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Posts posted by MissBubbles205

  1. Def a steal!!  My FI just picked up 6 more in Atlanta.. YAY!!!


    Aww.. I love the teal and lime ones!! It almost made me want to change my colors.. when they checked to see if they had any more in my colors they said they had a shipment just come in for the blue ones.. Let me know if you want me to go back and pick you some up and ship them to you!.. Also, maybe you could call around to other ON's close by you to see if they have them or possibly ship some to your store?..


    Very Welcome! :o)


    Originally Posted by SunsetLove View Post

    WOOOOOOOO!!!!! Yay so happy you got some! What a steal huh?


    Your Old Navy has a better selection than mine, mine only had the pink/orange ones and the blue/pink Paris ones. I might have to go to another one and see if I like any of the other designs...the teal/lime green ones are in my wedding colors!


    Thanks for sharing your pics :o)


  2. Ahh, I see.. I will probably be the same way!  you got this girl, you can do it!! :o)   I'm gonna do up my OOT bags and be done with them so I don't get side tracked on them later on.. I even pulled out my suitcase this morning.. (Once again, 14 monthes in advance)  LOL...


    Oh I def agree!!  I would rather have too many than not enough.. I had when I find a good find and think, ahh they have plenty.. they'll have them next time I need them.. WRONG!

  3. If I was having a normal wedding... I would have never ever picked orange as my color... lol  but yes, it is sooo addicting..


    Ahh. I LOVE the pink coils!!.. Maybe I could find a smaller quantity for the girls and get the guys the orange lanyards because I know the guys would think I was crazy if I gave them something pink. 


    Thanks for finding these and sharing them with me!! :o)

  4. :o) Ahh.. Well make a list of high importance to low importance and try to knock things out that way. But I'm sure you may already be doing this and I know it's probably hard to focus.


    I'm not sure how many I will need. But since I'm jumping the gun I've decided 20 couple bags and 4 or 5 kid bags should be a good number.


    I have a cricut.. so when I find great items to vinyl, I usually tend to buy out the store in those items.. A few months ago at Christmas time I went to about 6 diff $1 tree's and bought every mixing bowl and whisk I laid eyes on..


    Originally Posted by principessa View Post

    Thank you so much, you're so sweet!  The problem is I keep focusing on a bunch of stuff all at once, rather than just knocking one or two things out at once.  You're right, I need to not stress and ENJOY.


    How many bags do you have to do?  I guess they're not used to people wanting large quantities of a variety of items hehe.



  5. I too like the brightly colored key chains!..  I wonder if I could find them in orange and pink (My guests would think I was crazy probably.. lol)But I'm wondering what my guests would like best.. wacko.gif  My FI's side of the family goes to Disney World and Universal a lot.. I went with them last year and noticed almost everyone was wearing the lanyards... Ahh.. Decisions.. Decisions...

  6. Pink Sand?... that sounds amazing!!.. I too wil have to check this out one day!!

    Originally Posted by sumrdream View Post

    Eleuthra is beautiful, I highly recommend it! The sand there is PINK and like sugar...I've never seen anything like it, the most beautiful beach I've ever seen! Go if you ever get the chance!


  7. Thanks ladies for this thread... I too am planning my DW the same as you.



    Accomodations at Atlantis, Ceremony at Cloisters and reception at Luciano's.. (anyone new reading this... :o) PM me so we can start a new thread) I find it very hard to find future brides of the Atlantis / Cloisters for 2012-2013. :o(


    I am also going to check of that wedding coordinator.. I have seen that many ladies have been happy with them.. If past brides are reading this.. Can you please share your review of these locations with me? :o)  Thanks!

  8. Oh wow.. don't stress, that's just gonna make it worse! If you need any help with researching anything let me know, I will be more than willing to help you!! 


    I bought a ton of stuff for my OOT Bags last night, (I felt like a crazy woman explaining to the lady at Dollar Tree that the items were for my OOT bags for my DW in May 2013 when she asked why the crazy assortment and quantity of items.. lol)

  9. Oh no.. That would be terrible!!.. I too see their reasoning.. I'll check with our resort and/or reception location..



    Originally Posted by TheWolferts View Post

    I wanted to do sky lanterns at our resort and we were told we could not do them because of the fire hazard they posed. A lot of the restaurants and bars have the dried grass palapas roofs, so if a lantern landed on top of the roof, *poof* the structure would basically go up in flames!


    I completely understand their reasoning, so I would check with your specific hotel on their policy.


    KalikLove:  Ugh... IKR!!!.. It's soo devestating!!! :o(  No facebook.. No Pinterest.. Thank God I have my BDW though!! :o)


    Well A private estate sounds very lovely as well!!.. I'm sure it will be amazing and you will enjoy every minute.  Aww. It sounds like a nice island.. I've never been outside of the US, so I am very excited yet nervous on what to expect when going somewhere new.. Atlantis' resort fee's I almost fell out when I saw they were 500 a night!.. but them was told they offer group rates for 1/2 the price. My TA is working on that now, so I'm hoping they do in fact give us a great deal.. Fingers and toes crossed.. hehe..


    Aww, I know, they are soo exciting, but I am worried I may go overboard. I'm never a light packer to top that off..  Comfort baskets are great idea! That way things will be there if needed rather than giving everyone their own and some not use them.


    Ahh. I want to see your pinterest pic.. I bet they look awesome!



  10. I agree..  Once everything is over with all we will have left is our photos.. so it's def something I'm willing to splurge the money on, we just didn't realize we was going to spend almost 1/2 our budget on a Ceremoy site we fell in love with.. Guess we've got a lot more savings and re-budgeting to do..  


    I guess we'll just have to decide if we want to get one in the city or take someone will us, but I know that will cost us over double since we would have to pay the 3k fee plus accomodations and travel.  but I'm sure there are other great photogs in our areas we can check on.


    Thanks for the advice!

  11. Ahhh... My FI would be sooo estatic!!.. I'll def check with the coordinator. Thank you!!   I <3 them too, they are soooo pretty. :o)


    We are staying at the Atlantis in Paradise Island, Bahamas.. I've heard nothing but how expensive the food there is.. So I def want to make sure they have plenty of snacks and water.. This way maybe they will see we were being thoughtful and not want to ring our necks for the high food prices on the resort..


    I'll have to chck out you pic when I get home tonight.. :o) My work has blocked us from getting on Pinterest. :o(


    I def want to do OOT bags for our guests.. (our wedding is 14 months away and I'm already buying the stuff for them..) I hope I don't go overboard with wanting to do decorations... I would need a lot of extra bags... lol. Luckily the ceremony site we are going with is so beautiful (Cloisters) that I think we are just going to bring raffia fans wrapped in satin ribbon and have them laying on the chairs.


    the resort your staying in.. Is it all inclusive?   And that's great that you will having a grocery store in walking distance!

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