been hearing from some people.

    She also told me that it was over 40 people that you pay for the private reception not 60 like other people had been saying.

    I am having a symbolic wedding and she told me that the minister fees and what not would be $340 not $550 like others had been saying....


    I have been so confused with all the prices because everyone gets a different story!

    Go with what Keisha is telling you, and make sure you keep the info. So when you are the resort you have what she wquoated you. I have heard that ppl say the price changes once they are there. If you have the emails and print them out, you can dispute it.


    also I have heard ppl neogitated different or lower prices. I tink im giong to wait until im actually there, as i have had issues with the resort already so Im just going to deal with them in person. Im getting Married in January, so Ill keep all my papers and ill pass on all the info I get :)

  11. on a non related weight note. I ordered my Bridesmaids boquets! :) They are Real touch Calla LIllies in white. and for 4 boquets of 9 flowers each. 37bucks! AND free shipping! Cant beat that!


    I wanted something simple for my bridesmaids and the resort was going to charge more then that for ONE boquet for my bridesmaids! so I get 4 of them and Ill have extra flowers that I can use for the groomsmen!


    Once they arrive I will post pictures so you guys can see. :)


    I also ordered my corset that Im going to wear under my corset dress.. Double corset cant hurt right? lol Im using it more for my bridesmaid dress in august for my friends wedding But im gonna try it with my dress too :)


    EEEEK getting excited for all the stuff I get to start ordering soon! (center pieces table runners, chair ties etc) lol

  12. Originally Posted by Mrs Smith 2 Be View Post



    I'm in the same spot. I've only lost a few lbs according to the scale but everything fits better and it's noticeable!

    I guess in the end thats what matters right?. Long as it fits good and looks good. No one is gonna know our weight under the dress anyways. Its just a mental thing for us females that society screams at us! -shakes head- lol

  13. Originally Posted by lorcas View Post



    Let's just say I am having trouble getting out of my chair at work to grab coffee.. LOL! I am SO sore! But it's worth it

    Hate that feeling yet love it all at the same time! lol I gotta kick my ass a little more tonight :)


    Since I started my program Ive only lost about 2-3 lbs.. but lost inches and noticeable changes in my stomach area and arms are more defined :)

  14. how was bootcamp? Well i didnt pick any shifts at the hospital this week. So i have no excuses. I Got my workouts in this weekend :) and now I have that lovely TOM so my weight is a little up today.But i was fine all weekend. Go figure. Not gonna stress because I know what I put in my body so I should be ok :) This week I think im going to add a little extra cardio. Hope you all are having a good week so far.

  15. Originally Posted by lorcas View Post


    Have any of you heard of Shaun T's new workout program? It's called T 25...it's pretty much Insanity except condensed into 25 minutes. That's it! 25 minutes!! Haha, I am excited to try it because I never finished Insanity's second month because the workouts were like and hour and half or longer...who has time for that?! I always just went back to the first month since they are shorter. lol

    IM going to have to look into this! MY biggest issue right now is TIME! i have little time to spend 60 mins on cardio. 25-30 mins is good! then I can still get my weights in! Between working 2 jobs, baseball ,soccer, cleaning. Social Planning, wedding planning. I dont have time for long cardio sessions lol



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