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Everything posted by YWS2012

  1. OMG !!! THIS IS GREAT How did you do this ..I have been waiting for some special email offer.. nothing When I received my orders from them with the free thing you can get it only for one thing at a time... please advise on how to get free stuff O great one
  2. Thanks Coco and as I'm reading your responds, the FI is behind saying " See I told you it is just like Chima's" LOL So he is having me email IIiana tonight to have her set our reservation... He is so funny... Thanks again
  3. OMG !!!!!! WOW!!!!!!! Everything is AWESOME !!!! you are doing a fantastic job, you are way ahead in your planning. I can't wait to see what is next!!! Oh and your bouquet well worth the wait, I have seen a few other but yours by far was the most beautiful an romantic looking. Congrats & Best wishes
  4. Well Ladies I'm moving right along with my diy projects Special shout to all the Brides on this website who a have shared all their wonderful ideas!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have completed my cards for the room key-holders no pictures just the template I have also completed my welcome letter This a booklet with helpful Spanish words & phase, the Spanish phase are very funny plus a few games that's if for now..oh no .My pre-travel letter we made this into a game for our guest..My FI thought it would be funny to make reference to someone no one will know.. in the letter and see you notice it first.. so now that it.. keycard holder[1].ppt Welcome to Cancun Mexico letter.doc Puzzles and Games.ppt MexicoPre-weddingbrochure[1][1].doc
  5. Hi Ladies Hope everyone is well .. We haven't pick a location yet for our welcome yet, trying to decide on a restaurant that will accommodate everyone as far as food variety.. I 'm thinking international my FI wants Brazilian..so we need to get that check off the list soon.
  6. Pucca The dress is gorgeous!!!!! 3 cheers for your great find to fit your budget.!!!!!! I'm plan to do the same thing so that my FI will be surprised
  7. YAY!!!!! So glad everything worked out for the both of you and you still get the wedding you want!!!!! 23 project in 4 months... I'm sure you can make it happen... Good Luck were here if you need us Can't wait
  8. YAY!!!!! I sooooo happy for you...your mom will understand . I can see you wearing this hairstyle and so rockin it on your big day !!!!
  9. Welcome Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's crazy about the girl at your job , people don't realize crime dosen't pay LIL!!! aleast it's off your hands now and you can get back to the important stuff LOL!!! Your Boarding Passes look great,like the return ticket for the rsvp..Good Job
  10. WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes you have been very busy Phewww! Congrats on the new job & going back to school.. It still seem like you do have alot of thing covered already. You have your dress...check you have your photographer ..check you have your make up person..check The other things will fall into place don't worry As for the passports you definitely need a lot of patience, i tried my hand at it a few time, it was to much for me I just couldn't get the right look I want it..so i got the made by Sarah S. Some of the Brides on here make it look so easy they are very talented. Congrats & Happy Planning
  11. REMEMBER IT IS YOUR DAY!!!!! So what ever make you HAPPY is what counts.... your look beautiful in this dress.
  12. Thanks Coco... I did go to our favorite store( Micheal's ) to get a hole punch..PHEWWWW!!!!! alot better then trying to cut them out with scissors LOL.. Thanks again
  13. These are so cute and creative.. I never thought of doing door hangers for us ...GREAT IDEA .. question how did you cut the hole out in the middle ???????? I have been trying and it is driving me crazy
  14. You are so crazy LOL!!!!! HAPPY FRIDAY !!! No we won't incur extra fees this way cause this stuff is all paper and fits neatly in our luggage...Oh my financial/logical other side was like what is the purpose... and then I had to shut her down for while ... but this is...no more changes or adding anything once I finish my program & menus I done hehehe !!
  15. Coco yes I still using the beach bags, but were giving them out at home during the Meet & Greet..I still want them to have something once they arrived.. My Fi said I'm going over board...LOL I just want our guest to feel special and know we are glad to have them with us. you don't it to much
  16. HI ndvidul, Welcome back Sorry to hear that you had to make some change for your big day ... Just remember when life hands you lemons, you make lemon cake...lol not crazy about lemonade. I'm sure things will work out for the best for you & Fi So get your diy lab coat on and start experimenting ..were are here for you, were a like a family until next time Happy planning
  17. Hi Fellow MP Brides, I have been busy in the diy laboratory ..LOL..I have finally completed some project and would like to share First we have my tears of joy packets that I made from a template the Wonderful Coco share with us...Thanks Coco!!!!! also in the pic are small blue organza bag (I purchased from a fellow MP Bride, Coco) filled starfish & seashells Next we have welcome bags with welcome kits ,, the Gold is for the Bridal party & the Chocolate is for our guest Next we have some of the thing that will be inside of the kits ..the door hanger I'm going to take to staples and have them printed on glossy white paper . 1.door hanger 2. map of the resort 3. postcard to let our guest know how glad we are to have them with us 4. A thanks you magnet not show will be so games & puzzles So now that I have these few things almost completed ..on to the next project ..Wedding program & menus Until next time Happy planning
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