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Posts posted by meBonidie2be

  1. Some places will allow you to stay in the tub throughout labor, then you have to get out to push. It is all about medical insurance. We don't want to have a home birth in case something happens. Better to be safe than sorry. I just think it is crazy the way that L&D is handled in the US. It is very much at the doctors discretion and schedule.


    Its kinda crazy that i still feel like a kid after moving away from my parents, graduating from college and now getting married. I feel like a natural childbirth wil be the ultimate test for me. If I can deal with all the pain and hold strong to my goals i will be so proud of myself. I just feel that once I get through it all and my baby is laying on my chest, that is when I will truly feel like a grown woman.

  2. haha. I don't know why i thought my name would show with every post.


     For me, breastfeeding is the most important thing. I am not judgemental. I do not look down on those who strictly use formula or anything, but I would be really disappointed if for some reason my body would not allow me to. My husband and I watched this documentary called pregnant in America and it really opened my eyes to a lot of things. I did not want to be induced even before I saw the show, but now i am almost afraid to be. I feel that introducing a drug like pitosin (sp?) alters your body's natural release of hormones that occur throughout L&D. Each hormone has a very specific task or function and i feel it should not be messed with by adding unnatural drugs. I am trying very hard to stay open to the possibility of any situation that may arise, but a c-section is my worst nightmare. I hope that I can stay strong enough to not have an epidural (i don't put anyone down for doing it or openly wanting it). They can have serious side effects and hinder the ability to breastfeed. I was originally looking for a place to have a waterbirth here in Pittsburgh, but it is pretty much impossible unless I want to have a home birth. Here, Most places will allow you to use a jacuzzi or birthing tub until your waterbreaks then you have to get out.


    To be continued....



    Originally Posted by AnnR View Post


    I swear I posted my pregnancy stories but I don't see them on here.  I, too, was easy to get prego (and was worried since I had been on the pill for 13+ years!).  It turns out I got prego really easy but then had complicated pregnancies.  Well, I was high risk because of my diabetes and then had my 1st baby 8 weeks early.  Then I lost 2 pregnancies (one right away and the second at about 11 weeks) and then was high risk w/my son for a zillion reasons (diabetes, age, pre-term delivery, etc.).  I can share all of the detail if anyone would find it helpful or interesting!  lol  But I now have 2 healthy kids, and we're done!  So as much as I don't want to get prego again ... I still love hearing about other women/couple going through the process.


    P.S.  Did I miss it earlier, or what is your name, meBonidie2Be?



    Feel free to share your stories!!! My name is Casey. I thought I just updated my info and added my name but apparently i am handicapped and my shit never seems to go right.


  4. lol. no, I'm not on there yet.  We have been talking names since day one, but I have decided to cool it until we know the sex. I don't want to drive myself crazy. I just don't like any boys names. We like Savana for a girl. Then Brian came up with K for the middle name. My Grandma Kay passsed away the week before we met. So i like it for that, but he likes it mostly for my maiden name Kunkel. Savana k Bonidie would most likely be our little girl. If it is a boy please help me!!! lol I don't know why I have a feeling it is a boy. I will be happy either way.


    Do you have like a best friend you can share your shower situation with. Maybe if you talk to them about it she will take the iniative to handle the "friend shower".


    Are planning on delivering at the hospital? Any expectaions?

  5. I hate to say it, but i think on any thread (pregnancy or not) ppl don't like to chime in on really personal things. Hopefully we get some more activity though.


    That is so good that you are doing well. How many weeks are you?


    Our ultrasound to find out the sex is scheduled for the 28th. I really like your idea of putting it in an envelope and having that as an awesome Christmas present. I would love to do that, but Brian is waaaayyyy to antsy for that. He is upset we have to wait 6 more days!        


    Maybe you could have a separate shower for your friends. That really stinks they can't come. I understand why though. hmmmm I have not even thought about having a shower yet. Was so busy with all the wedding stuff. I am really looking forward to going to tour L&D places. I have weird thoughts about it. I am trying to stay as open as possible but i know how I would like things to go in a perfect world. I am also really looking forward to finally have time for pregnant yoga classes. rolleyes.gif        

  6. Yeah in person, sometimes advice can just sound so preachy. Like if that person didn't say it to me  I would have no clue. One of the many joys of pregnancy...especially for us first time mums.


    Honestly, in part i feel bad sharing my story after yours. I just really hope all is going well for you. I want more details!!!!! When is your next doc apt.? Are you under any restrictions or anything? Is your pregancy considered high-risk?

  7. Carly I just read your story and I am so happy for you after all you have been through. It must be hard losing your brother. I know how I would feel. Uggghhh I don't even want to think about it. It will be great for your family to have your forthcoming child to focus on. How have you been feeling? All check-ups good? Thanks for starting this thread!!!!


    I am glad there are some "already moms" that want to tag along. I like advice. I hate advice sometimes, honestly. Yet, it is alot easier to accept on the computer rather than someone who wants to grab your arm and tell you how it will be. Ugghh, I am not really showing yet (I can tell for sure, most people can't) and I am already annoyed with how everyone wants to tell me how much my life is going to change. Oh really, I thought it would all still be the same. I would just take my baby to the bar, still go to concerts every week, go on last minute/spontaneous vacations. Right. Sorry, small rant.


    ok... about me, my husband, and our little feet


    I am 26. My husband is 39. We are due April 23rd. For both of us, this is our first child. We met November of 2010. I was managing a little cafe and he came in for lunch.When I came out of the bathroom he was the only person in the restaurant. He looked at me and his mouth literally dropped open. I instantly had butterflies in my stomach.love.gif

    I told him that our first date felt like an interview for marriage (we were both very honest and open and I think that really propelled our relationship) He asked me to move in with him very shortly after and we were pretty much inseperable. He is the most thoughtful, truly kind person i have ever met in my life. He brings out the best in me for sure. I have always wanted to be a mom. I just wanted to wait until I was really ready. Well, together we felt ready.He went with me to have my IUD removed in March, and we had our preconception apt. in April. He proposed in May for our 6 month anniversary. I brought up the topic of going back on the pill until after the wedding...I got the puppy dog eyes. I just figured hey...I'll remember more of our wedding if I am sober. We found out we were pregnant August 21st. His response was "I'm sorry". haha I am so happy everything has happened the way it has though.


    Carly, after reading your story and hearing other ladies stories..I know how blessed we are. When we started TTC I thought to myself "I have spent some much time on the pill and using dif contraceptives...What if I can't even get pregnant?"

  8. wow. finally Mrs. B.love.gif   I am finally done with wedding events!!!!!!!  relief.gif


    Congratualtions everyone : ) I love looking at all the pics. I hope there are more to be posted


    First time I have been on here in a long while. Everything went perfectly for us. Our honeymoon was my fav part. Any time I ever get stressed, I'll just put myself there mentally. We had our AHR this past sat and surprised  our 185 guests with another "legal" ceremony. I am so glad we got to do it all over again because the resort ceremony felt a bit commercialized and staged. My fav part of the do over was cutting the cake. I was slightly annoyed how the WC kept telling us exactly what to do and how to pose for pics. I was thinking "shut the f up and let us enjoy the moment!!!" But other than that..... I could not have asked for anything more.


    We have some stunning photos. Our photographers tagged us in some on FB, but I don't have any I can put on here yet.thatswck.gif

    As soon as I get them, I'll be sharing!!!


    Now it is time to focus on Baby Bonidie. My belly is growing quickly. Looking forward to clothes shopping, planning the nursery and all the other fun stuff smile02.gif

  9. Hey ladies : )  Thank you.


    I feel great. Not sick or anything at all. Maybe a little tired but ahhh I'll get over it. My Fi and I as well as 11 of friends and family members are leaving for Jamaica on Wednesday. I am sooooo excited! The pre-travel doc apt. went really well. We heard the heart beat loud and clear <3 The doc gave me a copy of all my records in case I should need them (let's hope not). Better safe than sorry.


    I just had my final fitting and brought my dresses home. Looooooove them. I can't wait to be walking down the aisle toward my future husband. He is going to be a great father.


    Well gotta get back to packing.....but i cant wait to come back and baby talk.




  10. I know this is too late for most of you, but space saver have saved my packing life. I got two of the sweater bags from wal-mart, vacuumed the air out and it made such a difference in my suitcase. I have to carry my freeze-dried rose petals down in a box that takes up alot of space. It won't matter if I can't vacuum the air out for the way home because I won't have the box of petals. 

  11. Its a little different for me because we only have six bags to give out. I feel they should be given at the destination though. Its such a nice little, hopefully unexpected, gift for your guests upon arrival. I packed everything in its own suitcase for my dad to take down with him. He is going a day earlier and offered to help me out. Because you have the towels and stuff maybe you could pack those in a duffle bag that is easily collapsible. That way you don't have a bunch of extra suitcases once you hand everything out.  Best of luck to you!!!

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