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Everything posted by deesanders33

  1. We just recieved our Confirmation!! We are getting married August 11, 2012 at 5pm! I am planning with Teresa also.. SO EXCITING!!
  2. Hi I was originally getting married at NOW but too many things were going wrong. I am turning in my deposit so I can get married next August 11, 2012! I am so excited and debating on what kind of package I should do?? I love the Chill Out Chic package but instead of brown table clothes I like the Aqua since it goes with my colors.. does anyone know if they will let me switch that out for no fee?
  3. We are going to go with Paradisus Punta Cana. I look into Majestic also but they only had 1pm available for the wedding. Well it's not really the lack of responses, I have been noticing that they just don't really care if you book with them or not. I also asked about vendor fees and they are so much more then any other resort I have asked which is crazy! The 100 deposit is fully refundable for me because I am so far out. I think it depends on how close your wedding is. No I haven't sent my save the dates out yet or even printed them thank goodness.. if I did I wouldn't be changing though. Good luck ladies
  4. As of today I am not a NOW bride anymore. I am the one that said Clairbel is on sick leave but she should of been back two weeks ago. Just too many bad things that people are saying for me. I wish all of you ladies the best of luck on everything.
  5. Just recieved this information from Christina, Regarding about bringing an outside Dj is good to know that you must pay 350 fee for the use of electricity for 3 hours, no sound system provided. Sound system is another 350 dollars for 3 hours. The Dj we use for weddings doesn’t work for the hotel. He charges US750 for 3 hours and the each hour is 350 dollars.
  6. Do you get your deposit back if you decide not to use them?? Where else are you thinking?
  7. I am wondering the same thing. I went to a Bridal show this weekend and I am wanting to pick our wedding ceremony location, wedding reception location, flowers, etc. I emailed asking for a pic booklet, does anyone have any of that information. I am sure we have talked about it before but I guess I forgot. I sent them an email asking so we will see what I get back.
  8. Amy, destination weddings can get up there in price if you are picky and want certain things a certain way. I still think it is cheaper then what it cost to get married in the states though. Kat, Thanks for the links.. I am def going to read them!
  9. Katusha... I am debating that now. I really love the ungraded chairs but I think that prices is sooo ridiculious! I am trying to decide what package I want because if I go with an outside DJ and Photographer I might see about doing la carte. I don't know yet JB, thanks for sharing all of the info! Question: I am finishing up my save the date boarding passes and trying to figure out what all to include on the Accomodations one, any reccomendations?? I put on there not to forget their passports and all of the TA information, but I don't know what else to include, please help
  10. Congrats and Happy Planning Alissa!! As you flip back through the pages like JB said you will find different pics that people have posted!
  11. Thanks JB for sharing those. Did yall decide to use the resort photographer or are you going to hire someone from the outside?? What about the DJ?? I am still trying to decide that but I think we are leaning more towards hiring both from the outside.
  12. I have been doing that as well but then I saw one interesting one that said that no matter how many drinks you have you can't get a buzz?? Has anyone else heard that??
  13. Hey ladies I finally got the time confirmation from one of the new WC's for the NOW. She apologized for taking so long and said Claribel is out of the office for Medical Rest and will be back on Monday. Also here is the DJ info they sent me: Eventos FJ, and his name is Darlin Jimenez, email address is [email protected], facebook:Djkalabria, Youtube: godonyta I hope that info is helpful. I am trying to find him online but I can't seem to find much info or reviews Katusha - I hope that doesn't affect us either, we have already all second guessed them once and then we got threw that and now all of this again... man!
  14. Now Larimar Wedding Dates Jamie ~ October 29, 2011 MoniWoni ~ November 12, 2011 Katusha ~ November 18, 2011 Sarah ~ February 17, 2012 Vav ~ February 20, 2012 TJ ~ February 29,2012 JB ~ April 14, 2012 Acutie~April 17, 2012 Amy ~ April 20, 2012 Dee ~ August 11, 2012 Welcome Amy, you have been added to the list Congrats and Happy Planning
  15. Vav no you don't have to use him, I think you just have to pay a vendor fee which if it's the same as the other resorts it's $75 or something close to that. TJ when is your wedding again?? Your sis profile looks awesome
  16. Thanks Moniwoni. I can't seem to find the earrings on her website. Congrats on booking your photographer! Did anyone ever find out who the resort photographer is or the resort DJ?? I emailed Claribel 2 days ago so lets see if I can get a response from her.
  17. Thanks vav I just sent Claribel an email so we will see if she responds. Thanks again! Congrats and welcome to TJ!! Happy planning Moni where did you find that jewelry, it is sooo cute!! I love it!
  18. Vav, I already got my confirmation letter but they didn't put a time on my confirmation so I have been emailing them so I can get my time set and they aren't responding to me! I am starting to get VERY frustrated with them! What is Claribel's email address???
  19. Wow Sarah that would be awesome, so I am def keeping my finger crossed!! JB - I totally agree with you that is why I am trying to wait on them to email me back. I never heard back about confirming my wedding time and I emailed them again to see if I can get a response and I also asked who the DJ was AGAIN!! How much is the vendor fee for bringing a photographer, man I didn't even think about that!!! CRAP! BTW I am jealous about all these neat finds your sis is doing!! Love the bracelets! Vav we are doing 4 different colors. The main two colors are brown and tiffany blue with pink and orange accents at the resception.
  20. JB congrats on the dress.. it looks Beautiful!!! I can't wait to find my dress As for the DJ, some of our friends just got married in Mexico and used DJ Mannia and they were raving about him and how awesome he was. I think my FI and I are really considering booking him. We also did our engagement shoot last weekend and we had such an amazing time. We can't wait to see our pics, but we have to wait 2 weeks.. blah!!! We are also considering on down grading our package and paying for our photographer to be out there with us because we love how artsy he is! As for shipping items I don't know how it is in the dominician but my friends sister shipped stuff to mexico and it didn't even make it out of customs until the day of the wedding and she was sooo nervous that she wasn't going to end up with the items.
  21. JB glad your FMIL is home and safe now! VAV congrats on sending in your info, it was def nice when I did that!! Now you just have to wait for the response.
  22. YAY!! So excited JoanneIreland I just sent you a PM! I did forget to tell you my location though, it's Houston
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