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Everything posted by dimplesandsuga

  1. Really now?! Ana gave me a different quote and advised me to pick the comp package and just add on as the cost would be the same. I despise the side story game...*hmmmmmm* in my marge simpson voice
  2. Hi Ladies Not sure if anyone is interested but thought I'd pass this along. I'm going to put wildflower seedlings in my OOT bags as a take away favor...its GREEN and inexpensive so what the hay lol http://www.botanicalpaperworks.com/catalog/wedding-collection/plantable-seed-wedding-favors/display,product/133/plantable-shell-pastel-favor The whole thing is green..place the envelope under soil and water...walk away and let them grow.
  3. Well there stuff is overcharged as it is! Its included but watch the price come down about $500 when you start dropping off "included" items. The cake vendor said they usually charge the $50 fee but that's about it....if they are dropping off a cake and securing it, it needs no equiptment. So they can be guest as far as they are concerned....how do they not know your not related and your aunt who makes cakes is bringing her cake? HAHAHAHA!!!! She said this to me!
  4. Ok ladies I've received an email from the pyro tech folks. They sent me a preliminary wedding PDF and I'll send it to everyone that has emailed me or that I have emailed. The manager and the lady I was talking to stated that they are going to the resort this week to meet with them to discuss a few things regarding their agreement as a vendor. That said, she said she will email me once they get the final ok and we can discuss a package of sorts. This is getting exciting!
  5. OK! FIREWORKS! I'm still working with the vendor to get the bridal package underway. She stated that she has to get the official a-ok from the resort to be an approved vendor and its different because of the equipment, however, they have had them there before so she doesn't think it'll be a problem. After she gets that, she'll work with me on a "bridal package" and then present it to her supervisor. So what sort of items would you guys like to see...IF you went this route? Do you just want the little fountains around the dance floor? or the fountains out of the centerpieces, or *boom/pow* display? lol. This is FUN! I do some of this for a living so I'm having a ball!!! Sorry if i was brash in my response Chula201, she got a little thrown with what seems like a run around of 2 people trying to do the same thing and didn't know what was happening.
  6. Hey! I also found a cake vendor, this is what she stated in the email. I've seen some nice cakes at DRC, and some horror stories so here is another option if anyone is interested. I'm trying to cut corners as much as possible Hola Courtney, Receive our warm congratulation on your up coming wedding. We have made cakes for Dreams Riviera Cancun Hotel, don´t worry about it. I need to have as much information as possible in order to calculate how labor/design work intensive will the cake be and quote you with the final price but our prices range between $ 5 and $9 usd per person (+ delivery fee ). Do you have any idea about the cake´s design?.... Dolcet is a company created for the pleasure of making desserts. We create experiences by making personalized and unique cakes that reflect preferences, dreams, emotions which perpetuate the moment forever. Sweet Regards, Zaida Marcos www.dolcetcakes.com
  7. OH NO! Why did you do that?! Ok, I had been in contact with them already and was working to get exactly the same thing. They are working on a package granted enough interest is presented. The cheapest package they offer is $225 and is a combo of added items that last roughly 1-2 minutes. If you're looking for a longer show, then it will add up quite a bit. Also, they have centerpieces that are spectacular that are $85 a piece. As soon as I get the exacts from her, AFTER she gets the approval as a vendor from DRC, I was going to post that info as I stated before. I'm sorry if this wasn't conveyed clearly before. The package that I'm working with her on at the moment is roughly $600 and last 1-2 minutes as a "finishing act" to the wedding. Not like a 4th of july show lol
  8. Hi Ladies If you would like the PDF for the fireworks, and have not recieved an email from me as of yet, please email me, I didn't expect so many to be interested but this is AWESOME! I didn't overlook you on purpose, its just hard to keep everything organized on here. [email protected] Thank you!
  9. Hey everyone! Ok, so regarding the fireworks. I've contacted te vendor and they are in the process of contacting DRC to be added to the vendor list and find out the requirements for the resort, but the lady said it should be fine because there is nothing around the resort that would hinder a nice show. I've also asked that, if enough of us inquire, can she create a bridal package, something nice, beautiful and AFFORDABLE! No one wants to pay a ton of $$$ for 3 minutes of boom. So I'm waiting for a response and I'll let you all know what she says.
  10. This sounds great! Much cheaper than the other guy DRC recommends. However, has the resort approved him and are they going to let the outside vendor fee fly by?
  11. Hi Ladies I was reading an article and it said.....basically, we are a dying breed....MARRIED/ENGAGE WOMEN IN AMERICA!!! CHEERS TO YOU, YOU LUCKY BEAUTIFUL GODDESS YOU, FOR FINDING SOMEONE TO SPEND YOUR LIFE WITH!!! LOL That said....I came across this link http://cancunweddingvendors.com/ Hope someone finds something useful on there, if so, please share. If enough of us bug a vendor, or promise them business, they may give us a good rate!
  12. See!!! That's why I was looking for some other form of entertainment to close the night out with. I think if enough of us contact these folks, they can put together a DRC brides package that is affordable and beautiful. I emailed you the attachment. I'm thinking of having a small firework show at the very end and the DJ can announce that we are done and leaving to begin our honeymoon lol But by that time, we'll will be running off to the suite while they are all looking up lol
  13. OMG!!! Thank you!!! My wedding is also on North Beach and they want my reception to be on the beach although I'm trying to get it somewhere else, BUT I'm losing that battle.
  14. Hi Ladies I was looking for other entertainment alternatives for my wedding there and managed to get in contact with a pyrotechnic person. They gave me some really great quotes for a REAL firework display. If you are interested, I can email you the pdf that was sent to me. Does anything have anything else besides cigar rollers and fire dancers. My hubby to be likes both, but I'm more keen on the fire dancers as I want him to quit smoking as it is, but I'll let the cigar smoking go for this night only unless I can find something else.
  15. OMG!!! I may smack the security guy if they do that to my sand after my wedding!!!! lol Thank you for the hint!!!! Elmers Glue....whodathunkit!?
  16. Question Ladies Regarding the sand ceremony...does the sand travel well AFTER the ceremony? I don't want the design to get all messed up so what do you recommend and how do the containers keep the sand from mixing up if at all?
  17. Hi Corio! I'm May 12, 2012, you'll be there when we are! We're leaving the Thursday after your wedding.
  18. Ok Ladies! Spoke to Ana and just got a quote on the following...... Dj $300usd+11%taxes per hour Fire Dancers $800usd+11%taxes Cigar Roller $380usd+11%taxes per hour it includes 20 cigars I know, with exception of the DJ, that I've seen cheaper prices....what have you all seen?
  19. Yea, I don't want to do a TTD, I love the way it looks, but I just don't think I want to take my dress off once I put it on. I can't wait to wear it! lol
  20. I have to agree with Lindsey, our weddings are about the same time, I just sent off my STD and I'm sending out my invitation to only those attending the wedding and late January. This was to give folks a timeline to pay for their trip, plus my invitations cost a tad bit more than I'd like to spend but this is my splurge bit. So I'm limiting who gets them....if your coming, you get a formal invite. If not, watch the slideshow online
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