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Posts posted by DANIELLE03

  1. Well its monday! and its my starting date.. UGH LOL


    These are my starting stats


    Height 5'6'' or 5'7''

    Weight- 163-165 ( my last officialy weight watches weigh in last week was 163 So i generally go like that since my weight flucutautes so much during the week and Mondays arent my typical cweigh ins)


    Waist- 29.5 inches

    Belly button 32.5 inches

    R Thigh 23.5 inches

    Left thigh 23.5 inches

    R arm 12.5 inches

    Left arm 12 inches

    I forgot my hips but the last time I did my hips they were 38 inches


    My plan is. get home from work, change, do my workout :) Get it over and done with, then eat supper  which will be chicken stirfy :) I have to eat perfect this week because this weekend is my Bachlorette party in Minneapolis which means Cheesecake factory and famous daves and alcohol. I have to be very careful!!!!!


    Have a great week everyone

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by csho View Post

    Yeah I meant to take them when I started but haven't yet. So I think I am going to take them this weekend... I also think I will do one in workout clothes and in a bathing suit! Ohh I am excited to see the results... I just went to the grocery store and bought a bunch of green veggies to make a green smoothie tomorrow morning! yuM!

    I hear a lot of ppl make those green smoothies.. I usually take frozen strawberries half a scoop of whey protein and some skim milk mixed with water for a smoothie in the morning.. thats generally my breakfast lol im excited too! operation beach body! lol

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by krisdaversa View Post


    Love the idea of the budoir book, that has been something I have been playing around with in my head and I think I am going to do it. My FI is also into cars but corvettes we/he just bought one so I will have to get him something on the lines of  that

    I mean i personally dont like to see myself in the items that you wear in these budoir books. lol but he likes my body so I guess to him its a good thing hahaa But I def need to get a tan before I do this. lol A tan always makes you feel more confident lol  Spray tan for the win :)  See we are so easy to buy for. Diamonds ALWAYS work :P jk

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by csho View Post

    Alright these are a little late, but here are my week 1 measurements:


    Oct 27, 13


    Chest: 38

    Waist: 30.5

    Arm: 13.25

    Thigh: 27.15


    I have been working out this week, but haven't eaten the best so I am a little afraid for my measurements this weekend... BUT I went to Victoria Secret and found a bikini top I want... I am unsure if I should buy it now a size smaller then I currently need and use it as my motivation or if I should just remind myself I want it and then at the end of this program go and buy it in the size that fits at the end... I just hope it will still be there! But I also don't really want to buy it and I don't lose or it gets too big lol! Its so cute though!



    Those arent even bad starting stats! I am officially starting monday I made that my start date in my mind, no more double shifts for me and im dedicating the time to do it 5 days aw eek and adding some weights in!!!


    im going to Minneapolis next weekend and i am going to lookin at bathing suits in at VS.  Its really up to you, if you want it sitting in yoru closet until after the program, or if you want to buy it after you get amazing results!


    not going to lie. today is going to be a write off food wise, we have a "goodie day" at work, and me being the sleep deprived person i am from working last night, i forgot my wallet at home and have no lunch, so cookies are going to be my lunch today lol and im getting chinese food for later while i hand out candy ( fat day) hahah


    I bought a bathing suit last weekend. I like how it looks so far, despite my lack of a tan right now, but that is all about to change, got to get my tanning regimine going lol Make sure you take before and after pics (for yourself) so that you can see the difference :)  I think i am going to take one in workout clothes and then one in the bathin suit I just bought :)

  5. Just incase anyone is interested... I will be bringing down my own decor for my wedding JAN 16/2014. Im bring chair ties, tulle for the gazebo, aisle runner, orchid center pieces, material for the head table  etc)  Color theme is Turquoise blue. I realllly dont wanna bring it all back with me and if anyone is interested in buying them off me when they are there they are more then welcome to ! Just seeing if there would be any interest

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DinaQtobe View Post

    My dress was 3 sizes too big.  The seamstress worked magic on it.  If you have the right seamstress she can take it in for you and it will look fantastic!  Congratulations on the inches lost Danielle!

    Thanks!  I mean I AM happy where I am. Ppl are telling me IM too thin lol cause my collar bone STicks out. but its just my stomach area.. maybe i should focus just on crucnhes haha.. but we all know abs are made in the kitchen. I have noticed by eating "clean" that my stomach has gone down .. so it really does work lol

  7. i FINALLY came up with a good idea to get my FI. I am going to make a budoir book *( my friend is into photography and said she will take some shots for me when we go for my bachlorette party) and my FI is into formula 1 racing. So it CLICKED when he wa watching F1 this sunday twhat I would get him.   I am giong to buy him a weekend pass to F1 racing in MTL or somewhere in the states. ( i originally was going to purchase the ticket, but then decided to make him a 'coucher" so that way he can pick where he wants to sit and which one he wants to go to. )  So I will make him a legit looking ticket for it and then i am going to get him a F1 model  for his desk at work and for him to have soemthing to open when we get married. :)  I was going to get a watch, but he has so many already

  8. I ship everything to the boarder there and pick it up when i go down to the states for the weekend SAVES SOOOOOOOO MUCH yay!


    On another note. I did my dress fitting this weekend. and I cant lose any more weight or my dress is going to be too big! its already a little loose and its a corset and pulled as tight as it can go!!! So apparently my weight isnt movin on the scale but i lost some inches!!!


    so my goal right now is 3 more blbs so I get to 160 and then just to maintain and tone for the wedding. Otherwise i will not have a dress to get married in !!! :X Ill post pics later

  9. Im not going to use the shakeology, (mainy because I cant afford it right now unles I can find it online for cheap. ) But I will be using whey isolate  protein for shakes in the morning. I usually use half a scoop with a splash of skim milk and strawberries.  And I think there is a diet that goes with it, but i havent been able to find it online yet ( so if anyone has that and wants to share  :P) Otherwise I am going to just have a clean diet with one cheat meal

  10. I have Unoffocially started this week too. But i am just going to restart it NOv 4, that way I can dedicate the aloted time from that day on . I keep starting and stopping so I want something to keep me motivated and accountable to :) I was going to start NOV 1 but thats a friday and would just throw everything off so NOV 4 it is :) Look forward to seeing and sharing everyones results



  11. Hello Ladies!


    I decided to create a thread/group for those of us wanting a commitment and something to be accountable to!


    For those that are interested please read the info below:




    How this will work is: Monday is DAY 1 On Monday November 4th we will post our starting stats which can include the following:


    Weight: (optional I know some ppl dont want to post their weight, understandable)
    Waist: In inches
    Hips: In inches
    Right Thigh: In inches
    Left Thigh: In inches
    Right Arm: In inches
    Left Arm: In inches




    ^^ the above measurements are optional if you want to post them. But if we post them once a week A it will keep us motivated and accountable B we will be able to see our progress in inches and not just in the scale wise :)


    We can also post a before pic if we want Ill leave that up to you guys.


    How focus T 25 works is its mon-fri 25 mins a day of intense working out (from my research it burns about 250 calories) Friday has a double work out. Saturday is a rest day and sunday is a "stretch" day But you can use it as a rest day also. :)

    Please post below if you would like join and  REMEMBER to post your starting stats on MONDAY NOV 4/2013!

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by csho View Post

    I just finished my first week of T25 this morning! I have to say my weight hasn't budged all week, but I also wasn't watching was I was eating... my goal for next week is to make sure I eat better and continue to follow the program. I even got up at 530am this morning so I could do both workouts in a row since I know I won't be able to do one tonight! I am so proud of myself... just wish I'd seen a little movement on the scale. But I won't let that deter me since I have felt so great all week!

    Thats great! I Unoffocially started yesterday ( again) i did the cardio one. And ill do another today and over the weekend. My official start day is Nov 1, But its a thursday so May just push the actuall start date til the 4th and just do my other workouts on the first. I want to keep it mon-friday. My goal is to bang them out in the morning before work. which means a 530 start for me also. ( i am not a morning person) and then Ill do a weight set in the evening.


    as for the weight loss, i heard its more inhes you lose. so i would measure yoruself before starting the second week and then check your measurements the following week.


    my weight hasnt budged in over a yer. Been stuck at the same weight no matter what i do. so I am just going to be happy if i see some inhes dropping I want to make a t25 thread and have a offical start date and then each week we post our stats lol. If anyone is interested let me know and ill start it :)

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ironman View Post

    Well, I'll keep you all posted with the gel bust cup question if I learn anything further. We're flying to NYC next week so maybe I will ask security at the airport. But I might just try to find some foam ones so I don't have to worry at all.


    Today marks 48 days until our departure to Mexico!! And in very un-operation-wedding-dress fashion, I bought two chocolate advent calendars and today we opened the first door! I was only going to buy one calendar and start counting down 24 days in advance, but when I was in the store I decided I was too excited and switched it to a 48 day countdown!





    I love the calander idea. I am so going to do this 24 days before we leave for Ja.  :P a little chocolate doesnt hurt anyone lol

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